World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World


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Dec 8, 2013
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World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World
13 days ago

On May 22nd, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip 194 countries, including the United States, of their sovereignty.

As part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset goal, the WHO is aiming to alter a treaty that would give them global control over human health.

The WHO World Health Assembly will vote on the issue from May 22 to 28.

In a new video, The Pulse’s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

Don't worry, this is all just hearsay.
World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World
13 days ago

On May 22nd, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip 194 countries, including the United States, of their sovereignty.

As part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset goal, the WHO is aiming to alter a treaty that would give them global control over human health.

The WHO World Health Assembly will vote on the issue from May 22 to 28.

In a new video, The Pulse’s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

Don't worry, this is all just hearsay.

Oooooooooh Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! They're gonna march in with legions of armed doctors and nurses and take over the US!!!!!!!! And we're gonna let em!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, got that out of my system. Let em vote anyway they want, nothing will change.
They? You don’t think democrats would enforce it? Bidumb would be all for it.
Yeah, that's them. Then the media will hype it with their already prepared templates to enslave us all to the world.

That's what has been happening while we are distracted by Depp, abortion stuff, etc etc etc.

Why do we supposed that thing was leaked about the SC? For unity? Anyone ask how it was leaked? No?

Here they come folks.
World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Booby trapped bed pans........
Hey hey hey, remember, do you remember the masks for the cold? Destroyed our economy, and world's economy over the sniffles that they said was so deadly that only 99.5 percent of everyone that caught it recovered?

Remember that? Cause I sure do. We are trained circus fleas and in the way of their ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE world.
They? You don’t think democrats would enforce it? Bidumb would be all for it.
No, that would guarantee a Republican landslide come next election. No government official would even try to enforce it unless they want to see the end of their career.
Hey hey hey, remember, do you remember the masks for the cold? Destroyed our economy, and world's economy over the sniffles that they said was so deadly that only 99.5 percent of everyone that caught it recovered?

Remember that? Cause I sure do. We are trained circus fleas and in the way of their ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE world.
World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World
13 days ago

On May 22nd, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip 194 countries, including the United States, of their sovereignty.

As part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset goal, the WHO is aiming to alter a treaty that would give them global control over human health.

The WHO World Health Assembly will vote on the issue from May 22 to 28.

In a new video, The Pulse’s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

Don't worry, this is all just hearsay.

The WHO has no such power, they are not a governing body at all.
Oooooooooh Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! They're gonna march in with legions of armed doctors and nurses and take over the US!!!!!!!! And we're gonna let em!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, got that out of my system. Let em vote anyway they want, nothing will change.
And you don't think the people who want to force us to wear an ineffectual paper masks and mandate vaccines that don't stop a virus aren't going to go along with this ?
And you don't think the people who want to force us to wear an ineffectual paper masks and mandate vaccines that don't stop a virus aren't going to go along with this ?
What are they going to do about it? Americans are fed up with mandates.
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