Worried Trump could 'go rogue' Milley took top-secret action to protect nukes

There shouldn't be one individual that has access to the code of the nuclear warheads.
You don't respect the majority vote of the American way when we pick someone who opposes monarchy by the few when communism comes to roost in the nests of our universities and public schools, do you. I remind you that marginalizing your fellow Americans has a price ghat will chase you to your grave when you start wishing free people who do not worship at the altar of socialists who have no intention of living with the voice of the people. You Democrats chose a woman with mafia leanings to use the speaker of the Houses' power to take over the tbree branches of power with the treasury at her exclusive disposal. I have a feeling that a lot of people will seek out her burial spot to piss all over her remains when they lose a loved one to the kind of death communists give to those they marginalize.
beautress, I quit reading your post after

wishing free people who do not worship at the altar of socialists

I know it well as the corporations have been socialist for a long time, and with the lobbyist in DC it is about to continue.

and now you are worried about the Constitution, you didn't see worried of Jan 6th when republicans attempted to do a coup.
Sure, nothing like Trump inviting two Russians into the oval office, then banning the American press but leaving TASS to cover the meeting, no transcripts, no briefings and no comments by the orange traitor.

15 people were in on Milley's phone call, not one raised concerns.
Quit supporting the commie press that has supported the secretive deep state that uses false witness, marginalization of free people, closed door meetings in chambers under the Rotunda for secret meetings about the leftist totalitarian takeover of all branches of the government by using a spectrum of sundry means to put all their commie cronies into positions of total control of people in a land that used to value freedom and bravery.

We will stop this push to fool people with pleasant lies of how easy life will be when everything is free, especially if you embrace the commie Reich they are currently creating.

Did you know Biden's commie bosses stopped the media helicopters from taking pictures of the 11,000 Haitians who showed up overnight in Del Rio under a giant overpass parking area they enclosed with an impenatrable fence to keep reporters out and used military equipment to deter the conservative press who won't perp lies the left perpetrates? Ya. I call it pussie commietatus.
beautress, I quit reading your post after

wishing free people who do not worship at the altar of socialists

I know it well as the corporations have been socialist for a long time, and with the lobbyist in DC it is about to continue.

and now you are worried about the Constitution, you didn't see worried of Jan 6th when republicans attempted to do a coup.
Your wonderful lying leaders had to have a win. No Republicans I know would harm the righteous. They could make life a little less than pleasant for drugged escape artists who cloak their every move with secrecy with one eye only on absolute and control of this nation. The evidence is no longer in beteeen the lines since the 2020 votes were routed from the majority to the whims and wishes of the three witches stirring the Commie pot. Fanci Nanci, Maxine, and Hillary. One orchestrates all, one uses all the gleanings of the IRS, and one controls the military with info on their sexual fun that would tear up and destroy their families. American people are acutely aware that this attempt to control every person who opposes their routing this country by chaotic means is in accordance with the manifesto of a dead commie pusher named Saul Alinsky if memory serves me right.

edit: fixed spelling error.
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Mark Milley ordered military command TAKE A LOYALTY OATH TO HIM​


Mark Milley ordered military command TAKE A LOYALTY OATH TO HIM

The new book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa is meant to damage Donald Trump and it attempts to justify a potential act of treason by a windblown general. It reveals, if true, that General Milley betrayed then-President Donald Trump and the nation. The media has swiftly come to defend...
15 Sep 2021 ~~ By M. Dowling
The new book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa is meant to damage Donald Trump and it attempts to justify a potential act of treason by a windblown general. It reveals, if true, that General Milley betrayed then-President Donald Trump and the nation.
The media has swiftly come to defend Milley’s potential act of treason. Yet, it is even worse than first reported in The Washington Post.


As reported by CNN’s summary of the book, General Milley demanded total loyalty to him from the military command, and not to the President. He even made each commander take an oath TO HIM.
During his secret meeting on January 8th, Milley instructed senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center to not take orders from anyone unless he was involved, according to a summary of the book by CNN.
“No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure,” Milley told them.
“Got it?” Milley asked, according to the book.
“Yes, sir.”
“Milley considered it an oath,” Woodward and Costa wrote.
As he was disloyal to the President and the American people, he made the command swear fealty to him.
That is in violation of his own oath. His bizarre reaction to Chinese propaganda was to violate the Constitution and demand the military remain loyal to him, not the President.
We don’t live in a military, police state. Civilians have control of the military. Milley reversed that in collusion with the Democrat Speaker of the House and Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.


