Women are yapping about equal pay again?

whenever shall women truly believe in equality?

Men should not complain in modern times, if women should want to help us practice, client relations, diversity, and stress management in a team oriented environment.

I believe "no male boss" would ever have a problem with that.


why do women?
I have so had it with the Democrats and the ridiculous issues they champion.

In my entire career I have never seen a women paid less.

In my entire career, I have never seen a women not get preferential treatment based solely on their sex.

In fact, as far as pay, I have only seen women get the same or better pay than men.

WTF did I miss in my 45 years in the workplace?

Unusual, but your experience doesn't matter that much. Plenty of women have seen those things.

What exactly have they seen?
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

Being paid equally for the same job is not the issue. The false perception of doing the same job is.

Simple example; data entry requires work on the computer, so is programming. So if they both work on the computer, why is he paid more? It's "the same" job...
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

Being paid equally for the same job is not the issue. The false perception of doing the same job is.

Simple example; data entry requires work on the computer, so is programming. So if they both work on the computer, why is he paid more? It's "the same" job...

we all know men are easier to work with and dont complain about every single issue like women do
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

That is the first thing I always think of, how is this pay stat computed?

My oldest daughter makes very good money but has continually turned down more as she wants no part of the extra hours and travel as she is a young mom. How is that factored in? Is that being paid less?

There are just sooooooo many differences between men and women that effect when women work and why as compared to men.
I agree the caregiver issue is probably the primary one. I don't know what other types of "differences" you are talking about.

Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
What do you think who's paid more, male construction worker or male daycare worker?
whenever shall women truly believe in equality?

Men should not complain in modern times, if women should want to help us practice, client relations, diversity, and stress management in a team oriented environment.

I believe "no male boss" would ever have a problem with that.


why do women?

Thanks for taking one for the team !:beer:

Have a nice vacation !
whenever shall women truly believe in equality?

Men should not complain in modern times, if women should want to help us practice, client relations, diversity, and stress management in a team oriented environment.

I believe "no male boss" would ever have a problem with that.


why do women?
Nice knowing ya...
after 45 yrs on the job site I have only seen 2 women step up and do the work of a man,,or should I sat attempt to do the work of men
You should have worked at a strip joint they all make more than the door guy...
the joke with that is they claim women are being exploited when its the men that walk in with money and walk out broke and still horny,,,
That is the first thing I always think of, how is this pay stat computed?

My oldest daughter makes very good money but has continually turned down more as she wants no part of the extra hours and travel as she is a young mom. How is that factored in? Is that being paid less?

There are just sooooooo many differences between men and women that effect when women work and why as compared to men.
I agree the caregiver issue is probably the primary one. I don't know what other types of "differences" you are talking about.

Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
or it could be construction work is harder and women cant do the job and dont want too
"Harder?" Requires more strength, yes. Try taking care of children ages 6 mos. through 4 years for a day. Putting on a roof is not "harder," it is different. Is it more important to put on a roof than to keep your child safe and happy for the day while you work?

I guess it's time for women to stop taking care of children ages 6 months through 4 years and climb on the roof. It's not harder, it's different, and definitely better paid.
Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
or it could be construction work is harder and women cant do the job and dont want too
"Harder?" Requires more strength, yes. Try taking care of children ages 6 mos. through 4 years for a day. Putting on a roof is not "harder," it is different. Is it more important to put on a roof than to keep your child safe and happy for the day while you work?
sorry but I've taken care of children and I would rather do that all day than do construction work

women need top stop their bitching or get out there and provide the hard things men have been providing for centuries
You and OP are both using the tired old line that because men are stronger they should make more, be entitled to more opportunities (like in the military), etc. Horseshit

There is nothing preventing you or any other women from enlisting in military.
That is the first thing I always think of, how is this pay stat computed?

My oldest daughter makes very good money but has continually turned down more as she wants no part of the extra hours and travel as she is a young mom. How is that factored in? Is that being paid less?

There are just sooooooo many differences between men and women that effect when women work and why as compared to men.
I agree the caregiver issue is probably the primary one. I don't know what other types of "differences" you are talking about.

Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
I work construction. Physically demanding and dangerous. Better have a stomach for heights and crappy weather. Most men can't cut it and I see very few women except the burly gals.
I respect that. It is for strong, outdoor types. So jobs that are physically demanding should pay more, you say. I know a lot of men who do that type of work. I certainly appreciate those skills. I just don't understand, still, why you think it is worth almost twice as much as a daycare provider that you trust with your child all day.

You're right, why construction work is worth almost twice as much as daycare work, when it should be worth at least three times as much?
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I've said this before and I'll say it again, women are paid MORE than their worth in the workplace and I saw it first hand.

I started a job working in the same room with a woman who had the same job title I did. We had the same job description. I was hired to take half the workload off of her. Fair enough. Shed been working there like 3 months longer than me. She was on salary. So if she came in late, left early, took days off, two hour lunches, etc she was paid the same. I was hourly. If I came in late or left early or had a long lunch my paycheck directly reflected that.

Fast forward almost 2 years. She's now playing on Facebook all day, the computer software now says I'm inputting 97% of the data AND shes paid more than I am. I knew this because I was asked to stay late one day and I managed to hack into the payroll software and I saw what everyone was being paid. I was shocked.

