Wonder Why We Have Such a Huge College Debt?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
When the government subsidies something, the waste begins.
Department of Diversity at University of Michigan employs 100 people full time.


The Diversity Staff at the University of Michigan Is Nearly 100 Full-Time Employees
This is what you get when schools have access to tons of student loan money. These gullible kids borrow all this money, the schools jack tution up and up, ands the kid gets out with often times a worthless degree and is on the hook for a huge nondischargable debt.
Obama took over student loans and placed it under our federal government...we all said tuition would soar but Obama did it anyway...now look...look at what a mess that jackass made of it...He did the same thing to our healthcare...fucked it up for good...

I don't feel very included with all this diversity money they're handing out and feel I deserve $250,000 a year for a part time job also. My job title can be Western Ethnicity Inclusion For The University Of ...(Whatever)...



It's only a five to ten hour a week assignment right?
That's why the DEMS have to run Uncle Bernie in 2020. So he can make college FREE! That will fix everything won't it? :21:
No, but it would fix plenty. Michigan would have a hard time maintaining bloated staff and exhorbitant tuition, with such drastically cheaper alternatives.

I don't feel very included with all this diversity money they're handing out and feel I deserve $250,000 a year for a part time job also. My job title can be Western Ethnicity Inclusion For The University Of ...(Whatever)...



It's only a five to ten hour a week assignment right?

Then go ahead and make your case. But, when you get laughed out of the room, try to be a big boy and take responsibility for your own stupid behavior, instead of blaming everyone else.

I don't feel very included with all this diversity money they're handing out and feel I deserve $250,000 a year for a part time job also. My job title can be Western Ethnicity Inclusion For The University Of ...(Whatever)...



It's only a five to ten hour a week assignment right?

Then go ahead and make your case. But, when you get laughed out of the room, try to be a big boy and take responsibility for your own stupid behavior, instead of blaming everyone else.


You've missed the sarcastic humor and the desired intent to slash college funding at the local, state, and federal level.


Got a worthless degree that won't get you a decent job? Just do what I did: Default on the loan. The IRS might appropriate your tax refunds the rest of your life, but fuck it.

Damn those aggressive student loan officers and 1980's predatory lenders anyway.
That's why the DEMS have to run Uncle Bernie in 2020. So he can make college FREE! That will fix everything won't it? :21:
Those Who Do Work They're Not Being Paid for Are Called "Amateurs"

Even with free tuition, the students will have to live like teenagers who are afraid to grow up. The results show not only in their immaturity, but also in their simple-minded way of thinking.

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