Woke is like a religion NOBODY wants.

This is your thread.

The thread is NOT about trump.
It's about his CULT though.

You brought up "WOKE" and George Soros and Pedophilia.

I'm just asking you to show me the evidence.

You're MAD because the CULT leader told you to be mad.
Really, more of this Libralcrat gaslighting never mind all the facts ignore the last 65 years of your life ( I left the democrats brainwashing cult of the walking dead)
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CNN, Disney and the unnamed mainstream media are representing NOTHING and NOBODY, they push this BLM, gay, WOKE shit and it just doesn't sell. Reminds me of line from "Citizen Cane"(W. R Hearst analog) "You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in... 60 years." Who is funding these Democrat perverted half wits?
It is obvious that the top end political activists of the Burn Loot & Murder crowd are well paid by their Marxist "donors". The political LGBT crowd also have the gifted few @ the top end of this movement that are also well paid by their Marxist donors. WOKE is just another attention getting vehicle. Political entities depend heavily upon publicity to gain attention to whatever their cause is centered upon. In all reality these BLM'ers, LGBT'ers & WOKE'sters are just marketers targeting the hyper gullible for $$$$$ & hopefully recruit$ that will $upport their marketing effort$. If folks paid no attention @ all to the political BLM, LGBT & Woke marketers these three movements would just up & fade away.

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