Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

No – you and others on the reactionary, authoritarian right hate America.

And the old America you want back is a hateful, racist, bigoted, misogynistic America where women are second-class citizens, where Americans of color are disenfranchised, and where gay and transgender Americans subject to criminal prosecution.
You want an America where white people are disenfranchised and assumed to be bigoted, men are assumed to be misogynistic and women are assumed to be physically stronger than men and endowed with the power of life and death with 0 consequences. You want an America that encourages the mutilation of kids' genitals so that homosexuals can 'procreate.'
I mean, if women are going to run off to the abortionist to kill their babies when they get knocked up, then no, we can’t trust them!!
Conservatism is the true threat to America – the ignorance, fear, and hate, the illiberal, anti-democratic, neo-fascist authoritarianism, the contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, and the tyranny of Republican minority rule seeking more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty, denying women their right to privacy and reproductive autonomy.
More definitively, I feel it is MAGA Republicans. All Republicans are not like them. They are whacked.
This is one of countless reasons why conservatives are appropriately despised and why conservatism is the bane of the American nation.
Yeah, teaching young girls to respect their own bodies is the 'bane' of liberals, it reduces the number of pussies available to liberal fuckers.
Yeah, teaching young girls to respect their own bodies is the 'bane' of liberals, it reduces the number of pussies available to liberal fuckers.
I am sure you are celibate.Hell, God impregnated an unwed teen yet keeps his job.
I note that you failed to answer the question.
“Women can't be trusted with their own bodies”

This is from one of your fellow rightists.

And because women ‘can’t be trusted,’ the state must interfere and compel women to conform through force of law; this is the epitome of rightwing fascist authoritarianism.

Yet another example as to why conservatives are appropriately despised.
MAGA, including you, are not conservatives.

Wrong. Your dishonest daffynitions don’t count.
You are a cult controlled by Donald Trump.

False. Look up the meaning of words before you blow them out your ass, someday.
Trump, and MAGA, embrace any group that kisses Trump's ass; neoNazis, white supremacists, KKK

More of your bullshit fantasy. Especially funny since you libturds are the true fascists. You’re also mostly racists. You fucktards even think you “own” the black vote. Just ask President Potato. 😎

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