The book had revealed that Milley, through two back-channel phone calls with China’s top general, reassured him that the U.S. would not attack, even promising to give him a heads up if it did.
According to a write-up by the Washington Post, Milley — four days before the 2020 presidential election — assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the U.S. would not strike.
Also according to the book, Milley told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “I agree with you on everything,” after the speaker called him and pressed him to secure the country’s nuclear weapons and called Trump “crazy.”
Woodward and Costa write that after the call with Pelosi, Milley “decided he had to act” and told the military service chiefs and then-CIA director to watch everything “all the time.”
They wrote, “Milley was overseeing the mobilization of America’s national security state without the knowledge of the American people or the rest of the world.”
“Some might contend that Milley had overstepped his authority and taken extraordinary power for himself,” they wrote, but said the chairman believed his actions were “a good faith precaution to ensure there was no historic rupture in the international order, no
accidental war with China or others, and no use of nuclear weapons” as Milley “felt no absolute certainty that the military could control or trust Trump.”
It doesn’t matter what he thought. He had an obligation to follow the chain of command, not take over militarily. The military is clearly under civilian control.
This is a very serious betrayal of the President and the American people. It looks like treason.
Now compare Joe Biden’s utter incompetence and feeble-mindedness to Trump’s demeanor. It’s insane.

This report by M Dowling sounds more damaging to Milley than Trump.
Let me be the first to proclaim that Mark Milley Did Not commit suicide.
Mark Milley is a sick warped and twisted man who is a clear and present danger to America. A traitor to the Constitution and traitor to the oath he took. A total disgrace to the uniform, the military, and our country. He needs to be removed forthwith. Brought before a military tribunal judged and sentenced. If found guilty, be stripped of his rank and pension and suffer the consequences of Treason.
Pvt. Eddie Slovik may have been the last soldier executed by a firing squad in WWII. I proposed that Mark Milley and all those that conspired with him take Slovik's place as traitors to America.
All personnel within the Military take an oath to the Constitution, not a General or a President.
Milley should be Court Martialed on numerous charges. When Milley went Political after walking over the Church, I couldn’t understand why President Trump didn’t have him “retire”. Based upon Milley's actions and his conspiracy with Nancy Pelosi, I don’t think Generals can be trusted to carry out their duties.
I don't want to see Milley to be the only person to be charged for this seditious and traitorous coup d' etat. I want all those that conspired both within and in our Congress that conspired with him.
As a former member of the military, I can attest that the President is the Commander in Chief, the 6-Star General, El Jefe, The Boss.
Not any General that is just a military minion. We have civilians in control of the government for a reason… because of dangerous nut jobs like Milley and the rest of them.
So to escape saga of sacking Richard Nixon 50 years ago, Woodward is going after the Commies now? hmmmmm. God help us. :huddle:
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Quit supporting the commie press that has supported the secretive deep state that uses false witness, marginalization of free people, closed door meetings in chambers under the Rotunda for secret meetings about the leftist totalitarian takeover of all branches of the government by using a spectrum of sundry means to put all their commie cronies into positions of total control of people in a land that used to value freedom and bravery.

We will stop this push to fool people with pleasant lies of how easy life will be when everything is free, especially if you embrace the commie Reich they are currently creating.

Did you know Biden's commie bosses stopped the media helicopters from taking pictures of the 11,000 Haitians who showed up overnight in Del Rio under a giant overpass parking area they enclosed with an impenatrable fence to keep reporters out and used military equipment to deter the conservative press who won't perp lies the left perpetrates? Ya. I call it pussie commietatus.
Trump, his crime family and his cult are the only ones supporting the commie press, communist and communism.

September 8, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized U.S. foreign policy and the American political press corps Thursday during an interview on RT America, a state-owned Russian television network.

November 1, 2020
Dr. Scott Atlas, an adviser on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, apologized after appearing in an interview with Russian state broadcaster RT, just days before Election Day.
RT is owned by Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti and subsidiary RT America is registered with the US Justice Department as an agent of the Russian government. The Kremlin uses RT to spread English-language propaganda to American audiences.

