Woman's march pictures

You Reich wingers started this mess, by insisting on campaigning on women's issues, get your dumb ass's out there and clean this shit up yourselves.

You dumb ass's didn't even know it was the reason Romney lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

At first I didn't get the weird pink hat thing.

But then I figured out what they were.....

What are they trying to accomplish?
I don't know. But the one sign that says "if men could get pregnant, birth control & abortion would be safe and affordable..." you know...has a point if you think about it long enough. It's true. There's be no question at all if men got knocked up by random sex acts that the discussion about abortion and birth control would be VERY different on both sides of the aisle.
This is the FINAL FU from women in this country telling you they're sick and tired of you politicizing their uterus's, & to leave them the fuck alone.
You're the only ones politicizing your pussies. Did you see this liberal icon's rant? Start at about 3:45.
I think I have collected about every state group, if there is more, just go ahead and keep it going. Get those pictures on this thread.

Right now I just want to know who the dumbass Republican will be who plans to campaign on Roe V Wade, or the next Republican governor who wants to sign a bill into law regarding abortion (like Mike Pense now Vice President did,) that was overruled by a higher court within a year. And how about them paying for their own control pills, even though it's a prescription drug that is covered by insurers? Com'on you fucking morons keep campaigning women's issues. Do you really believe that Planned Parenthood funding is going to be cut now?
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

This is the FINAL FU from women in this country telling you they're sick and tired of you politicizing their uterus's, & to leave them the fuck alone.

Ignore them at your peril.

Then you actually install into the White House a vile, vulgar, foulmouthed, woman assaulting, immature, misogynist Chimpanzee--while you stand on your morality principles. Shove it up your ass's.

You want me to leave your pussy alone? Then take care of the damn thing yourself and stop asking me to pay the maintenance on it.
I'm still wondering what these women think Trump is going to do to them?

They fear he's going to grab their pussy. Actually, most of these women would prefer he does because they haven't had a good roll in the sack in 10+ years, if ever. Additionally, they'd be happy to take Trump's money, willfully or otherwise. That and they'd enjoy the attention. I like honesty, you?
The pro-abortion crowd gave it a shot over the weekend with vulgar loud mouth bitches like Ashley Judd and anarchist Madonna but today President Trump re-instituted the Reagan/Bush mandate that no federal funds from the U.S. can be used for abortions in any other country. With a stroke of the pen President Trump deemed the liberal woman's demonstration irrelevant and forgotten.
I'm still wondering what these women think Trump is going to do to them?

Give me a break. What did you just crawl out from under a rock to see what was going on. Republicans since 2012 have been attacking women on women's issues. From abortion to forced sonograms, to birth control pills and devices. Planned parenthood, planned parenthood continually attacked even though they have yet to produce one single woman in this country that stated that taxpayer dollars paid for her abortion.

This year they ALL have been promising to appoint an ultra-conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice that will overthrow a 45 year old U.S. Supreme Court decision called Roe V Wade. Comrade Trump has continually campaigned on that, and even at one time he thought it would be appropriate to PUNISH women that had an abortion--(WITHOUT even knowing the circumstance surrounding the abortion.)

Republicans have chased off the largest voting block in this country. Hell even Moderate Republican women can't stand them anymore.

Atlanta Georgia


This is women in this country giving the final FU to the entire Republican party. You are going to get soooo creamed in 2018 and then again in 2020. They aren't going to forget to VOTE.

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I think I have collected about every state group, if there is more, just go ahead and keep it going. Get those pictures on this thread.

Right now I just want to know who the dumbass Republican will be who plans to campaign on Roe V Wade, or the next Republican governor who wants to sign a bill into law regarding abortion (like Mike Pense now Vice President did,) that was overruled by a higher court within a year. And how about them paying for their own control pills, even though it's a prescription drug that is covered by insurers? Com'on you fucking morons keep campaigning women's issues. Do you really believe that Planned Parenthood funding is going to be cut now?
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

This is the FINAL FU from women in this country telling you they're sick and tired of you politicizing their uterus's, & to leave them the fuck alone.

Ignore them at your peril.

Then you actually install into the White House a vile, vulgar, foulmouthed, woman assaulting, immature, misogynist Chimpanzee--while you stand on your morality principles. Shove it up your ass's.

You want me to leave your pussy alone? Then take care of the damn thing yourself and stop asking me to pay the maintenance on it.

Another little banning rooster comment, whose testicles shrunk up inside his pelvic over the sight of overwhelming power.

If you aren't going to stand up for your women, be assured they'll stand up for themselves.

Real men are not afraid of women equality.

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I'm still wondering what these women think Trump is going to do to them?

Give me a break. What did you just crawl out from under a rock to see what was going on. Republicans since 2012 have been attacking women on women's issues. From abortion to forced sonograms, to birth control pills and devices.

This year they ALL have been promising to appoint an ultra-conservative U.S. Supreme Court justice that will overthrow a 45 year old U.S. Supreme Court decision called Roe V Wade. Comrade Trump has continually campaigned on that, and even at one time he thought it would be appropriate to PUNISH women that had an abortion--(WITHOUT even knowing the circumstance surrounding the abortion.)

Republicans have chased off the largest voting block in this country. Hell even Moderate Republican women can't stand them anymore.

Atlanta Georgia


This is women in this country giving the final FU to the entire Republican party. You are going to get soooo creamed in 2018 and then again in 2020. They aren't going to forget to VOTE.

Who on Earth attacked women on women's issues?

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