Would blacks be better off without whites?

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You let white folks enslave you without even a protest, yet you thugs gang up on the helpless elderly and murder and rob them. I marvel at your cowardice.

You let white folks take your country from under your nose and put you on reservations like you are cattle. Not to mention they enslaved you but stopped because you were to weak to do the work. You are a disgrace to manhood. You lay on your ass drunk all day and beat your women then ask the white man for welfare. Pathetic..

They did get their forty acres and a mule.........and then some.
I guess blacks can keep trying for reparations. But it ain't gonna happen.

See you NA's? Glad to see the white man gave you back a fraction of what they took from you. I am amazed you are satisfied with that. How does it feel to get humiliated like that? That's like someone having sex with your girl and then saying you can see her on Saturdays from 2-3pm. Come to think of it maybe thats why you guys have a meth and alcohol problem. Must be depressing.

Yeah, you settled for an Obamaphone. Here's another little link for you. Native Americans and Asians only account for 2.2% of violent crime while you degenerate Blacks account for 52%. Great bunch of idiots you are. Don't fear though, you'll always have a roof over your head in a cell block.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.

Native communities suffer more of the usual predictors of poor health, such as poverty, unemployment and a steep high school dropout rate. There’s also a heavy history: the removal of Native Americans from their lands, and the boarding school movement, when many Native children were separated from their families, renamed, stripped of their language and often abused.

“These traumatic impacts -- loss of land, loss of community, loss of family, warfare -- have been passed on from generation to generation,” Vernon said.

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
Actually melanin goes for about $362 a gram at last glance. My kinky scalp is worth more than your limp, devoid of melanin scalp is everyday of the week. However, i wasnt telling you to take my scalp because I need it. I said go scalp someone else. If you dont want to do that go eat some peyote buttons or check yourself into a alcoholic clinic since you indians are all drunks.

We're not murderers, rapists, robbers, home invasionists, common thugs, looters, rioters, or crybaby little wimps though.

Actually you are. If you can prove you are not I would like to see where this is true.Please show all your work drunken one.

I've already proven you folks are. It's common knowledge. Blacks are at the very bottom of the food chain and have no value to society at all. You're all born losers.

You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

Going to get your liquor rations is not exactly traveling. You cant be retired if you never had a job. Your teepee is not an office. Senior years is usually in your 50's and 60's. You guys die a lot in your 40's. You guys are also bigger drug addicts than white people. Who do you think you are kidding dude?
You let white folks take your country from under your nose and put you on reservations like you are cattle. Not to mention they enslaved you but stopped because you were to weak to do the work. You are a disgrace to manhood. You lay on your ass drunk all day and beat your women then ask the white man for welfare. Pathetic..

They did get their forty acres and a mule.........and then some.
I guess blacks can keep trying for reparations. But it ain't gonna happen.

See you NA's? Glad to see the white man gave you back a fraction of what they took from you. I am amazed you are satisfied with that. How does it feel to get humiliated like that? That's like someone having sex with your girl and then saying you can see her on Saturdays from 2-3pm. Come to think of it maybe thats why you guys have a meth and alcohol problem. Must be depressing.

Yeah, you settled for an Obamaphone. Here's another little link for you. Native Americans and Asians only account for 2.2% of violent crime while you degenerate Blacks account for 52%. Great bunch of idiots you are. Don't fear though, you'll always have a roof over your head in a cell block.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.

Native communities suffer more of the usual predictors of poor health, such as poverty, unemployment and a steep high school dropout rate. There’s also a heavy history: the removal of Native Americans from their lands, and the boarding school movement, when many Native children were separated from their families, renamed, stripped of their language and often abused.

“These traumatic impacts -- loss of land, loss of community, loss of family, warfare -- have been passed on from generation to generation,” Vernon said.

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.
We're not murderers, rapists, robbers, home invasionists, common thugs, looters, rioters, or crybaby little wimps though.

Actually you are. If you can prove you are not I would like to see where this is true.Please show all your work drunken one.

I've already proven you folks are. It's common knowledge. Blacks are at the very bottom of the food chain and have no value to society at all. You're all born losers.

