Women are yapping about equal pay again?

I have so had it with the Democrats and the ridiculous issues they champion.

In my entire career I have never seen a women paid less.

In my entire career, I have never seen a women not get preferential treatment based solely on their sex.

In fact, as far as pay, I have only seen women get the same or better pay than men.

WTF did I miss in my 45 years in the workplace?
What field do you work in?
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

Actual research shows that the reason women as a group make less is the choice of jobs, the amount of time they take off compared to men......that's it......

Can you site that specific research, or is that just what you have heard?
Sorry buddy. The department of labor is not a link. You understand what links are, don't you?
Yes and it is not needed these are ok facts deal with it and do your own research sweetheart then op is correct.

Got it. You can't back up your claims. I'm not really surprised.
Massive evidence

Not a claim and you cannot refute it or leave it wrong.
It is fact grow up be an adult and deal with it

WOW!! I'm impressed. You can't present any of that MASSIVE EVIDENCE? I'm just supposed to take your word for it? Sorry buddy, but I don't believe crazy right wingers any further than I could throw you. Present credible evidence or admit you just pulled it all out of your ass.
East Asia is telling us what went wrong. They be making the products...Oh yes in deedee!

Not even a good dodge.
Another big reason for unequal pay is woman do not like risk, do not like confrontation, and suck at negotiating.
I have so had it with the Democrats and the ridiculous issues they champion.

In my entire career I have never seen a women paid less.

In my entire career, I have never seen a women not get preferential treatment based solely on their sex.

In fact, as far as pay, I have only seen women get the same or better pay than men.

WTF did I miss in my 45 years in the workplace?

Unusual, but your experience doesn't matter that much. Plenty of women have seen those things.
True anecdotal evidence means nothing

However it is long since a proven fact that the gender pay gap is spin and mythology.

There is an income gap between the average man and the average woman but it is the result of individual personal choices.

There is no job where men get paid more simply for being a man.

There are however a few occupations where women get paid more than men who they do the exact same work side by side with. Because they are female.
name them
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
or it could be construction work is harder and women cant do the job and dont want too
"Harder?" Requires more strength, yes. Try taking care of children ages 6 mos. through 4 years for a day. Putting on a roof is not "harder," it is different. Is it more important to put on a roof than to keep your child safe and happy for the day while you work?
sorry but I've taken care of children and I would rather do that all day than do construction work

women need top stop their bitching or get out there and provide the hard things men have been providing for centuries
You and OP are both using the tired old line that because men are stronger they should make more, be entitled to more opportunities (like in the military), etc. Horseshit

The OP never said such a thing. Don't be a liar.

I never said men should be paid more. I am just tired of women bitching when there is no reason for them to bitch.

It's 70 years since this was an issue.
My whole life women were pushed to the front of the line and now we see women paid more than men for the same jobs out of college. But still the Trump like victimization.

Is there anyone on the entire planet that is not a victim? Good grief.
women get paid more than men for WHAT jobs out of college
Here's the thing: TODAY, when a man and a woman get hired, unless there is a clear distinction between what the man is hired to do and the woman is hired to do, the pay will be approximately equal. There is data to the effect that for recent grads with comparable degrees, women are getting MORE than men with the "same" credentials.

So for millennials and other young 'uns, they have essentially nothing to complain about. The "seventy-seven cent" myth is based on gross numbers, and makes no allowances for hours worked, experience, responsibility, or the economic value of the work done.

But for women who entered the work force before '95 or so, they were placed in career paths that were lower than men of comparable credentials. This was because it was felt that a woman does not have the same dedication to the job. She will not work 60 hours a week, she will take days off when HER KIDS GET SICK, she will decline relocation to advance her career, she will shy away from overnight travel because there is a problem with the babysitter, she will take months at a time away from work to procreate, and so on. All true but it is now considered "unfair" to take these real factors into account when assessing a potential employee. Further, today's young women care less for family and kids, so maybe the real drawbacks of female employment of yesteryear are fading away.

My wife started with a major bank in 1975, having a degree, with honors, in "Education." She started as a teller, and had no real chance to get into management for 8-10 years after she started. She had a fine career, but never caught up, compensation wise, either annually or cumulatively. Her Brother, started with the same bank at the same time and was put into a management training program, based on no work experience and a degree in PoliSci - no honors whatsoever. By mid-career, she had passed him up in the food chain, but she NEVER caught a break for being a woman. Much the opposite. She had to prove herself again and again, where men going to the same positions were presumed to be competent and capable.

The story is complicated, but as I opine above, TODAY's women have not a thing to complain about.
for recent grads with comparable degrees, women are getting MORE than men with the "same" credentials.
I really need a link on this please.
I wonder if the real issue is "pink collar jobs" like social work and teaching that are predominantly women and despite the required 5 years of college and additional credentialing, licensing, etc., they get paid far less than men in other predominantly "male" occupations.

I dunno. Just a thought.

It's been illegal to pay women less for the same work for ages.

That is the first thing I always think of, how is this pay stat computed?

My oldest daughter makes very good money but has continually turned down more as she wants no part of the extra hours and travel as she is a young mom. How is that factored in? Is that being paid less?

There are just sooooooo many differences between men and women that effect when women work and why as compared to men.
I agree the caregiver issue is probably the primary one. I don't know what other types of "differences" you are talking about.

Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.

NO, it has to do with supply and demand.

