Woman found with 24 homemade bombs won't serve prison time

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Pistols, rifles, & 24 pipe bombs - ZERO jail time!

This 'woman' was a 'domestic terrorist ticking time bomb'.

“Displayed an infatuationwith mass killings like the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing"....

....BUT, with multiple guns and 24 pipe bombs in her possession, said she had no intention of harming anyone...



Uh huh, a Fox News story. Notice how no details are being released, or who is on the hit list?

And this happening in Florida?
Its takes a mental midget for one to think that one against destruction of our rights means we want crazy people with bombs and guns.
Low hanging fruit SMH
We saw during COVID that the leftists here oppose freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and the freedom to operate one's own business.

Taking away gun rights is simply a way to make it easier to eliminate these other rights permanently.
View attachment 773733

Pistols, rifles, & 24 pipe bombs - ZERO jail time!

This 'woman' was a 'domestic terrorist ticking time bomb'.

“Displayed an infatuationwith mass killings like the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing"....

....BUT, with multiple guns and 24 pipe bombs in her possession, said she had no intention of harming anyone...



I think we can all agree she needs mental help....
Just look at it,it screams leftwing nutjob and she looks like a lesbian.
I looked this one up and found that the media coverage was ambiguous. Some reports claimed she had a "hit list", while others reported there was none.

It would have been interesting to see who was on that list. She was also in possession of some books on bomb-making that were described as being "white supremacist." But in this days and age of antifa being armed with the same weapons the right owns, It wouldn't surprise me if radical leftists use the same information available to radical rightists.

There's probably more to this story than will ever be revealed.

Honey, they call EVERYBODY a white supremacist these days.

The grocery store checker who short changed them by a dime -- white supremacist.

The person that cut them off on the freeway -- white supremacist.

The pizza delivery guy that was five minutes late -- white supremacist.


Terminally dull edged weapon.

Nut case..better to keep her in a mental health setting. It's worth noting that she didn't actually plant the bombs. This was actually a victory.

Also worth noting...that many on this board are all about allowing mentally-challenged people to have a hundred guns, bombs, or whatever--and that they are totally against Red Flag laws that would help catch mentally-challenged people BEFORE they act out.

Ideally, we don't jail the insane--not that the prisons are not full of the mentally ill~

Planted or not having pipe bombs is illegal in and of itself.
Notice I didn't bother. I've learned to not waste my time attempting to rebut you idiots. You can search "Red flag laws' on this forum and make up your own mind...I don't give a shit as there is literally nothing i could do to change your little minds. Why bother...I know what the general consensus is on the Far Right..and so do you. If you choose to be deliberatly obtuse..all I can say is that I really can't tell the difference from your usual day-to-day postings.

Red flag laws are ridiculous.
Anyone at any time can accuse YOU of being a danger to themselves and others with zero proof.
Being caught with this arsenal and 2 dozen pipe bombs, after receiving mental health she should not be allowed to own any guns ... or pipe bombs.

Now how about ALL those Red Flag Laws that you RWI's have opposed in the past.
"Shall not be Infringed"
View attachment 773733

Pistols, rifles, & 24 pipe bombs - ZERO jail time!

This 'woman' was a 'domestic terrorist ticking time bomb'.

“Displayed an infatuationwith mass killings like the Columbine shooting and the Oklahoma City bombing"....

....BUT, with multiple guns and 24 pipe bombs in her possession, said she had no intention of harming anyone...



Whoa, that is one scary looking chick! Better not lose track of that one.
Notice I didn't bother. I've learned to not waste my time attempting to rebut you idiots. You can search "Red flag laws' on this forum and make up your own mind...I don't give a shit as there is literally nothing i could do to change your little minds. Why bother...I know what the general consensus is on the Far Right..and so do you. If you choose to be deliberatly obtuse..all I can say is that I really can't tell the difference from your usual day-to-day postings.
Do you know what a slippery slope that is?

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