Russian state media outlets are calling on President Donald Trump to seek asylum in Moscow to dodge potential prosecution in the US when he leaves office.

Ahead of Biden's meeting with Vladimir Putin, Trump released a lengthy statement about his relationship with Putin and asked Biden to give the Russian leader his 'warmest regards.'

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013


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So to escape responsibility of sacking Richard Nixon, Woodward is going after the Commies now? hmmmmm. God help us. :huddle:
Not really 'going after them' but quoting them.

Trump admits he was well aware that the virus was "more deadly than even your strenuous flus” weeks before the United States had a confirmed COVID-19 death.

He told Woodward on Feb. 7, "This is deadly stuff.”

He admitted on March 19, “I wanted to always play it down." Adding, “I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."
Our enemy's are like, "They elect the known idiot Biden, who has clearly diminished faculties on top of that, they leave Americans behind in Afghanistan in an incompetent military withdrawal, get their soldiers blown up, drone innocent children in response; and their general claims to have been worried about Trump.".
Just how many children and women did tramp kill? Don't know, you aren't the only one.

Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths

During Mr Obama's eight years in office, 1,878 drone strikes were carried out, according to researchers. Since Mr Trump was elected in 2016, there have been 2,243 drone strikes. The Republican president has also made some of the operations, the ones outside of war zones, more secretive. As a result, things have different today: under Mr Trump, there are more drone strikes - and less transparency.

Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths - BBC News
Trump, his crime family and his cult are the only ones supporting the commie press, communist and communism.

September 8, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized U.S. foreign policy and the American political press corps Thursday during an interview on RT America, a state-owned Russian television network.

November 1, 2020
Dr. Scott Atlas, an adviser on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, apologized after appearing in an interview with Russian state broadcaster RT, just days before Election Day.
RT is owned by Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti and subsidiary RT America is registered with the US Justice Department as an agent of the Russian government. The Kremlin uses RT to spread English-language propaganda to American audiences.

Russian state media outlets are calling on President Donald Trump to seek asylum in Moscow to dodge potential prosecution in the US when he leaves office.

Ahead of Biden's meeting with Vladimir Putin, Trump released a lengthy statement about his relationship with Putin and asked Biden to give the Russian leader his 'warmest regards.'

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Your entire post embraces all that the blindsided, communist pushing by association with former Communist card-carrying Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, whose Master's thesis in a liberal university she atteded with a worshipful praisefest of Saul Alinski's method of destroying an anticommunist nation and replacing it with a commie one, and Maxine Waters who is now entrusted with taking YOUR tax money and putting it into Democrat fluffing money grabs.

You been had, pal. Many of us have recalled that the Holocaust that killed six million Jews on account of their religious faith has recently been pooh pooed by those who want a system of getting all power into a few hands. The free money and free Obama phones and recruiting hundreds of thousands of foreigners that Nancy Pelosi turned into voters by a law with her computer placed fascist congress and controllable critters votes. The Alinsky method has been outed in all this brought to you by a power mad follower and now instigator, Hillary the pro-Alinski method zealot. Lucky us to become her slave, no? :rolleyes-41:
What if the Chinese had taken Milley's assurance that nothing was happening as an indicator that something was happening? Afterall, since the Chinese Communist Party took over China, we haven't attacked and, to my knowledge, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff hasn't been calling to tell them we're not attacking. Simply bringing up that it was a possibility could have been taken as a probability. And that perceived probability could have led China to take a preemptive attack.

Milley's interference into things he had no business or authority in could have led to war and the death of millions of Americans.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda
Trump, his crime family and his cult are the only ones supporting the commie press, communist and communism.

September 8, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized U.S. foreign policy and the American political press corps Thursday during an interview on RT America, a state-owned Russian television network.

November 1, 2020
Dr. Scott Atlas, an adviser on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, apologized after appearing in an interview with Russian state broadcaster RT, just days before Election Day.
RT is owned by Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti and subsidiary RT America is registered with the US Justice Department as an agent of the Russian government. The Kremlin uses RT to spread English-language propaganda to American audiences.

