Woman attacks old man wearing MAGA hat

The libs are just like the Nazis back during WWII, and the MAGA Hat is now the new yellow star that the German libs used to identify people for beatings.

The only difference is that the Nazis attacked people for being faithful Jews, Modern Libs attack people for being faithful Evangelicals.

the MAGA hat represents one of the most unfaithful ass holes known in human history, TrumPutin.

TrumPutin cheated on all of his wives, he cheated contractors, he cheated students & he cheated in an election with a foreign government adversary/enemy to subvert a POTUS election.

I fail to see how any of those activities by TrumPutin could come close to being faithful to anything, except to one's own greed, ego, and personal aspirations of fake glory.

Attacking the symbolism of the MAGA hat is a noble concept IMO.
My wife is not political at all. She probably could not name one senator. She was walking to Whole Foods when she saw a young woman (she thought between 29-30) punching an old man wearing a red MAGA hat. The old man per my wife was saying "stop, I will not hit a woman". The woman kept punching him and people just walked by. My wife restrained the woman, who proceeded to call her a B*TCH. Then another couple came over and the woman walked away. My wife was horrifed. The man was an elderly gentleman and a veteran.

She was flabbergasted. Then I showed her this link. And how frequently this happens and as a mother of two young girls she was horrified. Not only did the attacker beat the man, she insulted my wife for coming to his aid.

attacks man wearing maga hat - Google Search

I told her to call 911 next time. I don't care what side of the aisle you are on. Violence should be the last resort. Sad, what this country has become and even to people like my wife, who is a great person and awesome mother who just wanted to defend an old man gets insulted by a weirdo SJW. She was literally shaking with anger.

Perhaps he tried to attack her.
I wear this hat all the time. I’ll give them first chance to grab it


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That's it, I'm ordering a MAGA cap. Will encourage others to do the same. Enough is enough.

The narrative from the left has been "Let the MAGA cap trigger you." It's OK to attack MAGA hat wearers.
Yeah, I'd like to see some 20-something Leftist bitch try to pound this old man for wearing a MAGA hat.
My wife is not political at all. She probably could not name one senator. She was walking to Whole Foods when she saw a young woman (she thought between 29-30) punching an old man wearing a red MAGA hat. The old man per my wife was saying "stop, I will not hit a woman". The woman kept punching him and people just walked by. My wife restrained the woman, who proceeded to call her a B*TCH. Then another couple came over and the woman walked away. My wife was horrifed. The man was an elderly gentleman and a veteran.

She was flabbergasted. Then I showed her this link. And how frequently this happens and as a mother of two young girls she was horrified. Not only did the attacker beat the man, she insulted my wife for coming to his aid.

attacks man wearing maga hat - Google Search

I told her to call 911 next time. I don't care what side of the aisle you are on. Violence should be the last resort. Sad, what this country has become and even to people like my wife, who is a great person and awesome mother who just wanted to defend an old man gets insulted by a weirdo SJW. She was literally shaking with anger.

Perhaps he tried to attack her.
Ah yes, the typical, liberal woman response, that it is always the man's fault even when the woman instigates the confrontation. Any woman who tries to slap me for wearing my MAGA hat, I wont hesitate to put her on her big fat liberal lazy ass... It will then be shown on YouTube..
My wife is not political at all. She probably could not name one senator. She was walking to Whole Foods when she saw a young woman (she thought between 29-30) punching an old man wearing a red MAGA hat. The old man per my wife was saying "stop, I will not hit a woman". The woman kept punching him and people just walked by. My wife restrained the woman, who proceeded to call her a B*TCH. Then another couple came over and the woman walked away. My wife was horrifed. The man was an elderly gentleman and a veteran.

She was flabbergasted. Then I showed her this link. And how frequently this happens and as a mother of two young girls she was horrified. Not only did the attacker beat the man, she insulted my wife for coming to his aid.

attacks man wearing maga hat - Google Search

I told her to call 911 next time. I don't care what side of the aisle you are on. Violence should be the last resort. Sad, what this country has become and even to people like my wife, who is a great person and awesome mother who just wanted to defend an old man gets insulted by a weirdo SJW. She was literally shaking with anger.

Perhaps he tried to attack her.

Can't you retards ever just say "she was wrong to do that" and leave it at that? There are ZERO indications that he did anything wrong.

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