"Woke" bookstore finds out 15 dollar minimum wage...doesn't help them to stay open...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”
Yep.......where I live there is a glut of restaurants to choose from these days. New York.......only progressives will be stunned as they start to close in droves over the next few years thanks to the minimum wage! But that st00pid look on their faces will be priceless!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”
It's almost like.....

Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”
Pass the extra cost onto your supportive customers.
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”

In some ways I don't disagree. When someone else in your economic circle has a lower minimum wage you are at a disadvantage. I'm sure there is a formula to be had based on difficult of goods to make the trip from a low wage area to a high wage one.

These debates can circle into illegals being good for the economy since they don't have minimum wage protections and a desire to lower the minimum wage so we can compete with China. Which of course loses our average income advantage and plunges us into the "how are we going to build a better Space Force" debate.

How about I think raising minimum wage more than 5% in a year is a pretty big shock to a system.

Creating inflation nationwide though, as long as wages increase, does a unique thing as it frees us from old real estate debt as inflation lowers the comparative value, percentages, its all about percentages, of your old house loan.
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”

That's weird because Seattle as 15 dollar minimum wage. The unemployment rate here is 2.6%.

Seattle, WA Unemployment Rate

People here have a much higher standard of living and much better jobs with much better benefits.

In fact Washington has the number 1 economy in the nation even though we have the highest state minimum wage.

Business Insider: Washington’s economy ranks No. 1 in the nation

If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.
If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

If the woman's business closes down, the workers get paid ZERO...

You should try running a business before you decide how others run theirs.

Do you Liberal Einsteins think money just magically appears in a companies bank account or what?
If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

If the woman's business closes down, the workers get paid ZERO...

You should try running a business before you decide how others run theirs.

Do you Liberal Einsteins think money just magically appears in a companies bank account or what?

I did run a business. I had my own business for years. I was so successful that I was able to retire when I was 54 years old.

And yes, my point, is that she should shut down if she can't pay her employees a living wage.

If she shuts down that's capitalism doing it's job. There is no guarantee a business will succeed. In fact, most small businesses don't succeed.

The woman had a bookstore. Which is another one of those businesses that are dying mostly because of the internet. Only very big stores like Barnes and Nobel are able to stay in business. It's not the wages, it's Amazon and all the online places to buy books much cheaper.

It's very simplistic to blame employee wages for a business going under. In fact, it's a cop out excuse.
My city has a couple religious bookstores. Other than that the couple aisles at target or Walmart are as close as you are going to get to one.
If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

If the woman's business closes down, the workers get paid ZERO...

You should try running a business before you decide how others run theirs.

Do you Liberal Einsteins think money just magically appears in a companies bank account or what?

I did run a business. I had my own business for years. I was so successful that I was able to retire when I was 54 years old.

And yes, my point, is that she should shut down if she can't pay her employees a living wage.

If she shuts down that's capitalism doing it's job. There is no guarantee a business will succeed. In fact, most small businesses don't succeed.

The woman had a bookstore. Which is another one of those businesses that are dying mostly because of the internet. Only very big stores like Barnes and Nobel are able to stay in business. It's not the wages, it's Amazon and all the online places to buy books much cheaper.

It's very simplistic to blame employee wages for a business going under. In fact, it's a cop out excuse.

The government forcing wages isn't capitalism
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”

That's weird because Seattle as 15 dollar minimum wage. The unemployment rate here is 2.6%.

Seattle, WA Unemployment Rate

People here have a much higher standard of living and much better jobs with much better benefits.

In fact Washington has the number 1 economy in the nation even though we have the highest state minimum wage.

Business Insider: Washington’s economy ranks No. 1 in the nation

If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

Can you say Israel military contracts?

Yup they are making so much money they are sleeping in their cars in the employee parking lot at Google

Meet the Millennial Google Employee Living in a Truck in the Parking Lot

His name is Brandon. He's 23 years old, and he works for Google as a software engineer. And he lives in an 16-foot box truck out in the parking lot
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....
Could you explain why you describe the small business owner as a SJW?
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....
Could you explain why you describe the small business owner as a SJW?

From this quote...

Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....
Could you explain why you describe the small business owner as a SJW?

From this quote...

Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore
So you presumed that because one blogger said that with no explanation.

That's pretty fucking stupid.
Yep......artificially inflate wages to push a false SJW agenda....and even the left wing SJWs get punished....which is good, since they are the ones pushing the destruction...

And what do the SJW bookstore owners want? More of the poison that will end up putting them out of business.....crony socialism....

Slow Learners on the Left

Some days—actually most days now that I think about it—the left hands you an easy win. Take the case of Book Culture, a four-location independent bookseller in New York City. Book Culture enjoys a reputation as a progressive bookstore, a certified outlet for all the literary needs of the wokerati. Trouble is, Book Culture is about to go under.

Why? I’ll let them explain it:

“Our four stores are in danger of closing soon and we need financial assistance or investment on an interim basis to help us find our footing. This is true in spite of the fact that business has been good and we are widely supported and appreciated,” [owner Chris Doeblin] wrote. “In the last 30 months the payroll costs for Book Culture have risen by 50% and it has been difficult to adapt quickly enough. We have now made the structural changes to our company and the cuts that will allow us to move ahead profitably once we find the financial resources we need.”

Now, why might their payroll costs have risen by 50 percent? What could possible explain this. It’s a complete mystery. Oh, wait. . .

Doeblin blamed payroll cost increases on the city’s minimum wage raise, which he says increased hourly wages for his employees “from $10 to $15.25 since December 2016” and forced him to initiate layoffs and reorganizing.

But but but—I was told minimum wage hikes would have no effect on businesses! You mean mandated higher payroll costs might make some businesses unviable? And how could a progressive outfit like Book Culture have had a clear conscience about paying a miserable $10 an hour before the mandate?

What remedy does Book Culture propose? A free labor market perhaps? Silly me. Of course you know the answer: government subsidies.

Doeblin explained to Gothamist what he believes the business needs to survive, and his larger ambitions to try to help other small businesses stay alive in an ever-changing city: “I think we need at least $500K in a term loan but I hope to find $750K to a $1M,” he said. “I would like the city to immediately [guarantee] such a loan and then embark on a serious plan to improve the odds of small business in New York. I would like to be on that panel too, because there is a lack of creative optimistic thinking and action.”

That's weird because Seattle as 15 dollar minimum wage. The unemployment rate here is 2.6%.

Seattle, WA Unemployment Rate

People here have a much higher standard of living and much better jobs with much better benefits.

In fact Washington has the number 1 economy in the nation even though we have the highest state minimum wage.

Business Insider: Washington’s economy ranks No. 1 in the nation

If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

Rains all the time in westeen Washington, and the state is xery expensive to kive in.
My city has a couple religious bookstores. Other than that the couple aisles at target or Walmart are as close as you are going to get to one.
Must be because people who work in bookstores get paid too much
If that woman can't stay in business and still pay her workers a living wage, then she doesn't belong in business.

Thank you for saying that. I was just about to point out how there are brain damaged retards like yourself who actually believe it's better for a business to go out of business and their employees make nothing at all because making $0 is better than $10 an hour.

Thank you again for saving me the time, Darwin.

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