Russian state media outlets are calling on President Donald Trump to seek asylum in Moscow to dodge potential prosecution in the US when he leaves office.

Ahead of Biden's meeting with Vladimir Putin, Trump released a lengthy statement about his relationship with Putin and asked Biden to give the Russian leader his 'warmest regards.'

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
You are grossly mistaken. I supported our troops by making and quilting for injured warriors in keeping with my sisters across America who did likewise as our mothers who supported American soldiers in WWII and were proud that General Eisenhower led the Allies of their day to put Hitler in his place along with his friend and former mayor of Jerusalem when it was popular to murder Jews with State assassinations starting with a "Krystalknacht" by Adolph Hitler who agreed to kill all the Jewish people in Europe and help the Palestinians kill the hardworking Jews in the promised LAND taken by General Joshua who became their leader when Moses died at age 120 on a mountaintop overlooking that land God promised those who left their slavery in Egypt thousands of years ago.

These disputes were almost resolved in peace conferences orchestrated by Donald Trump his last year in office. No way did the voters turn him away. The Democrat Party has decided to do away with all conservatism with state sponsored rule that in the future will be totally controlled by the atheist cartel bent on ddstroying Christianity. Tbis post is long enough and you Demmies will keep your blindfolds on until the controllers of their future kill your children for saying what they think about tbeir planned disidant kill of conservatives who oppose them.
Your entire post embraces all that the blindsided, communist pushing by association with former Communist card-carrying Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, whose Master's thesis in a liberal university she atteded with a worshipful praisefest of Saul Alinski's method of destroying an anticommunist nation and replacing it with a commie one, and Maxine Waters who is now entrusted with taking YOUR tax money and putting it into Democrat fluffing money grabs.

You been had, pal. Many of us have recalled that the Holocaust that killed six million Jews on account of their religious faith has recently been pooh pooed by those who want a system of getting all power into a few hands. The free money and free Obama phones and recruiting hundreds of thousands of foreigners that Nancy Pelosi turned into voters by a law with her computer placed fascist congress and controllable critters votes. The Alinsky method has been outed in all this brought to you by a power mad follower and now instigator, Hillary the pro-Alinski method zealot. Lucky us to become her slave, no? :rolleyes-41:
Sure, Q NUT.

When did Hillary, Pelosi or any other democrat meet with Russians?
On July 4, no less.

July 5, 2018
On a day when America celebrates its independence from tyranny, Republicans broke with precedent to meet with a tyrannical regime that tried to undermine American democracy.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

This week marks the first time in four years that a U.S. congressional delegation has gone to Moscow, and the first time since Russia annexed Crimea, which set off a firestorm of international criticism and led the U.S. to impose sanctions on Russia.

According to the Washington Post, Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred," and claimed that he "asked our friends in Russia not to interfere in our elections this year."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life," and claimed that election meddling was only brought up "in general form" and was resolved quickly.

Trumpaciles, grabbing their ankles for Russia, just like their dear leader.
You are grossly mistaken. I supported our troops by making and quilting for injured warriors in keeping with my sisters across America who did likewise as our mothers who supported American soldiers in WWII and were proud that General Eisenhower led the Allies of their day to put Hitler in his place along with his friend and former mayor of Jerusalem when it was popular to murder Jews with State assassinations starting with a "Krystalknacht" by Adolph Hitler who agreed to kill all the Jewish people in Europe and help the Palestinians kill the hardworking Jews in the promised LAND taken by General Joshua who became their leader when Moses died at age 120 on a mountaintop overlooking that land God promised those who left their slavery in Egypt thousands of years ago.

These disputes were almost resolved in peace conferences orchestrated by Donald Trump his last year in office. No way did the voters turn him away. The Democrat Party has decided to do away with all conservatism with state sponsored rule that in the future will be totally controlled by the atheist cartel bent on ddstroying Christianity. Tbis post is long enough and you Demmies will keep your blindfolds on until the controllers of their future kill your children for saying what they think about tbeir planned disidant kill of conservatives who oppose them.
"The Democrat Party has decided to do away with all conservatism".
No, it's republicans who did away, or actually never were ever 'conservative', unless a democrat is in office, or it's election time.

