
I both agree and disagree. I think it is no harm if women persue education and higher education, college etc. That is positive, but they should neglect their duties as wifes and mothers thats probably meant with it.

What is the "duty" of a wife and mother?

Who gets to decide? Men?
She's "stupid" because she's putting all women in one place, under men. Which is ridiculous. They did this in feudal times, poorer countries do this because men couldn't deal with things in a sensible and intelligent way.

This is living life in a simplistic and "stupid" way.
I'm sorry. But that's just the way it is. Men are physically taller and stronger than women on average. The vast majority of women aren't even interested in having it the other way around. Women simply aren't attracted to smaller or weaker men. The natural desire of a woman is to submit herself to a big strong man, be swept off her feet, carried over the threshold.

That isn't to say the gentleman in question won't respect her wishes and desires as much as his own, but you have to acknowledge the reality of a physical relationship here. It just doesn't happen any other way.
I'm sorry. But that's just the way it is. Men are physically taller and stronger than women on average. The vast majority of women aren't even interested in having it the other way around. Women simply aren't attracted to smaller or weaker men. The natural desire of a woman is to submit herself to a big strong man, be swept off her feet, carried over the threshold.

That isn't to say the gentleman in question won't respect her wishes and desires as much as his own, but you have to acknowledge the reality of a physical relationship here. It just doesn't happen any other way.

Or maybe it's just that men are stronger and they want power and take it with force.

Which is muscle, not intelligence.

So I'm not wrong. This woman is stupid.
Or maybe it's just that men are stronger and they want power and take it with force.

Which is muscle, not intelligence.

So I'm not wrong. This woman is stupid.
Some women play blonde and stupid, don't they? And then the man knows when when he's being "catered to" with a subservient but unwilling lower lip, and she's running right off to the police station and coming back with paperwork for service of process and divorce or a restraining order or something like that.
Some women play blonde and stupid, don't they? And then the man knows when when he's being "catered to" with a subservient but unwilling lower lip, and she's running right off to the police station and coming back with paperwork for service of process and divorce or a restraining order or something like that.

The reality is there are three types of people. Those that like being controlled, those that like controlling and those that prefer equality.

Both men and women fit into this.

Some women do this and that and the other. But only "some women", not all women.

In societies where men subjugate women, it's because they fear it's their only way of keeping power, why would you want useless men like that having power? They don't deserve it.

Some women are good at leading. Look at Merkel in Germany. She's done an amazing job for a very long time.
Some women do this and that and the other. But only "some women", not all women.
I've got to go way out and say all women here. The Bible concedes to every woman her own husband.
societies where men subjugate women, it's because they fear it's their only way of keeping power, why would you want useless men like that having power? They don't deserve it.
Men who don't have enough "power" are prescribed quack medicine for "impotence" which is literally a lack of power. A woman doesn't have and use for a powerless man.
I've got to go way out and say all women here. The Bible concedes to every woman her own husband.

Men who don't have enough "power" are prescribed quack medicine for "impotence" which is literally a lack of power. A woman doesn't have and use for a powerless man.

Great, the Bible. In a country which says the Bible can stay the hell away from people who don't want the Bible.

The Bible, 2,000 years old, way out of date.

Sex isn't power. Sex is often a reason for wanting power though.
...women are -per capita -less aggressive than men-fact....so, they are less aggressive with job advancement/etc ..not all of them, but as a whole
Spoken by an idiot with the brains of a dung beetle. Who's never been outside the county.
Spoken by an idiot with the brains of a dung beetle. Who's never been outside the county.
ANOTHER MAJOR fk up by you HHHAHAHHH I've been all over the world
all over South America--twice-
..in the USMC
Yeah sure. You've been off your head for a long time. Several times.
you fkd up and look very silly now
here-post # 323--long BEFORE you even joined USMB = HAHHAHAHAHAHHA
etc many links
you fkd up and look very silly now
here-post # 323--long BEFORE you even joined USMB = HAHHAHAHAHAHHA
etc many links

That reminds me of those godbotherers who think they saw God.

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