Women leaving Repub voting ranks in droves

It's beautifully ironic how Rush's iron fist of power over GOP politicians, that those politicians for years dutifully submitted to, thinking it was in their best interests,

has now become a death grip.

Imagine if one of the GOP candidates last week, at the outset of this, had had the courage to step up and body slam Fatso with a clear and unequivocal rebuke and denouncement,

imagine how much better their position would be now.

Did your Man George Soros tell you to say that? :eusa_whistle:

Did your ass whisper in your ear to tell you to say THAT?

Speaking of ass, how does Obama's ass taste?
Pull your mouth off the orifice for a moment and share.
It's beautifully ironic how Rush's iron fist of power over GOP politicians, that those politicians for years dutifully submitted to, thinking it was in their best interests,

has now become a death grip.

Imagine if one of the GOP candidates last week, at the outset of this, had had the courage to step up and body slam Fatso with a clear and unequivocal rebuke and denouncement,

imagine how much better their position would be now.

Did your Man George Soros tell you to say that? :eusa_whistle:

Did your ass whisper in your ear to tell you to say THAT?

I must have hit a nerve. It must have been too close to the truth for you. :D
Can you show me a direct quote from 'nearly every Republican' in the House and Senate, where they call these women a slut or prostitute? Or, are you just taking the Rush quote and simply assuming every Republican said the same thing, like so many hyper partisan liberals do?

You are correct, that these women are not sluts nor prostitutes... but you are incorrect to state that 'nearly every Republican' has called them such.

I'm not hearing too many Republicans in the House and Senate condemning Rush.....you'd think they were afraid to cross him or something. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe they see him as a radio personality, and not a politician?
You lefties put way too much stock into Rush....the rest of us don't. :eusa_whistle:

So, when in 1995 the House Republicans gave Limbaugh an honorary membership, for helping them get elected,

that was the end of Limbaugh's role in GOP politics?
Between Rush and Santorum, it comes as a surprise to me that any woman would stay with the GOP.

Indeed. Many women won't jump on a sandbox, but they will quietly go to the polls in November and vote "No" against the Republicans after this recent bad rash outbreak of Santorum and Limbaugh and then Romney's "I wouldn't use those words..." comment.

:rolleyes: Oh brother. You haven't a clue, do you?

do you think it added to the republicans voting rolls?
Indeed. Many women won't jump on a sandbox, but they will quietly go to the polls in November and vote "No" against the Republicans after this recent bad rash outbreak of Santorum and Limbaugh and then Romney's "I wouldn't use those words..." comment.

:rolleyes: Oh brother. You haven't a clue, do you?

do you think it added to the republicans voting rolls?

I don't think it did anything but make the left go into attack mode with their fake outrage
Can you show me a direct quote from 'nearly every Republican' in the House and Senate, where they call these women a slut or prostitute? Or, are you just taking the Rush quote and simply assuming every Republican said the same thing, like so many hyper partisan liberals do?

You are correct, that these women are not sluts nor prostitutes... but you are incorrect to state that 'nearly every Republican' has called them such.

I'm not hearing too many Republicans in the House and Senate condemning Rush.....you'd think they were afraid to cross him or something. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe they see him as a radio personality, and not a politician?
You lefties put way too much stock into Rush....the rest of us don't. :eusa_whistle:

That's it. Throw the fat boy under the bus when the going gets rough.

Five thousand posts in a week here of conservatives defending Limbaugh, and yet, at the same time,

they pretend they don't care about him.

how very stupid of you to think women want republicans telling them what they can do with their own bodys.

Your party is commiting suicide
I'm not hearing too many Republicans in the House and Senate condemning Rush.....you'd think they were afraid to cross him or something. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe they see him as a radio personality, and not a politician?
You lefties put way too much stock into Rush....the rest of us don't. :eusa_whistle:

So, when in 1995 the House Republicans gave Limbaugh an honorary membership, for helping them get elected,

that was the end of Limbaugh's role in GOP politics?

in 2008 the left gave any unknown access to the white house and look at what he has done to fuck up an already fucked economy.
Indeed. Many women won't jump on a sandbox, but they will quietly go to the polls in November and vote "No" against the Republicans after this recent bad rash outbreak of Santorum and Limbaugh and then Romney's "I wouldn't use those words..." comment.

:rolleyes: Oh brother. You haven't a clue, do you?

do you think it added to the republicans voting rolls?

I think by November, this will be a non issue and the number of people out of work, along with the deficit and debt will be the priority. Does that answer your question? No?
I think it hasn't hurt the republican voting rolls because most people see this for what it is, and those that don't right now will know over the next week or two.
Does that answer your question?
I must say, I am flabbergasted at the continued assertion by Righties on this board that they do not listen to Rush Limbaugh....and that it appears to them that only Lefties do.

That's quite a statement to make.....when one thinks about it, seriously.


Go wash and inventory your filthy dildo collection, you stupid fuck.

^ ^ ^ typical limbaugh listener ^ ^ ^ :eusa_doh: Keep up the good work Wahrrior102 :clap2:
I'm not hearing too many Republicans in the House and Senate condemning Rush.....you'd think they were afraid to cross him or something. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe they see him as a radio personality, and not a politician?
You lefties put way too much stock into Rush....the rest of us don't. :eusa_whistle:

That's it. Throw the fat boy under the bus when the going gets rough.

Five thousand posts in a week here of conservatives defending Limbaugh, and yet, at the same time,

they pretend they don't care about him.


Dude....you and yours are making the issue about Rush, you and yours are the ones that always bring him up. I don't have to defend him...I don't even listen to him. But, I'm an independent and not a republican....or, I'm a conservative and not a republican...take your pick.
You're the one being funny trying to make something about me. :razz:
how very stupid of you to think women want republicans telling them what they can do with their own bodys.

Your party is commiting suicide

Flukes asking the government to tell others to maintain her life style
I must say, I am flabbergasted at the continued assertion by Righties on this board that they do not listen to Rush Limbaugh....and that it appears to them that only Lefties do.

That's quite a statement to make.....when one thinks about it, seriously.


Go wash and inventory your filthy dildo collection, you stupid fuck.

^ ^ ^ typical limbaugh listener ^ ^ ^ :eusa_doh: Keep up the good work Wahrrior102 :clap2:
I don't think warrior is a wacko left winger.
Did your ass whisper in your ear to tell you to say THAT?

I must have hit a nerve. It must have been too close to the truth for you. :D

I'm not surprised that it surprises you to see others who can think for themselves.

I'm waiting for you to start thinking, NY. If you don't see this fiasco as nothing more than damage control from the left, then you are not doing any critical thinking on your behalf. Which leads me to believe that you listen to george Soros, MediaMatters, and MoveOn.Org for your talking points. sheesh...it had to be said.

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