Reagan made that up and republicans have been claiming that lie ever since.
Milley is a traitor and usurper. The Constitution allows for out-of-control presidents in the 25th Amendment. Milley had no authority to do anything except share his concerns with the Secretary of Defense or possibly the President's Chief of Staff.
His calls were routine and absolutely necessary.
Our adversaries watched what happened on 1/6 and were very concerned.
You are grossly mistaken. I supported our troops by making and quilting for injured warriors in keeping with my sisters across America who did likewise as our mothers who supported American soldiers in WWII and were proud that General Eisenhower led the Allies of their day to put Hitler in his place along with his friend and former mayor of Jerusalem when it was popular to murder Jews with State assassinations starting with a "Krystalknacht" by Adolph Hitler who agreed to kill all the Jewish people in Europe and help the Palestinians kill the hardworking Jews in the promised LAND taken by General Joshua who became their leader when Moses died at age 120 on a mountaintop overlooking that land God promised those who left their slavery in Egypt thousands of years ago.

These disputes were almost resolved in peace conferences orchestrated by Donald Trump his last year in office. No way did the voters turn him away. The Democrat Party has decided to do away with all conservatism with state sponsored rule that in the future will be totally controlled by the atheist cartel bent on ddstroying Christianity. Tbis post is long enough and you Demmies will keep your blindfolds on until the controllers of their future kill your children for saying what they think about tbeir planned disidant kill of conservatives who oppose them.
Oh', so you, making quilts totally exonerates Trump, his crime family and cult from supporting Russia?
That makes sense.
"The Democrat Party has decided to do away with all conservatism".
No, it's republicans who did away, or actually never were ever 'conservative', unless a democrat is in office, or it's election time.

Reagan made that up and republicans have been claiming that lie ever since.
Regean? Whoa. His last term ended in the late 80s, and he died in 2004.
Sure, Q NUT.

When did Hillary, Pelosi or any other democrat meet with Russians?
On July 4, no less.

July 5, 2018
On a day when America celebrates its independence from tyranny, Republicans broke with precedent to meet with a tyrannical regime that tried to undermine American democracy.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

This week marks the first time in four years that a U.S. congressional delegation has gone to Moscow, and the first time since Russia annexed Crimea, which set off a firestorm of international criticism and led the U.S. to impose sanctions on Russia.

According to the Washington Post, Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred," and claimed that he "asked our friends in Russia not to interfere in our elections this year."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life," and claimed that election meddling was only brought up "in general form" and was resolved quickly.

Trumpaciles, grabbing their ankles for Russia, just like their dear leader.
Missed that one that you're lumping in with your charCter assassination of me for telling you the truth. You have bought into the Mob who wasted 4 years spending taxpayer money in the millions just to cancel Donald Trump. They falsely claimed through projecting Hillary's close relationship with the Russians ( gave them access to 20% of America's uranium reserves) (gave them 3 Aleutian Islands harboring literally billions of barrels of oil and gas reserves belonging to the State of Alaska) Oh and there was so much secrecy that she failed to tell the states involved that she and President Obama had given these pork barrels Way because neither Alaska nor Wyoming et al were required to be told about President Obama's mandated gifts to Putin that paid for Obama's property on Martba's Vinyard, and a whole lotta money to the Clinton Library Foundation.

The laugh is on your naievete, poor deluded sucker and useful idiot.
Regean? Whoa. His last term ended in the late 80s, and he died in 2004.

Missed that one that you're lumping in with your charCter assassination of me for telling you the truth. You have bought into the Mob who wasted 4 years spending taxpayer money in the millions just to cancel Donald Trump. They falsely claimed through projecting Hillary's close relationship with the Russians ( gave them access to 20% of America's uranium reserves) (gave them 3 Aleutian Islands harboring literally billions of barrels of oil and gas reserves belonging to the State of Alaska) Oh and there was so much secrecy that she failed to tell the states involved that she and President Obama had given these pork barrels Way because neither Alaska nor Wyoming et al were required to be told about President Obama's mandated gifts to Putin that paid for Obama's property on Martba's Vinyard, and a whole lotta money to the Clinton Library Foundation.

The laugh is on your naievete, poor deluded sucker and useful idiot.
Just like I stated, delusional Q NUT.

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