You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

Going to get your liquor rations is not exactly traveling. You cant be retired if you never had a job. Your teepee is not an office. Senior years is usually in your 50's and 60's. You guys die a lot in your 40's. You guys are also bigger drug addicts than white people. Who do you think you are kidding dude?

You can't really find any thing to back up your arguments with. Sad.

Drug Use Among Minority Groups
They did get their forty acres and a mule.........and then some.
I guess blacks can keep trying for reparations. But it ain't gonna happen.

See you NA's? Glad to see the white man gave you back a fraction of what they took from you. I am amazed you are satisfied with that. How does it feel to get humiliated like that? That's like someone having sex with your girl and then saying you can see her on Saturdays from 2-3pm. Come to think of it maybe thats why you guys have a meth and alcohol problem. Must be depressing.

Yeah, you settled for an Obamaphone. Here's another little link for you. Native Americans and Asians only account for 2.2% of violent crime while you degenerate Blacks account for 52%. Great bunch of idiots you are. Don't fear though, you'll always have a roof over your head in a cell block.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.

Native communities suffer more of the usual predictors of poor health, such as poverty, unemployment and a steep high school dropout rate. There’s also a heavy history: the removal of Native Americans from their lands, and the boarding school movement, when many Native children were separated from their families, renamed, stripped of their language and often abused.

“These traumatic impacts -- loss of land, loss of community, loss of family, warfare -- have been passed on from generation to generation,” Vernon said.

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
Actually you are. If you can prove you are not I would like to see where this is true.Please show all your work drunken one.

I've already proven you folks are. It's common knowledge. Blacks are at the very bottom of the food chain and have no value to society at all. You're all born losers.

You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

Going to get your liquor rations is not exactly traveling. You cant be retired if you never had a job. Your teepee is not an office. Senior years is usually in your 50's and 60's. You guys die a lot in your 40's. You guys are also bigger drug addicts than white people. Who do you think you are kidding dude?

You can't really find any thing to back up your arguments with. Sad.

Drug Use Among Minority Groups

Ooops. I guess you forgot to read your own link

American Indians/Alaska Natives

This population has not been well represented in national statistics meaning there are too few survey participants from this group. Studies that have been done however, indicate heavy use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs to the point that they are serious health problems. If compared to the 6% of all Americans over 12 years of age that use illegal drugs, the estimate for this group is 12.6%. Another observation is that the youth in this minority group have been observed using tobacco and alcohol at an earlier age than their White counterparts.

African Americans

African Americans comprise 12.6% of the American population according to the US Census. The prevalence estimates for recent illegal drug use are roughly equivalent for non-Hispanic African Americans and Whites. Slightly more than 6 percent of these population members qualify as active and current illegal drug users as reported in the survey. The report did state that illegal drug use and drug trafficking are still major problems in US African American communities.

Here is something that lays out the problem in your community or what parades as a community now.

The Methamphetamine Crisis in American Indian and Native Alaskan Communities - Student Pulse

The prevalence of methamphetamine (ME) use among American Indians and Native Alaskans (AI/NAs) is strikingly high in comparison to other ethnic groups in the U.S.
See you NA's? Glad to see the white man gave you back a fraction of what they took from you. I am amazed you are satisfied with that. How does it feel to get humiliated like that? That's like someone having sex with your girl and then saying you can see her on Saturdays from 2-3pm. Come to think of it maybe thats why you guys have a meth and alcohol problem. Must be depressing.

Yeah, you settled for an Obamaphone. Here's another little link for you. Native Americans and Asians only account for 2.2% of violent crime while you degenerate Blacks account for 52%. Great bunch of idiots you are. Don't fear though, you'll always have a roof over your head in a cell block.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.

Native communities suffer more of the usual predictors of poor health, such as poverty, unemployment and a steep high school dropout rate. There’s also a heavy history: the removal of Native Americans from their lands, and the boarding school movement, when many Native children were separated from their families, renamed, stripped of their language and often abused.

“These traumatic impacts -- loss of land, loss of community, loss of family, warfare -- have been passed on from generation to generation,” Vernon said.

