Would this be Racist? "If you don't love your country, become an expatriate."


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Leaving the country or someone telling someone "love it or leave it" has nothing to do with skin color or Racism and does not designate where to go. As many people of all colors have done, you can be an expatriate in any country you want, because of the freedoms you enjoy as an American.
Definition of EXPATRIATE
Leaving the country or someone telling someone "love it or leave it" has nothing to do with skin color or Racism and does not designate where to go. As many people of all colors have done, you can be an expatriate in any country you want, because of the freedoms you enjoy as an American.
Definition of EXPATRIATE

It does when the only people Trump urges to leave the country are black and brown women

He didn’t tell Pelosi to go back where she came from

He basically said.....Go back to your shithole country
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Leaving the country or someone telling someone "love it or leave it" has nothing to do with skin color or Racism and does not designate where to go. As many people of all colors have done, you can be an expatriate in any country you want, because of the freedoms you enjoy as an American.
Definition of EXPATRIATE

It does when the only people Trump urges to leave the country are black and brown women

He didn’t tell Pelosi to go back where she came from

He basically said.....Go back to your shithole country
President Trump didnt name anyone of the Congressbitches, yet they jumped right into the shoes. We know the "odd" squad doesnt like the US, which is why they want to inundate this country with diseased hordes of criminals from 3rd world countries. Why do you hate this country so much?
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?
Leaving the country or someone telling someone "love it or leave it" has nothing to do with skin color or Racism and does not designate where to go. As many people of all colors have done, you can be an expatriate in any country you want, because of the freedoms you enjoy as an American.
Definition of EXPATRIATE

President Trump's tweets were not, in my opinion, intended to cause anyone to actually consider leaving America for the source nation of their bloodlines. Rather, his tweets were a clear challenge issued to those four female politicians to answer for or explain to the American People their extensive, public anti-American rhetoric. Instead of offering a logical explanation, those four Democrat politicians attempted to rebuke and counterattack our President and ultimately "win" this social media war of theirs, by attempting to convince American Voters he is a racist, and thus as a racist cannot be taken seriously and should not be allowed to continue his occupation of the Oval Office. What POTUS did in essence is demonstrate once and for all the sole means of debate the radical leftwing of the Democratic Party has at it's disposal to criticize him: call him a racist. President Trump set an ingenious trap for these four young postmodernists and they stepped right into, in lockstep and grinning like the idiots they are all the while. Of course there's nothing racist about his tweets. He was expressing an opinion while baiting his political opposition into providing him with political currency toward getting himself re-elected. Genius. Yet another consequence of his twitter "assault"? He removed a great deal of potency from the 'racist!' accusation prevalent in the national prevailing social media winds of the day in demonstrating it has very, very little meaning whatsoever.
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Questioning someone's birthplace is not Racist. Calling African countries shitholes is accurate, also not Racist. I'm not familiar with the execution order of 14 year old blacks.
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?
Of course not
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Questioning someone's birthplace is not Racist. Calling African countries shitholes is accurate, also not Racist. I'm not familiar with the execution order of 14 year old blacks.
Trump took out full page newspaper ads advocating that the 14-15 year old black boys accused of the Central Park Jogger rape be executed

They were found later to be completely innocent
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.
Trump has a pattern of racist statements and racist acts
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Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens
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The absence of any clear and firm definitions of what marks a person as not loving his/her country or being an American or un-American renders this all meaningless.This "challenge" unfortunately comes with tons of political baggage such that it could be racist depending on the context in which it is used.

Personally, it seems to be used by people who are being criticized for something or who are trying to defend something they like or approve of, without actually having to have an intelligent discussion.
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Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?

Welfare mothers are condemned by Republicans

Getting an abortion to keep your family size to a number you can support is personal responsibility
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Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?

If you are placing blame....you are creating victims. You are saying that women and children are being victimized by the irresponsibility of men. According to the right children in single family homes are VICTIMS of dead beat dads. In fact, you blaming LIBERALISM is saying that "these people" are VICTIMS of liberal ideology and policy. Can you see the irony?

Lets be honest here. The right does not have a problem with a "victim mentality".....otherwise they would not be arguing that people are suffering from liberalism....or living as slaves on the "liberal plantation". The real problem the right has is the calling out of the victimization born from white racism.
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?

Welfare mothers are condemned by Republicans

Getting an abortion to keep your family size to a number you can support is personal responsibility

While I get that you are trolling, I wonder still how many vulnerable individuals out there, young women in particular, might read your words as serious belief and take them as some small personal justification toward aborting their unborn child or afterward, justifying the act. Personal responsibility is doing whatever the hell you have to do, both the mother and the father, to provide for children on the way and those already born. That is the primordial nature of the human race; the same human nature your ideology preaches to be nothing more than a social construct.
Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?

If you are placing blame....you are creating victims. You are saying that women and children are being victimized by the irresponsibility of men. According to the right children in single family homes are VICTIMS of dead beat dads. In fact, you blaming LIBERALISM is saying that "these people" are VICTIMS of liberal ideology and policy. Can you see the irony?

Lets be honest here. The right does not have a problem with a "victim mentality".....otherwise they would not be arguing that people are suffering from liberalism....or living as slaves on the "liberal plantation". The real problem the right has is the calling out of the victimization born from white racism.

