Women Punching..

I don't need to answer that. I'll let you think it's 20, I don't give a fuck what some deranged internet lunatic thinks I am or have done, wtf I look like giving three shits about your busy body assed self? smh

I do know, that the majority of the time you're on here with your 40 POSTS PER DAY AVERAGE!!?!?!?!?!!?

I am having a good ole' American time with my wife and baby. Typically smiling, but we do have bills, you know.
"Abusive men concoct explanations for their actions which they give to their partners, therapists, clergy people, relatives and social researchers. But it is a serious error to allow abusers to analyze and account for their own problems. Would we ask an active alcoholic to tell us why he or she drinks, and then accept the explanation unquestioningly?"

Of course you aren't going to answer it, which is the answer. Because if it was "none" then you would say "I've never hit a woman!"

Of course you've hit women. And you fully intend to do it again. I can sniff you losers out from a continent away.
Television and music's effects on people are drastically overstated.
There are some people in the advertising field who would disagree with you.

Do you watch Terminator and go ahead and buy a gun and start firing on people?
Terminator and the like are fantasy, which is different from fiction, the substance of which most people can relate to.

It's the same for most folks.
The Medium Is The Message. By Marshal McLuhan. Available from Amazon. Good book. You should read it.
To the 'never hit a woman' crowd :

What are the circumstances under which it is acceptable for a man to hit another man?

Why is it acceptable in those circumstances but not if it is a woman?

If there are no acceptable circumstances, why differentiate between gender?

Do you not see how the 'never hit a woman' concept, taken as an absolute, basically declares all women to be physically inferior to all men and in need of protection? And it also provides a cover for women to be as violent or abusive to men as they wish without fear of reprisal?

Are there any similar situations in the other direction, in which a woman can do something to another woman but not a man?

Finally, specifically for kg, the phrase battered women is not generally used when describing a woman who gets in a short altercation with a stranger. It is most often defined as women who are repeatedly physically abused by someone they live with/are in a relationship with. Your attempt to connect it to this incident does not make your argument stronger, and in fact seems an attempt to lessen the suffering that actual battered women endure.
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Television and music's effects on people are drastically overstated.
There are some people in the advertising field who would disagree with you.

Do you watch Terminator and go ahead and buy a gun and start firing on people?
Terminator and the like are fantasy, which is different from fiction, the substance of which most people can relate to.

It's the same for most folks.
The Medium Is The Message. By Marshal McLuhan. Available from Amazon. Good book. You should read it.

Fantasy is a type of fiction. ;)
Television and music's effects on people are drastically overstated.
There are some people in the advertising field who would disagree with you.

Do you watch Terminator and go ahead and buy a gun and start firing on people?
Terminator and the like are fantasy, which is different from fiction, the substance of which most people can relate to.

It's the same for most folks.
The Medium Is The Message. By Marshal McLuhan. Available from Amazon. Good book. You should read it.

Advertising works because it's a reminder.

Fantasy is fiction, by definition....but anyhoo, I still strongly disagree with you and the facts are on my side. Namely, we are not becoming increasingly more violent as a nation - statistically. It's actually decreased a bit since the late 90's, so, so much for that theory.
You shove certain women, and they're going to jump you.

You hit them, and some of them will shoot you.

PS...men who brag about how they'd hit a woman under *certain* circumstances generally are batterers themselves.

Yea, ok there pseudo psychologist.

You don't know dick.

I know one when I see one.

You're an abusive piece of shit. Which explains why you're such a piece of work on here.

Now fuck off. Don't try to pm me either, puke.

Let me guess. You got hit by a man before? I'm beginning to understand why.
I know one when I see one.

You're an abusive piece of shit. Which explains why you're such a piece of work on here.

Now fuck off. Don't try to pm me either, puke.

Let me guess. You got hit by a man before? I'm beginning to understand why.

Yes, abusers band together. You guys defend and support each other.

If you're going to act like a child then I'm going to respond like one.

Let me know when you want to have an adult conversation.
"Almost anyone can become an ally of an abusive man by inadvertently adopting his perspective. People usually don't even notice they are supporting abusive thinking, or they wouldn't do it.
"It is impossible for a community to stop abuse while continuing to assist or ignore abusers at the same time. Protecting or enabling an abuser is as repugnant as the abuse itself. This critical concept needs to become embedded in our culture. "

http://www.ocadvsa.info/Disc2/Faith Based Resources/Understanding Batterers.pdf
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"Almost anyone can become an ally of an abusive man by inadvertently adopting his perspective. People usually don't even notice they are supporting abusive thinking, or they wouldn't do it.
"It is impossible for a community to stop abuse while continuing to assist or ignore abusers at the same time. Protecting or enabling an abuser is as repugnant as the abuse itself. This critical concept needs to become embedded in our culture. "



Yes, abusers band together. You guys defend and support each other.

If you're going to act like a child then I'm going to respond like one.

Let me know when you want to have an adult conversation.

This from the jackass who said this: You got hit by a man before? I'm beginning to understand why.


Just don't talk to me anymore. Trying to have a conversation with someone on a lower intellectual plane is just too frustrating for me.
I'm sorry, does it make you angry? Does it make you feel like hitting me?

How is that my problem?

Own your own problem, loser.

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