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.
Yeah, you settled for an Obamaphone. Here's another little link for you. Native Americans and Asians only account for 2.2% of violent crime while you degenerate Blacks account for 52%. Great bunch of idiots you are. Don't fear though, you'll always have a roof over your head in a cell block.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We are the sickest racial, ethnic population in the United States,” said Irene Vernon, a professor at Colorado State University who specializes in Native American health.

Native communities suffer more of the usual predictors of poor health, such as poverty, unemployment and a steep high school dropout rate. There’s also a heavy history: the removal of Native Americans from their lands, and the boarding school movement, when many Native children were separated from their families, renamed, stripped of their language and often abused.

“These traumatic impacts -- loss of land, loss of community, loss of family, warfare -- have been passed on from generation to generation,” Vernon said.

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
I've already proven you folks are. It's common knowledge. Blacks are at the very bottom of the food chain and have no value to society at all. You're all born losers.

You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

Going to get your liquor rations is not exactly traveling. You cant be retired if you never had a job. Your teepee is not an office. Senior years is usually in your 50's and 60's. You guys die a lot in your 40's. You guys are also bigger drug addicts than white people. Who do you think you are kidding dude?

You can't really find any thing to back up your arguments with. Sad.

Drug Use Among Minority Groups

Ooops. I guess you forgot to read your own link

American Indians/Alaska Natives

This population has not been well represented in national statistics meaning there are too few survey participants from this group. Studies that have been done however, indicate heavy use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs to the point that they are serious health problems. If compared to the 6% of all Americans over 12 years of age that use illegal drugs, the estimate for this group is 12.6%. Another observation is that the youth in this minority group have been observed using tobacco and alcohol at an earlier age than their White counterparts.

African Americans

African Americans comprise 12.6% of the American population according to the US Census. The prevalence estimates for recent illegal drug use are roughly equivalent for non-Hispanic African Americans and Whites. Slightly more than 6 percent of these population members qualify as active and current illegal drug users as reported in the survey. The report did state that illegal drug use and drug trafficking are still major problems in US African American communities.

Here is something that lays out the problem in your community or what parades as a community now.

The Methamphetamine Crisis in American Indian and Native Alaskan Communities - Student Pulse

The prevalence of methamphetamine (ME) use among American Indians and Native Alaskans (AI/NAs) is strikingly high in comparison to other ethnic groups in the U.S.

You're just jealous that those problems are not nearly as damning as are the problems in the Black community or jungle.
I really do pity you guys. Yet here you are mad at Black people. You should be enraged at white people but they have trained you well.

5 big Native American health issues you don x27 t know about Al Jazeera America

We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
Every time I supply a link you go on radio silence or deflect. Its fun making you look stupid. I want you to keep on talking.
You havent proven anything except you are drunk and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something like my ancestors did that went through slavery, Jim Crow, etc and still became something. You guys are pretty much irrelevant now. You are not smart. You cant play any sports. You hate politics. What do you guys do anyway but rob people at the casinos?

I don't do very much anymore except travel some. I'm semi-retired. I still get by the office a couple of times a week. I'm enjoying my senior years. I realize you don't have any idea what I'm talking about with your dependency on SNAP and drugs.

Going to get your liquor rations is not exactly traveling. You cant be retired if you never had a job. Your teepee is not an office. Senior years is usually in your 50's and 60's. You guys die a lot in your 40's. You guys are also bigger drug addicts than white people. Who do you think you are kidding dude?

You can't really find any thing to back up your arguments with. Sad.

Drug Use Among Minority Groups

Ooops. I guess you forgot to read your own link

American Indians/Alaska Natives

This population has not been well represented in national statistics meaning there are too few survey participants from this group. Studies that have been done however, indicate heavy use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs to the point that they are serious health problems. If compared to the 6% of all Americans over 12 years of age that use illegal drugs, the estimate for this group is 12.6%. Another observation is that the youth in this minority group have been observed using tobacco and alcohol at an earlier age than their White counterparts.

African Americans

African Americans comprise 12.6% of the American population according to the US Census. The prevalence estimates for recent illegal drug use are roughly equivalent for non-Hispanic African Americans and Whites. Slightly more than 6 percent of these population members qualify as active and current illegal drug users as reported in the survey. The report did state that illegal drug use and drug trafficking are still major problems in US African American communities.

Here is something that lays out the problem in your community or what parades as a community now.