A construction worker, if injured on the job which disables him from no longer doing construction work, i.e. heavy lifting, moving about, etc., can still, hypothetically, sign up to do day care. (lol, daddy daycare.)

OTH, a day care worker CAN NOT usually do construction work. THEREFOR, construction work is a more valuable job.

It is really quite simple.
The problem with feminism is it's outlook it is fundamentally Marxist in origin, so it tends to view the world through Marxist lenses. Posters in this thread somehow have a misguided view that society sets the values and prices on wages. But society doesn't, the market does.

THAT is how the free market works. These members are showing their ignorance on how the free market works, and that they learned nothing in High School and College. They really need to go back to school.

The free market is NOT sexist, it favors no sex, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. It only favors the best product or service at the best price.

Truth and Myth on the Gender Pay Gap | Steven Horwitz
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The problem with feminism is it's outlook it is fundamentally Marxist in origin, so it tends to view the world through Marxist lenses. Posters in this thread somehow have a misguided view that society sets the values and prices on wages. But society doesn't, the market does.

THAT is not how the free market works. These members are showing their ignorance on how the free market works, and that they learned nothing in High School and College. They really need to go back to school.

The free market is NOT sexist, it favors no sex, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. It only favors the best product or service at the best price.

Truth and Myth on the Gender Pay Gap | Steven Horwitz
Mr. Beale, the free market works by catering to people's individual choices. Supply and demand stuff. Who makes the demands? You and me. If people are sexist, the free market will reflect that.
I agree the caregiver issue is probably the primary one. I don't know what other types of "differences" you are talking about.

Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
I work construction. Physically demanding and dangerous. Better have a stomach for heights and crappy weather. Most men can't cut it and I see very few women except the burly gals.
I respect that. It is for strong, outdoor types. So jobs that are physically demanding should pay more, you say. I know a lot of men who do that type of work. I certainly appreciate those skills. I just don't understand, still, why you think it is worth almost twice as much as a daycare provider that you trust with your child all day.
My ex used to do private daycare in our house. Was licensed by state for up to 14 kids. She pulled in as much as I did and we took advantage of huge tax breaks with a home business. A center won't pay as much but sure charges parents more.
I went by averages -- a daycare provider averages $9-something an hour. Construction workers, $15.
Do you think what your ex did was less important than what you did all day?
Physical strength? Come on, you can't not know about this.

It makes a big difference in the workplace for many jobs.

Also, how about interests? Women and men do not equally gravitate toward the same jobs.
Physical strength makes me think of construction jobs. Which require no college investment at all. Yet on average, construction workers make much more than daycare providers. Why is that? I think it has to do with the fact that construction workers are generally men and daycare providers are typically women.
I work construction. Physically demanding and dangerous. Better have a stomach for heights and crappy weather. Most men can't cut it and I see very few women except the burly gals.
I respect that. It is for strong, outdoor types. So jobs that are physically demanding should pay more, you say. I know a lot of men who do that type of work. I certainly appreciate those skills. I just don't understand, still, why you think it is worth almost twice as much as a daycare provider that you trust with your child all day.
My ex used to do private daycare in our house. Was licensed by state for up to 14 kids. She pulled in as much as I did and we took advantage of huge tax breaks with a home business. A center won't pay as much but sure charges parents more.
I went by averages -- a daycare provider averages $9-something an hour. Construction workers, $15.
Do you think what your ex did was less important than what you did all day?
I would say at this point those quoted wages are for low skilled in both career choices.
She was able to get full license within 6 months from being an unskilled worker in any other field.
No schooling required to get into construction but preferred and will get you more pay.
Took years of experience before I could lay out an entire house. Run large machines and repair them on spot. Understand all city codes and not screw up materials that cost tens of thousands of dollars. As I stated many men wash out. Too demanding. As I mentioned the hazards of the work alone merit higher pay.
I wouldn't say what she did was less important. Just required far less skills.
The problem with feminism is it's outlook it is fundamentally Marxist in origin, so it tends to view the world through Marxist lenses. Posters in this thread somehow have a misguided view that society sets the values and prices on wages. But society doesn't, the market does.

THAT is not how the free market works. These members are showing their ignorance on how the free market works, and that they learned nothing in High School and College. They really need to go back to school.

The free market is NOT sexist, it favors no sex, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. It only favors the best product or service at the best price.

Truth and Myth on the Gender Pay Gap | Steven Horwitz
Mr. Beale, the free market works by catering to people's individual choices. Supply and demand stuff. Who makes the demands? You and me. If people are sexist, the free market will reflect that.
OVER 50% of the population is women.

By your logic, there are lots of self-hating, misogynist women. You should focus on changing their minds and closing ranks, rather than using the government to force people to your POV, if you believe what you erroneously believe about the market.

No doubt a certain amount of misogyny exists, but as that article explains, the empirical case is overstated.
I have so had it with the Democrats and the ridiculous issues they champion.

In my entire career I have never seen a women paid less.

In my entire career, I have never seen a women not get preferential treatment based solely on their sex.

In fact, as far as pay, I have only seen women get the same or better pay than men.

WTF did I miss in my 45 years in the workplace?

It’s the biggest horseshit narrative out of the SJWs and feminazis. We’re supposed to believe that companies are choosing to pay men more when they could be paying women way less for the “same work”. If that was true they wouldn’t hire men.
It's been a feminist talking point for decades, but the equal pay gap is a myth. It's been debunked numerous times.

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