We had a sister company that rented party equipment and when those warehouse guys needed extra help loading, they NEVER asked her to do it. It was always me. I was never paid more to do it. She sat in the air conditioned room while I was loading a box truck full of tables and chairs. She was playing on facebook while I was sweating my ass off. Why was I asked? Because I was the guy and stronger than her. But I wasn't PAID MORE because of this.

So I don't want to hear anyone bitching about equal pay for women. When a woman actually DOES equal work, then they can get equal pay. I now drive a truck and see women paid identically as men because they do the same job. That's fine. But our company has a company wide no-touch-freight rule. So nobody is asked to do anything but drive.
Fascinating anecdotes, boys.

The anecdotes are all backed by sound research.

Google found it paid men less than women for the same job

Again, as has been pointed out hundreds of times, the pay 'gap' is largely due to women taking lower pay jobs than men.

If you think a man who works in a coal mine, should be paid the same as a women with 'equal experience and qualification' who works at the office answering the phone.... you are crazy.

One of the ironic aspects of the 'nordic countries are more equal', is that when you look at the information, the reason it is more equal, is because fewer and fewer men were going into women dominated jobs, and fewer and fewer women were going into men dominated jobs.

Nordic countries are not stupid enough to compare men and women's pay blindly. So yes, if you only compare women nurses to the pay of other nurses, and there are fewer and fewer male nurses.... pay will be more equal.

Another reason is simply that women take time off for family things. They get pregnant. They go home when Timmy is sick. They can't fly down the Florida to fix products deployed to a customer that are broken.

I mention that because I was working at a company, where some products at a large theme park, started taking water in. The CEO, the VP of Engineer, and the VP of Sales, plus our senior Engineer, all flew down to work for 3 days straight to fix the products.

You know who didn't go? Any of the women in the company. Who would feed Timmy? Who would pick bobby up from school?

Now you might take that as an insult, but the reality is these are the reason women are paid less. Men are willing to stay over. Women have to go take care of their kids.

This isn't like Japan, where kids are expected to grow up. Where you teach your kids to cook their own food, and sometimes to even go to the store and buy it to cook it. Where coddling your kids to drive to school, when they could just as easily walk.

So women simply can't coddle their kids all day long, and still put in the same time and dedication as a man at a corporation.

And the fact is... that time and dedication is worth something.
Fascinating anecdotes, boys.

Men make more because they generally work longer hours, don’t stay home as often with kids and do harder jobs such as on oil rigs. For the SAME jobs, they make the same as women or a little less.

Today it seems that modern young women thinks that relationship with a man means, they get: a servant, a chef, a shrink, a physiotherapist, a provider, "what's yours is mine too, what's mine is only mine", an entertainer, a living dildo, a pillow, a 24/7 taxi service... while actually bringing next to nothing to the relationship, other than all their neurotic issues and vagina.

Than you hear, staying home with kids is hard.
Unusual, but your experience doesn't matter that much. Plenty of women have seen those things.
True anecdotal evidence means nothing

However it is long since a proven fact that the gender pay gap is spin and mythology.

There is an income gap between the average man and the average woman but it is the result of individual personal choices.

There is no job where men get paid more simply for being a man.

There are however a few occupations where women get paid more than men who they do the exact same work side by side with. Because they are female.

Do you have a credible link to that proof, or did you just pull it out of your ass?
It is long since proven by the labor department and all empirical evidence.

The fact is this men tend to make different choices than women which results I. More income

For example men take jobs which pay more but require greater sacrifice such as over the road truck drivers who spend days weeks even months away from home. They get laid great but the vast majority are men

Men work more hours than women especially overtime hours. This is why it is an income gap not a lay gap. Any two or more employees might we'll make the same pay but the ones working over time will have fatter paychecks , or income , than those who work 40 hours or less.

The list goes on but it is LONG since proven the pay gap is a myth and spin. The happy is based on individual choices.

It is feminist crap which does not exist.

It is easy to prove wrong but cannot be. If it is false find any job or occupation where equally qualified men and women do the exact same thing side by side but get paid different

You cannot find any such in they DO NOT exist.

Deal with it

So that would be no credible link then-----right?
Us department of labor

Feel free to peruse.

Find that job yet?


You lose, facts are facts

The only links they will accept are links to MSNBC, CNN or DNC. Everything else is just propaganda.
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

Being paid equally for the same job is not the issue. The false perception of doing the same job is.

Simple example; data entry requires work on the computer, so is programming. So if they both work on the computer, why is he paid more? It's "the same" job...
market based participants are more willing to self select for those jobs they are more qualified for, with recourse to an income of last resort.
The truth is there are VERY few jobs that are identical between men and women. Like was pointed out above, the men are the ones who have to stay late, stay overnight, etc to help out. Women are sent home to take care of the kids. If you don't think that dedication is worth something to a company, you're nuts.
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

Being paid equally for the same job is not the issue. The false perception of doing the same job is.

Simple example; data entry requires work on the computer, so is programming. So if they both work on the computer, why is he paid more? It's "the same" job...

we all know men are easier to work with and dont complain about every single issue like women do
most jobs are "geared toward males", simply providing recourse to equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation, women may prefer to self-select in a more market friendly manner, than feel the need to complain about every issue that may provide recourse to a capital income under our form of capitalism.

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