Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

Sure, kid.
Another question Mikey.

Look at these two brochures from AE911 "Truth". Look at the points circled in red and tell me something. How can both something at free fall acceleration AND something at 2/3 free fall acceleration be evidence of controlled demolition? I suppose something falling at 1/3 free fall is evidence of controlled demolition? What about something falling at 1/100 of free fall? As long as it's "some fraction of free fall" it means that an object has no resistance below so therefore it's controlled demolition?



I think it's hilarious that
you guys managed to pull the wool over so many eyes about the most obvious controlled demolition ever.

The dark side must be a cool place.
How much is AE911 "Truth" paying you to push their lies here Mikey? I posted many of them and you have no response. You're not here to seek the truth. You're here to make many by spreading lies.

Does he work for the Americans, the Israeli's or the Saudi's is my next question.....or just a rogue black op, covering his scrappy popcorn trail. You little cheese pirates almost make me puke.
Keep spreading AE911 "Truth's" lies Mr. Paid Shill. I'm sure you feel real patriotic about that.

There was no controlled dem olition you moron .

You have no fucking evidence.
I don't need evidence to know it was controlled demolition that brought down the main 3 towers..

Knowing the strength of the twin towers core columns and seeing the way they fell so fast with no resistance,, I know it's impossible for the two passenger planes to have caused the total failure of the buildings--they may have initiated the collapses ---

I don't need evidence to know it was controlled demolition that brought down the main 3 towers..

Knowing the strength of the twin towers core columns and seeing the way they fell so fast with no resistance,, I know it's impossible for the two passenger planes to have caused the total failure of the buildings--they may have initiated the collapses ---

Yes you do.

It fell as it should have. You know nothing about engieneering or about how such a gtower should fall.

The evidence proves you wrong and a liar.

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