

Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Women.....you don't need to be relegated to being a baby factory. If your desire is to become a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, a head of business, a nurse, a police officer or anything else that your heart desires, go for it.
...women are -per capita -less aggressive than men-fact....so, they are less aggressive with job advancement/etc ..not all of them, but as a whole
Publishing disrespectful propaganda based on stereotypes, such as this, denigrates all humans. Men: this is the kind of shameful shit that gets thrown in women's faces every day.

Everyone needs a good education. My parents taught me that education/knowledge was something that no one could ever take away from you. The people who want to discourage others from gaining knowledge are scum who are trying to use ignorance to assure their own unearned power, dominance, and opportunities to sexually abuse others. A well-educated person is perfectly capable of having faith of whatever sort, reading religious scripture of their choosing, and consulting a manual, such as a cookbook, for instruction on any activity they wish to pursue.

BTW: there is no identification on this picture. Any info on who is responsible for it?
...women are -per capita -less aggressive than men-fact....so, they are less aggressive with job advancement/etc ..not all of them, but as a whole
And many like being a wife and mother, but that doesn't mean those that don't want kids but want to do things other than spew out more drains on the resources have to.
I think I figured her out. Based upon her kitchen and her attire (such as it is), she's most likely a devout member of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Women.....you don't need to be relegated to being a baby factory. If your desire is to become a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, a head of business, a nurse, a police officer or anything else that your heart desires, go for it.
If you're fucking with a man, you're going to have babies. The man's got to do his fair share of childcare and support, too, of course, but we have far too many lying greenpeacer scientists, crooked doctors and medical quacks, shysters and sleazy lawyers, dishonest businessmen and crooked cops of both genders as it is.

Don't knock a good education or college degree, but the ABCDF grading system, the goody-two-shoes with straight A's and the endemic cheating on exams and dishonest administration of colleges and universities hardly make it worthwhile for anyone.

The system needs to be Pass-Fail. Students who excel need to move on and focus on their problem areas, with opportunities for remediation. Lose the straight A's and the dean's list, and the laborers union for high school dropouts. People have to be such schoolyard bullies, if they aren't know-it-alls too smart for their own good on a screwed up bell curve grading scale.
If you're fucking with a man, you're going to have babies. The man's got to do his fair share of childcare and support, too, of course, but we have far too many lying greenpeacer scientists, crooked doctors and medical quacks, shysters and sleazy lawyers, dishonest businessmen and crooked cops of both genders as it is.

Don't knock a good education or college degree, but the ABCDF grading system, the goody-two-shoes with straight A's and the endemic cheating on exams and dishonest administration of colleges and universities hardly make it worthwhile for anyone.

The system needs to be Pass-Fail. Students who excel need to move on and focus on their problem areas, with opportunities for remediation. Lose the straight A's and the dean's list, and the laborers union for high school dropouts. People have to be such schoolyard bullies, if they aren't know-it-alls too smart for their own good on a screwed up bell curve grading scale.
Just because a woman is having sex with a man doesn't mean she IS going to have babies. Contraception is cheap and easy to obtain. As always, though, it's her choice.
As for college degrees, they only mean something if the degree obtained is in a profitable field, otherwise, just go to a trade school. The pay is good and they aren't loaded down with topics unrelated to anything they would be actually doing.
Mort not much of a looker but you need to marry her
Well, our friend Mortimer should definitely give up those false vows of priestly celibacy or chastity whatever in that Catholic organized crime hierarchy, and find a decent woman, go with her. Mortimer obviously isn't gay and he does have social relationships with women. Just leave us out of it until after the honeymoon.
Well, just because she isn’t spreading her legs to just any old man with her Bible there, I wouldn't be so quick to call her "stupid" on that account.

She's "stupid" because she's putting all women in one place, under men. Which is ridiculous. They did this in feudal times, poorer countries do this because men couldn't deal with things in a sensible and intelligent way.

This is living life in a simplistic and "stupid" way.

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