The Methamphetamine Crisis in American Indian and Native Alaskan Communities - Student Pulse

The prevalence of methamphetamine (ME) use among American Indians and Native Alaskans (AI/NAs) is strikingly high in comparison to other ethnic groups in the U.S.

You're just jealous that those problems are not nearly as damning as are the problems in the Black community or jungle.

Why would I be jealous? Your own link shows how screwed up the NA's are. Do you guys even have any politicians or anything else other than the casinos?
We're not mad at Blacks. We just don't think they should be allowed to exist. Nothing personal, I assure you.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
Every time I supply a link you go on radio silence or deflect. Its fun making you look stupid. I want you to keep on talking.

In reality you are all just talk and unable to back your wild and insane ramblings up.
You are very angry but I understand why. You have the worst gene pool next to white people. We have the best and the largest. What you think is of no relevance. Nature has already selected us to be the race that inherits the earth. Our genes are stronger than any other race. You will be long gone before Black people are. Matter of fact you will disappear around the same time white people do if not sooner.

All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
Every time I supply a link you go on radio silence or deflect. Its fun making you look stupid. I want you to keep on talking.

In reality you are all just talk and unable to back your wild and insane ramblings up.
If you say so. Now what are you going to do about your communities meth problem now that I have educated you?
All the white people would have to do is leave you alone and you would soon murder one another into extinction. You murder one another even more than you murder whites.
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
Every time I supply a link you go on radio silence or deflect. Its fun making you look stupid. I want you to keep on talking.

In reality you are all just talk and unable to back your wild and insane ramblings up.
If you say so. Now what are you going to do about your communities meth problem now that I have educated you?

I don't have to do anything at all. You have proven that you are no more than a babbling idiot.
Lying on sidewalks in Whiteclay, passed out against storefronts day and night, are some Native Americans who come here every day to drink. The town has just one central road, a grocery, a couple of abandoned buildings and four liquor stores. Each year, those four stores sell what amounts to 4 million cans of beer.

And who lives in Whiteclay? According to the latest census: 11 people. That's right. Only 11 residents in a town that sells 4 million cans of beer each year.

Can't make this stuff up. Native Americans rape and drink themselves into oblivion and then try to sue the liquor retailers and distributors.

Native American Tribe s Battle Over Beer Brews NPR
White people thought the same thing after they freed the slaves back in the 1800's They were wrong then and you would be wrong now. We aint going nowhere. Before you guys existed Black people did. How dumb of you to think you need white people to survive. No wonder you have given up.

I heard Al Sharpton say the same thing. How about just tis once, back up something you say with a link or something? I have provided links that you Blacks have the lowest IQ's and smaller brains and commit more violent crimes than any other ethnic group. All you have done is make hate statements without producing anything to support those statements. How about backing just this one statement up for a change?
Every time I supply a link you go on radio silence or deflect. Its fun making you look stupid. I want you to keep on talking.

In reality you are all just talk and unable to back your wild and insane ramblings up.
If you say so. Now what are you going to do about your communities meth problem now that I have educated you?

I don't have to do anything at all. You have proven that you are no more than a babbling idiot.
Thats not what the link says that you posted but didn't read. That was pretty hilarious. I bet you felt pretty dumb posting a link that said NA's have a worse problem with drugs than anyone else. Better check your llinks thoroughly from now on. :lol:
While it's estimated that 1 out of 6 American women will be raped and/or sexually assaulted in her lifetime, more than 1 in 3 Native American women will be raped in her lifetime. A Native woman is 2.5 times more likely to be raped and/or sexually assaulted than other women in the U.S.

The NPR series chronicled horrific stories either ignored by law enforcement or unreported because they have become commonplace: a 20-year-old woman raped and beaten by a group of men, then locked in a bathroom, eventually dying from the assault; a 14-year-old girl who accepted a ride home from a woman she knew and was subsequently raped by the woman's husband and his four friends; and a teenager walking home who was abducted and raped by a man in a passing car and dumped in a ditch.

So left to their own vices, native American men will kill themselves with cirrhosis but not before raping every native American girl in sight.
What's left, a population of rape victims and the offspring of rapists...

What a waste...
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