Would She Feel Better If It Had Been 5 WHITE Guys?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'I hate it was 5 black men that did this.'

How about, 'I wish this had never happened at all' or 'I wish my son was still alive'?

Not to worry, they are arguing that the police department is racist, even though it was black on black.
'I hate it was 5 black men that did this.'

How about, 'I wish this had never happened at all' or 'I wish my son was still alive'?

Show me the quote where she claimed the Memphis police department is racist?
If it were 5 black men should would have been overjoyed because then she could go on racist tyraids for years about it, gotten a lot of extra attention and her settlement would have doubled or tripled.

But in the end it's a bunch of blacks hurting other blacks so who really cares?
What a quandary for the left, police bad but five black police officers killed a black man

Must... try.... to... work... racism... into... this

Good luck!
I just saw this headline too. I think she is disappointed that her son was tragically treated by members of her own ethnicity? I can understand that. I don't think she wishes it were white cops.
I just saw this headline too. I think she is disappointed that her son was tragically treated by members of her own ethnicity? I can understand that. I don't think she wishes it were white cops.
She doesn't -- the folks who claim that are the only ones who wishes they were white...

That way they don't have to pretend that this is a case of police brutality and tragic....

What they naturally want to do is celebrate and twist themselves into pretzel shapes to defend it....harder to do when the cops are black....
The next time your child is brutally murdered we shall quote you in your misery of loss.
Cop out.
It was a racist remark. It shows her unfiltered mindset.
And that mindset is white people are the bad guys, and she doesn't like that they were black.
The fact it was 5 black officers upsets her way of thinking, and she is grappling with the reality that it isn't a race thing as she wanted it to be.
Cop out.
It was a racist remark. It shows her unfiltered mindset.
And that mindset is white people are the bad guys, and she doesn't like that they were black.
The fact it was 5 black officers upsets her way of thinking, and she is grappling with the reality that it isn't a race thing as she wanted it to be.
It very well could be a racial thing. Who's doing dam near all of the violence in Memphis? Black guys. Who gives these cops are hard time, being disrespectful, not obeying the law, making life hard for these cops, black guys.
It very well could be a racial thing. Who's doing dam near all of the violence in Memphis? Black guys. Who gives these cops are hard time, being disrespectful, not obeying the law, making life hard for these cops, black guys.
That is reality not racism.
Anything real, an opinion based on reality is never racist.
Racism is an opinion based on nothing but dislike for a race - just because.
Show me the quote where she claimed the Memphis police department is racist?
That has nothing to do with my comment.

I just find it odd that the mother of a slain young man would care more if the killers were one color more than another.

I would be pissed that ANYONE killed my boy.

I would be coming after the police just as hard if the ones who killed my boy were white, black, brown, yellow, or red.

I see this, in part, as a complete lack of respect for human life, as well.

These guys were bad cops, not bad white cops or bad black cops. They arre bad cops in the worst sense of the word.

Written on the side of the squad cars in my town are the words 'To Protect And To Serve' - these guys forgot that.

If cops are so undermanned, work overtime, deal with thugs and scum a lot, maybe they are getting burnt out, desensitized, short-tempered. Maybe instead of less cops we need more, to rotate in and out, not on the job all the time, overworked.

Maybe you have some on patrol, others going through some refresher training, 'desensitizing' down time, counseling, get rid of the anger / tension, make sure their heads are on straight. Rotating could help prevent burnout and possibly some of this violence.

At the same time we have to get rid of this George Soros DA catch and release violent criminals bullshit.
That has nothing to do with my comment.

I just find it odd that the mother of a slain young man would care more if the killers were one color more than another.

I would be pissed that ANYONE killed my boy.

I would be coming after the police just as hard if the ones who killed my boy were white, black, brown, yellow, or red.

I see this, in part, as a complete lack of respect for human life, as well.

These guys were bad cops, not bad white cops or bad black cops. They arre bad cops in the worst sense of the word.

Written on the side of the squad cars in my town are the words 'To Protect And To Serve' - these guys forgot that.

If cops are so undermanned, work overtime, deal with thugs and scum a lot, maybe they are getting burnt out, desensitized, short-tempered. Maybe instead of less cops we need more, to rotate in and out, not on the job all the time, overworked.

Maybe you have some on patrol, others going through some refresher training, 'desensitizing' down time, counseling, get rid of the anger / tension, make sure their heads are on straight. Rotating could help prevent burnout and possibly some of this violence.

At the same time we have to get rid of this George Soros DA catch and release violent criminals bullshit.
Did any of you dick suckers factor in how "slammed" or "overworked" police are when you were demanding that the cop (BLACK guy) who killed Ashli Babbitt be arrested, tried for treason, executed, and all of the other bullshit you moronic right-wingers said about it??

When this (MUSLIM) cop killed the woman in Minnesota -- were you concern trolling over how overworked police are? Or were you claiming he did it because he is black and/or muslim and then going on to opine about how we shouldn't allow muslims on the police force...

I swear you morons are pathetic...every accusation is a confession....
Did any of you dick suckers factor in how "slammed" or "overworked" police are when you were demanding that the cop (BLACK guy) who killed Ashli Babbitt be arrested, tried for treason, executed, and all of the other bullshit you moronic right-wingers said about it??

When this (MUSLIM) cop killed the woman in Minnesota -- were you concern trolling over how overworked police are? Or were you claiming he did it because he is black and/or muslim and then going on to opine about how we shouldn't allow muslims on the police force...
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I swear you morons are pathetic...every accusation is a confession....

This is how we all know you don't give a shit about police killing unarmed people. You cheered when it happened in Washington, DC. You LOVE it.
Did any of you dick suckers factor in how "slammed" or "overworked" police are when you were demanding that the cop (BLACK guy) who killed Ashli Babbitt be arrested, tried for treason, executed, and all of the other bullshit you moronic right-wingers said about it??

Calm down, Poindexter.

1. This aspect had / has nothing to do with my point about the mother's comments.

2. YES. As a matter of fact I cover thst later in more posts. You sren't the only one considering multiple aspects of this event.

3. NO. I don't care how iverworked, stressed, or burnout you are as a policeman - none of that is an acceptable excuse for 5 grown men / cops chasing down a young boy and beating him to death as he calls for his mother.
This is how we all know you don't give a shit about police killing unarmed people. You cheered when it happened in Washington, DC. You LOVE it.
I didn't cheer her being killed....but.......I did wonder how come more people didn't get shot and killed....considering police have killed people for doing far far less.....so I would say you fragile minded racists should consider yourselves pretty lucky..

BECAUSE WE KNOW if this was 10,000 muslims storming the Capitol to try to stop Congress from passing let's say a muslim ban -- you would definitely be celebrating multiple deaths..so you can fuck all the way off with that bullshit....

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