No. I am blaming the men who abandon their pregnant women and recently become mothers. You have missed my point entirely. The American Right is not celebrating or venerating or calling for victimhood. We are condemning lack of personal responsibility, both of the mother to be who would abort her child and the father to be who lacks enough of the same to provide for his family. What you postmodernist fools fail to grasp is the ancient concept of the individual personality. You want to collectivize all peoples of similar racial traits, religions, cultures, sex as being groups of clones who all behave identically or are part of the same hive mind, all the while pretending to care for those same groups by labelling them victims and nailing yourselves to moral crosses, self-flagellating your bleeding hearts for their victimhood plights, when in reality the only value those "victim" groups hold for you is a source of ideological and political currency.

If racism exists at all in this nation-- in Western Civilization, it festers only within the minds of the radical leftists who think minority groups asked them to fight for their rights, when not a single one ever did. You're projecting your own shortcomings onto faceless groups of specific peoples you've taken it upon yourselves to label as groups of victims unable to fight for themselves, which you have never given them a chance to do. Problem is, there aren't any mass groups of victims, only countless individuals who might look the same but are possessed entirely of their own personalities, until you radical leftists convince them they're better off as disenfranchised groups of weaklings. Pathetic. Shame on you.
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

Hmm . . . let us consider your insinuation for a moment: that receiving an insult is worse than murdering your unborn child. Famous! Perhaps the scrutiny should shift to fathers who either abandon their pregnant women or refuse to work to provide for them or end up incarcerated and essentially abandoning their families. Lack of personal responsibility is the reason for the season, but the Democrats prefer everyone identify as a victim and they can't have victims taking responsibility for their own lives, now can they?

If you are placing blame....you are creating victims. You are saying that women and children are being victimized by the irresponsibility of men. According to the right children in single family homes are VICTIMS of dead beat dads. In fact, you blaming LIBERALISM is saying that "these people" are VICTIMS of liberal ideology and policy. Can you see the irony?

Lets be honest here. The right does not have a problem with a "victim mentality".....otherwise they would not be arguing that people are suffering from liberalism....or living as slaves on the "liberal plantation". The real problem the right has is the calling out of the victimization born from white racism.

No. I am blaming the men who abandon their pregnant women and recently become mothers. You have missed my point entirely. The American Right is not celebrating or venerating or calling for victimhood. We are condemning lack of personal responsibility, both of the mother to be who would abort her child and the father to be who lacks enough of the same to provide for his family. What you postmodernist fools fail to grasp is the ancient concept of the individual personality. You want to collectivize all peoples of similar racial traits, religions, cultures, sex as being groups of clones who all behave identically or are part of the same hive mind, all the while pretending to care for those same groups by labelling them victims and nailing yourselves to moral crosses, self-flagellating your bleeding hearts for their victimhood plights, when in reality the only value those "victim" groups hold for you is a source of ideological and political currency.

If racism exists at all in this nation-- in Western Civilization, it festers only within the minds of the radical leftists who think minority groups asked them to fight for their rights, when not a single one ever did. You're projecting your own shortcomings onto faceless groups of specific peoples you've taken it upon yourselves to label as groups of victims unable to fight for themselves, which you have never given them a chance to do. Problem is, there aren't any mass groups of victims, only countless individuals who might look the same but are possessed entirely of their own personalities, until you radical leftists convince them they're better off as disenfranchised groups of weaklings. Pathetic. Shame on you.

How is collecting people into races different from collecting people into political ideology as it relates to "individual personality"? Sounds like you are guilty of doing the same thing....but only in the realm of politics.....but its the same thing.

Does irresponsibility create VICTIMS....is all I am asking? If no one is harmed by irresponsibility....ergo...no victims....then what is your complaint about irresponsibility? If personal irresponsibility creates victims.....then the right is making people out to be "victims". How is that different from the left blaming peoples conditions on things?
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Taken by itself, a call to leave the country to brown and black people may not be racist

But in conjunction with Trump calling for the execution of 14 year old blacks, claiming Obama was born in Kenya, calling African countries shithole nations.....it creates a racist trail of public statements

How many times are we expected to give Trump the benefit if the doubt?
Is it racist that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than any other? Why do you support the party that hates black babies?

Excellent point, however, you'll get no logical explanation from the Democrats here on this matter because logically responding to such a truth would cause them to expose the illogic or fantasy of their entire ideology. Of course abortion is the legalized mass murder of children . . . a genocide forty-six years running. Of course genocide is wrong. Democrats know this, however, we must remember that postmodernism, the engine driving the modern Democratic Party, is an ideology of justification for evil deeds; deeds which all men and women kind of want to do but normally never would because our laws, culture and civilizational values prohibit or shun doing them, and thinking about evil and doing it used to be two very different acts. Postmodernism offers people the ability to participate in whatever human evil or perversion without fear of reprisal, because postmodernism is married to moral relativism which redefines right and wrong on the fly, for anyone in fear of being told what they're doing is wrong. Postmodernism offers the thrill of sin without punishment and that is all the justification millions of Americans need to do acts of anti-human evil such as murder their own unborn children.

Do you know what Republicans call black women who do not get abortions?

Welfare Queens

More democrat lies.

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