Within just a few months, Trump has confused Biden with Obama 7 times


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Rather odd for a guy who apparently has the mind of someone younger than 77. Is it dementia?

He did it just the other night on Fox:


That's the best you've got, considering one man has been brutally opposed, 24/7, for over seven years, as opposed to someone who has had nothing more demanding to do than eat ice cream and perv little girls, yet --

This is some fun shit.

He does not confuse them
He makes derisive comments comparing both
Stop lying

They're getting desperate now, and watch the insanity until election day* that they'll be spewing. You ain't seen nothing yet.

* As for Federal elections, the Constitution says there is an Election Day, making early voting and most mail-in voting unconstitutional for Federal elections.
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Rather odd for a guy who apparently has the mind of someone younger than 77. Is it dementia?

He did it just the other night on Fox:

Potato head is a drooling vegetable, or are you the only one that has not noticed?

So, if Obama is not running things then who is?

Gearing Up for ‘Biden’ Versus Trump: Not If, But When and How to Replace Biden

Despite the circling-the-wagons media and the passive-aggressive sycophants like the opportunistic Gov. Gavin Newsom in waiting, the left understands that Biden will be lucky to get to the August convention. This spring and early summer, he will not campaign as a normal presidential candidate, and this time around, there is no pretense of the COVID epidemic to excuse his absence.

The people have already polled numerous times that their president is unfit to serve now and, in the future, should not run. So the 2020 Faustian bargain is in shambles. Remember its quid pro quos: all the major Democratic presidential candidates of 2020 nearly simultaneously pulled out the primaries to coronate Biden—but only on the condition that Biden would play to the hilt his “ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton” schtick that would offer a veneer to the otherwise unpopular hard left agenda of the new Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren/the Obamas/Squad Democratic Party.

The people voted for a “return to normalcy,” all while the left destroyed the southern border, unleashed a critical legal theory/George-Soros crime wave, dismantled hard-won deterrence abroad, and printed money to spur hyperinflation.

Moreover, it is increasingly clear that the entire Biden family consortium is compromised and corrupt. Neither Hunter nor Jim nor Frank Biden had any consulting skills, business expertise, or corporate experience to warrant leveraging over $25 million from foreign interests. Their only commodity was to sell corrupt parties the appearance that Joe Biden would be quite willing to help their various causes if they enriched his family. Everyone knows that to be true, and only now, as Biden sinks into incoherence, are his protectors shrugging about the obvious money-making schemes that revolved around a corrupt senator, vice president, and private citizen, Joe Biden.

None of Biden’s record is popular.






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