Would Photos Of Planned Parenthoods Victims Help Or Hurt The Lefts "We Care About The Children" Act?

So you are saying a fetus is a child? LOL
Is a child a fetus? :lol:
Ohioans are Americans. Are all Americans ohioans?

Now stop with the stupid shit.
Stupid shit is saying a fetus is a child.
A child is pre pubescent human being. A human being is a homo sapien that has articulate speech and an upright stance.
By definition. Or are you one of those leftists that change definitions on a whim to advance agenda?

By your own repeated hyperbole you've condemned your own right to exist. Think about it.
A fetus isnt a child
Idiots can say this stupid shit BECAUSE no forum, including this one, allows you to post the reality. These images are not "family friendly."

Actually all intelligent humans who know the meaning of words in the english language and don't use them dishonestly in their attempt to vilify and intimidate those who have a different view from yours.

Since you obviously don't know the meaning of the word fetus I'll provide it for you. If there's any big words you don't understand you can use a reference source called a dictionary. It lists words and their meanings. You can find one by typing the word dictionary into any search engine then hit enter.

Fetus: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b

It's not a child until it's actually born and outside a woman's body.

No pregnant woman tells people they have a baby. They tell people they're going to have a baby. There's a reason for that. We know it's not a baby until it's outside our bodies.
So... Would photos of these victims bolster people's belief in the left's new found soft spot for children?

Yes. Also show pictures of school lunches under Obama.

Call it whatever the stage of human development you wish, it's still a human being.
A human being is a homo sapien that has articulate speech and walks upright.
If you think fetuses do that, you need to be watched very closely..
Good to know mutes aren't human. Scoliosis changes your species, as well.

You'll have to do better.
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
So... Would photos of these victims bolster people's belief in the left's new found soft spot for children?

Not so long as someone will pat someone else on the back and reassure them abortion is normal and justified. They've hallucinated away the reality that in order to be born first their mothers had to protect them while the womb. Maternal instinct. Primal paternal defense of mother and child. Hundreds of thousands of years of human instinct to protect the developing child and mother. They write it off with a sneer. But someone protected them up to their birth. Shows complete lack of appreciation for being alive.
A human being is a homo sapien that has articulate speech and walks upright.
If you think fetuses do that, you need to be watched very closely..
Good to know mutes aren't human. Scoliosis changes your species, as well.

You'll have to do better.
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
An individual person is indistinguishable at the gentic level from moment of conception, till death. Short of environmental damage or exposure. They are the same person from conception till death... Regardless of age.
Good to know mutes aren't human. Scoliosis changes your species, as well.

You'll have to do better.
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
An individual person is indistinguishable at the gentic level from moment of conception, till death. Short of environmental damage or exposure. They are the same person from conception till death... Regardless of age.

Was that directed to me? Because I agree with you.
PP has never had any "victims" as I know of.

Every person they ever referred to or treated after Gosnell was a victim of PP.

"Planned Parenthood took their money, then left these victimized women to deal with the problem on their own. They left more women to be victimized by Gosnell – for decades.

"It is because of pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood’s opposition to abortion facility regulations that Gosnell’s house of horrors went without inspection for 17 years. They told women to report Gosnell to the Department of Health but, as the Grand Jury report said,

"Instead, the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions."

The Planned Parenthood-Gosnell Connection - Students for Life

"Houston-based Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast has paid $4.3 million to resolve civil allegations under the False Claims Act in the Eastern District of Texas, announced U.S. Attorney John M. Bales. ....between 2003 and 2009, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast billed and was paid by government programs, Texas Medicaid, Title XX, and the Women’s Health Program, for certain items and services related to birth control counseling, STD testing and contraceptives when such items and services were either not medically necessary, not medically indicated or not actually provided."

Planned Parenthood Pays $4.3 Million To Settle Allegations Of Unnecessary Medical Care
Is a human fetus alive by scientific observation? Of course.

Is it human life by scientific definition? Of course.

Anything else?
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
An individual person is indistinguishable at the gentic level from moment of conception, till death. Short of environmental damage or exposure. They are the same person from conception till death... Regardless of age.

Was that directed to me? Because I agree with you.
I was supplementing you're point.
PP has never had any "victims" as I know of.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this monumentally ignorant statement.
It's not ignorant. She's lying, to protect those who victimize, and kill, vulnerable women in the name of baby killing.

Care does the same thing. I think they actually get kickbacks from abortion clinics for rounding up street people and abused children, and bringing them in for *abortions*.
So... Would photos of these victims bolster people's belief in the left's new found soft spot for children?

What victims are there in regard to abortion?

There are a lot of victims from an ectopic pregnancy if no abortion is performed. The woman dies. Or the abortion is performed and she lives. There are no other outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy. Over 65 thousand women in America face that every year.

There's a lot of victims from many complications due to pregnancy if an abortion isn't performed. A lot of which the outcome is the woman dies.

It happens in America every day. I feel bad for those victims and the families they leave behind. They died only because cruel and hateful people stuck their noses into a situation they had no business getting involved with.

Why do you want to kill women?

But you're just using the abortion issue to excuse the cruel and monstrous actions of trump and his DOJ.

The horrific thing is that you don't have a problem with trump destroying the lives of thousands of human beings.

You and people like you want this to happen. You not only cheer it on but you lie and try to excuse it.

You and people like you disgust all good and decent people.
Half of the people killed by abortions are women.
A human being is a homo sapien that has articulate speech and walks upright.
If you think fetuses do that, you need to be watched very closely..
Good to know mutes aren't human. Scoliosis changes your species, as well.

You'll have to do better.
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
Can you link to the consensus?
Good to know mutes aren't human. Scoliosis changes your species, as well.

You'll have to do better.
Seriously? THAT is your rebuttal?
If a mental adult thinks its a kid, does that mean it isnt an adult? :lol:
Those are human beings with physical deformities. Grow up.
There are also human beings in different stages of life.

A woman cannot get pregnant by any other specie. That is a human being in her womb.
So as soon as the sperm penetrates the egg, it is a human being?
Do you even biology bro?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. It is a scientific fact that a new human being is formed at the moment of conception. There's no debating that, from a scientific standpoint the embryo/ fetus is a human being. You can argue that it's not a person, but you can't argue (without looking like an ignoramus) that the fetus is not a member of the human species.
Can you link to the consensus?
Another word you apparently don't understand.
So you are saying a fetus is a child? LOL
Is a child a fetus? :lol:
Bless your heart.
Answer the question posed in the OP.
The premise is built upon a fallacy.
There's no premise in the OP, you moron. The OP is a question, and there is no premise.

Fucking retard. Smoke more weed.
It was a fucking "gotcha" question you retarded dipshit. The child part was to be accepted as a given. A given that meant fetuses are children.
Do you idiots even know what a premise is? Deer geezus :confused:
Call it whatever the stage of human development you wish, it's still a human being.
Then take it out and raise it.

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