Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?

Why not? COVID-19 is a common cold; a common cold we (the human race) were already immune to at large. My wife works from home. However, she must go in to the office two days each week now. While she is required to wear a mask upon entering the building and on her journey through it up to her floor, once inside her office she is free not to wear a face covering. She has been going in one day per week since March. Twenty plus people work there with her. Tell me, fool, where is your plague? Apologies, I realize the content of this post is too reasonable for your delicate sensory perception.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?

Why not? COVID-19 is a common cold; a common cold we (the human race) were already immune to at large. My wife works from home. However, she must go in to the office two days each week now. While she is required to wear a mask upon entering the building and on her journey through it up to her floor, once inside her office she is free not to wear a face covering. She has been going in one day per week since March. Twenty plus people work there with her. Tell me, fool, where is your plague? Apologies, I realize the content of this post is too reasonable for your delicate sensory perception.
What would be interesting is to get the real results of this virus to individuals. The real specific breakdown on who exactly it affects for what reasons. Reasons that are kept low.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Of course not. We have sent people home sick, that did not want to go, but we could not afford to have them on the line. My boss would never have done that. We are both retired now.
Health Care workers go to work every day and are exposed to every infectious disease imaginable, including C-19. We take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. Should we refuse to go to work?
I'd figure I had already contracted it, before the boss found out he had it. So, no , it wouldn't bother me.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Yes, i am a healthy male, without any preexisting conditions. Only the lazy Progs who smoke or vape need to worry about the Kung Flu...
You may be healthy physically but dumb as a rock.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?

Stupid thread. Most of your target responders on this forum don't work.
Most Trump supporters would not go to work if anyone at their office had active COVID.
Most Trump supporters would not go to work with COVID if they were the boss.
Only the biggest dumb shits will back him on this.
Health Care workers go to work every day and are exposed to every infectious disease imaginable, including C-19. We take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. Should we refuse to go to work?
God Bless the front line workers during COVID including health workers and the many others.
If you do not have to work from the office why don't you work remotely?
Will you wear the same protection that health care workers?
Other world leaders who came down with COVID isolated. Boris Johnson went to one of his houses until he was over it.
As long as the boss stays a far ways away I might. Good bosses always take their employees safety into consideration. Every last expense is taken to ensure it.

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