World Health Organization appoints trans activist with ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ tattoo to create guidelines on child sex changes

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
The World Health Organization has just appointed a Canadian, trans, criminal law professor and author of "Gender/Fucking: The Pleasures and Politics of Living in a Gendered Body" to the group developing guidelines on "the health of trans and gender diverse people," Florence Ashley. Ashley's pronouns are "they, them, that, bitch."

Of the 21 members of the new group, at least half are trans. Others are affiliated with WPATH, and still others have "pioneered" medical sex changes, womb transplants, or child sex changes. The group includes two former presidents of WPATH, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which in their latest guidelines stated there should be no age-limit on sex changes for minors.

World Health Organization appoints trans activist with ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ tattoo to create guidelines on child sex changes

These fruitcakes have to go. If this garbage isn’t shunned by society, there is no turning back.
We're interfering with the natural cycle of mentally ill defects hanging themselves before they reach 30.

The Universe cannot be pleased about this.

tranny suicide.jpg

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