Woke Terror-Supporters Losing Jobs

Free speech must prevail. People who think criticizing Israel shd result in someone getting fired are enemies of free speech

I cannot believe that I am seeing fellow Trump supporters act like BLM supporters, ie suppressing free speech calling people antisemites, with no evidence to back it up. Calling people antisemites simply for criticizing Israel. It is very annoying behavior,

Supporters of Israel Celebrating the enemies of free speech. But I believe that most Trump supporters standby common sense. It’s only a small portion of them that do this whole “I Stand by Israel” thing.

In Israel Palestine there’s good and bad on both sides ….most know this
Oh, I’m sure they’re out there.
Good to know they can go public with it and you’d want one as your lawyer.
Doctors too.
Actually, after 9-11 I was at a pharmacist and it was an arab/muslim pharmicist. I freaked out. I thought, what if years ago they got into pharmacy so they could put poison in the bottom of our pill bottles. The month they do it they could then book a flight back to the Middle East and it would be 30 days before we all took the lethal pills at the bottom of our bottles.
Actually, after 9-11 I was at a pharmacist and it was an arab/muslim pharmicist. I freaked out. I thought, what if years ago they got into pharmacy so they could put poison in the bottom of our pill bottles. The month they do it they could then book a flight back to the Middle East and it would be 30 days before we all took the lethal pills at the bottom of our bottles.
And if you saw him posting on Twitter death to all Americans?
So that would include Practitioners of Islam ?
Most doctors are not religious. I hope they are not. Then they are based in reality.

For example to give me a lethal dose of morphine. A religious doctor might not want to "murder" me where a normal doctor will see it as putting me out of my misery. Easing my pain and suffering.
I remember working with a Jewish woman who bragged to me she went to work for a German company and then sued them for discrimination. They settled.

She tried it at the company we worked for too but I told them about what she was planning to do. She was a fatty with big tits and said the bosses were lookin at her tits.

Imagine going around, getting hired and then suing everyone because you're a (woman, black, jew, hispanic, muslim)

That reminds me. My sister in law's sister is a teacher in Dearborn MI. Very muslim community. The muslim teachers kept saying they couldn't do this or couldn't do that because of their religion. The Christian principle didn't know what to do. So they replaced her with a Muslim principle and they no longer pull that shit on her.
That's pretty shameful that the community is so thick with muslims. Assimilating is necessary to having a valid nation. But you cannot effectively assimilate if you form little strongholds here and there for power. Essentially, this is tribal bullshit they have imported. It does not belong in America.
That's pretty shameful that the community is so thick with muslims. Assimilating is necessary to having a valid nation. But you cannot effectively assimilate if you form little strongholds here and there for power. Essentially, this is tribal bullshit they have imported. It does not belong in America.
No it's not. Their kids will assimilate. But right now, Muslims are taking over my brothers affluent neighborhood. Knocking down the cute brick small homes and putting up Arab mansions. Hey, they are free to live together. There are some whites who live there still but slowly it's them moving out. It's them selling to Arabs.

Too bad whites have been doing this forever.

Scott Adams, who created the syndicated comic strip, also said that white people should “get the hell away from Black people,” prompting criticism from editors across the country.

I'm Greek. We see our Greek community disappearing as our kids assimilate into white culture. Soon Stavros Papadapalapolus marries little Jenny Smith and suddenly he's a born again Christian. No longer a member of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Do you think we should also do away with all the denominations and just have one church? I mean if assimilation is so important to you.
Most doctors are not religious. I hope they are not. Then they are based in reality.

For example to give me a lethal dose of morphine. A religious doctor might not want to "murder" me where a normal doctor will see it as putting me out of my misery. Easing my pain and suffering.

Ah, yes, your "reality". Where men get pregnant and vaccinated people can't get covid.

What vaccines? For SARS2? That's not a vaccine.
Ok then first question I ask is do you really believe that you are a god in waiting? That when you die you go off to a better place? Then I don't want you performing surgery on me. You're delusional. I want a doctor who doesn't feel I've gone off to a better place after they mistakenly killed me.
No it's not. Their kids will assimilate. But right now, Muslims are taking over my brothers affluent neighborhood. Knocking down the cute brick small homes and putting up Arab mansions. Hey, they are free to live together. There are some whites who live there still but slowly it's them moving out. It's them selling to Arabs.

Too bad whites have been doing this forever.

Scott Adams, who created the syndicated comic strip, also said that white people should “get the hell away from Black people,” prompting criticism from editors across the country.

I'm Greek. We see our Greek community disappearing as our kids assimilate into white culture. Soon Stavros Papadapalapolus marries little Jenny Smith and suddenly he's a born again Christian. No longer a member of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Do you think we should also do away with all the denominations and just have one church? I mean if assimilation is so important to you.
There is no freedom of religion without freedom from religion, Epiphany Breath.

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