Would blacks be better off without whites?

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Thats alright.. you can have them white women who scamper down to the sewer to relive their guilt. No worries there, when the educated, good looking black women want a man that can help pay the electric bill and put a ring on her finger she knows where to go. Its a fair trade, you get our low lifes who like and have already been passed around our hoods and we get your cream of the crop.

Sort of like the handling of your epidemic wave of white male pedophilia???

Typical, naive american black attitude. Asians are the kings of pedohilia. SE asia paves the way.

Domestic violence???

Which one of your negro football league players will be up next? Give them a little money and take them outta the hood and still the same. lol

White collar thievery???

Hey, at least we are losers are smart enough to rob a million as opposed to a liquor store.

Meth addiction???

Keeping black mens blow jobs cheap. Dont you like meth heads ten dollar blowies or would you like a step up to the twenty dollar crackheads blowies?

So in other words, you really are a loser...lol.
Thats alright.. you can have them white women who scamper down to the sewer to relive their guilt. No worries there, when the educated, good looking black women want a man that can help pay the electric bill and put a ring on her finger she knows where to go. Its a fair trade, you get our low lifes who like and have already been passed around our hoods and we get your cream of the crop.

Sort of like the handling of your epidemic wave of white male pedophilia???

Typical, naive american black attitude. Asians are the kings of pedohilia. SE asia paves the way.

Domestic violence???

Which one of your negro football league players will be up next? Give them a little money and take them outta the hood and still the same. lol

White collar thievery???

Hey, at least we are losers are smart enough to rob a million as opposed to a liquor store.

Meth addiction???

Keeping black mens blow jobs cheap. Dont you like meth heads ten dollar blowies or would you like a step up to the twenty dollar crackheads blowies?

So in other words, you really are a loser...lol.

Confused too. I think he is lying about being a NA afterall. He speaks about white collar thievery and everyone knows that white people are the kings of white collar crime. He must be one of those white boys that signed up on the Dawes Rolls once they found out they were giving land away to the Indians.
Please continue your laughable attempt at history, in terms of rape, you may not rape many white women; you all have an epidemic of intra-rape.
That leaves little time to rape other races of women.

But you seem to be obsessed with raping white women. Are your own women just too free with giving their bodies up to your lusts? Probably so.

Black men dont have to be obsessed with raping white women. They give it up much more freely to us than they do to you evidently. What are you doing to train white girls to not be so promiscuous?

Rape is hardly "giving it up" idiot. Blacks can't determine who a child's father is because the mother had semen from so many different partners inside her it was impossible to make a concrete determination.
And yet white and N.A. folk are finding so much Black DNA in their family tree because of immaculate conception???..lol
I lost my virginity to a white freak and she taught me things I have never done since.

Too bad you can't inspire "your own women" to do the same...

None in mine thank you. You didn't get around to raping any of my folks. I'll wager you have absolutely no inkling as to who your own father is.

Guess it's normal for all your males to continue their fathers occupations.
Raping and drinking...
Actually melanin goes for about $362 a gram at last glance. My kinky scalp is worth more than your limp, devoid of melanin scalp is everyday of the week. However, i wasnt telling you to take my scalp because I need it. I said go scalp someone else. If you dont want to do that go eat some peyote buttons or check yourself into a alcoholic clinic since you indians are all drunks.

We're not murderers, rapists, robbers, home invasionists, common thugs, looters, rioters, or crybaby little wimps though.

Actually you are. If you can prove you are not I would like to see where this is true.Please show all your work drunken one.

I've already proven you folks are. It's common knowledge. Blacks are at the very bottom of the food chain and have no value to society at all. You're all born losers.

You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

So by semi-retired, you mean you rape on m,w and thur and are drunk on tue, fri sat and sundays...
I'm Anglo GED. I never said I was native.

You two monkies need to get smacked around again?

Your an Anglo with a GED? Why didn't you finish high school? Did you get hooked on meth or crack?

Dont smack yourself. Thats a sign of mental illness. How is the fur coat coming? I know you said you shaved your body hair yesterday due to the lice you white trailer trash catch all the time. Did it already grow back?
Lol. Noob. That's the best you got? I expect it's better then having pubic hair on my head?


You don't have pubic hair on your head because you never get any sex. All your white women want Black guys.

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