With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?

It won't happen because Donald Trump has already shown the Rightwingers, that ethics and integrity, and honoring the positions of leadership they are in and giving respect to the institutions, created by the founders in our Constitution,

... matters naught, you can still stay in office, with none of those traits..

Thomas will not resign to protect the integrity of the institution he was sworn in to...its not in his character...look at what he has done by hiding all this stuff....he was arrogant enough to do that every year for the past 25 years and acts as if it was nothing....

It won't happen. He puts himself first, like another politician we know so well, "Hello, Earth to 5th horseman!" my bet, is not a chance in hell!

he's a partisan, fish, line and sinker... resigning would mean Joe Biden picks the replacement...


HE'S in it way over his head deep with his best friend and wife....which is another code of ethics he's chosen to break.
Bill Clinton set that standard.
He's not going anywhere, he is protected from removal or censure by a majority conservative Supreme Court and a complacent Republican Party that is just as corrupt as he is. He is, and really always has been, representative of the political party that put him in power.
Zero percent chance Thomas retires / resigns based on this nothing-burger by Democrats.

Soto-Mayor? Real scandal, real chance she would be pressured to retire before Thomas.

Its sorta like how Democrats tried to make an issue of Trump's classified documents...until Biden killed any hope of that with his own much bigger scandal. Soto-Mayor just made Thomas' nothing-burger a non-issue.
You really are full of it, aren't you?

And it threatened every other landlords profit margins in the country, like Blackrock, a huge commiecrat donor. There are millions and millions of mom and pop landlords that were put into bankruptcy or very close to it, by the governments unconstitutional actions. So fuck off and die commie. Thomas will be going nowhere, his vote made no difference, you commies would have still lost had he recused himself.

It’s Not Just Clarence Thomas

The Federalist Society majority has consistently handed down 5-4 decisions that favored business and opened the door for billionaires like Harlan Crow to have an even greater impact on the political process. Thomas’s vote was essential – and all of these decisions came during the two decades that Thomas has been accepting yearly luxury trips from Crow – but any other Federalist Society justice would have done the same.

To be clear: Justice Thomas does not rule the way he does because Crow has spent millions wining and dining him; he is a Supreme Court justice because he could be counted on to rule the way he has. This is not about a quid pro quo. Instead, both Thomas and Crow are part of a supremely well-funded conspiracy operating in broad daylight called the Federalist Society that obtains the appointments of judges … to accomplish through the judicial system what the revanchist coalition of capital and church cannot hope to accomplish in anything like a democratic fashion….

Thomas has been just one of the necessary minimum five votes that, case by case, has transformed America into a nearly unregulated paradise for billionaires like Crow – making their unlimited political spending to corrupt democracy their constitutional right. These decisions have directly made Crow and his fellow plutocrats richer and more powerful, the rest of us poorer, and MAGA stronger….

Citizens United is perhaps the most prominent example, but it’s hardly the only one….

That some object that decisions like Citizens United have helped both parties – after all, billionaires are supporting Democrats too! – merely reflects the extent to which our sense of democracy has been degraded. We, American citizens, not the Democratic or Republican Parties, are supposed to be the sovereigns. “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The string of 5-4 Federalist Society decisions have shredded the notion that … governments have anything like the consent of the governed….

Sunlight streaming in reveals the fundamental corruption of the government system – but it also reveals how powerless we are to do anything about it under the status quo … This may sound bleak, and it is. But James Baldwin put it best when he said: “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

Just Another Week in the Federalist Society Hellscape

[NB: Bold italics mine — Tom Paine 1949 ]
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You're link's first paragraph is rich.....

It’s long been noted that conservatives don’t fight with the savagery of the socialist left. We may know guns, we may be pro-military, but when it comes to really getting down in the gutter, the left gets the upper hand — probably because they are willing to go so low. In this way conservatives can even be called naive. We are kids up against the German Stasi.

given that dems didn't attack the capital,

dems didn't conspire with

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In a premeditated and preplanned attempt to contest the election which would throw the vote to the house where Repubs knew they had a two state advantage and thus it was an attempted soft coup.

So, the left 'has the upper hand' my ass.

Months of George Floyd Protests, Conservative speakers shut down on campuses, should I go on, you dickless wonder?
Compared to the 20 years of lavish largesse spent on the Thomases, there is no comparison

It's about volume.

No, it's about selective investigation and ignoring anything the left has done similarly.
No, it's about selective investigation and ignoring anything the left has done similarly.
There is no equivalent to Thomas, on the left.

Abe Fortas was no where near Thomas, and he had the honor to resign, anyway, for mere appearances sake.
There is no equivalent to Thomas, on the left.

Abe Fortas was no where near Thomas, and he had the honor to resign, anyway, for mere appearances sake.

All of the left leaning justices amended reports from time to time. you only care when Thomas does it.
Bill Clinton set that standard.
BILL CLINTON was impeached for lying under oath about oral sex... (which did not involve corruption or his oath regarding his job and to the constitution, and later admitted he lied under oath)

Presidents having affairs occurred several times before Clinton, but the good ole boys club, protected presidents so it would not become public, prior to him.
BILL CLINTON was impeached for lying under oath about oral sex... (which did not involve corruption or his oath regarding his job and to the constitution, and later admitted he lied under oath)

Presidents having affairs occurred several times before Clinton, but the good ole boys club, protected presidents so it would not become public, prior to him.

The other ones weren't dumb enough to LIE ABOUT IT UNDER OATH.
BILL CLINTON was impeached for lying under oath about oral sex... (which did not involve corruption or his oath regarding his job and to the constitution, and later admitted he lied under oath)

Presidents having affairs occurred several times before Clinton, but the good ole boys club, protected presidents so it would not become public, prior to him.
He and Moonica want to lie?....Fine.

Bubba had no business whatsoever trying to bully Linda Tripp into doing his lying for him....That's a crime and he deserved to be removed from office for it.
We know that Clarence Thomas and especially the three Justices appointed to the USSC by Trump were chosen by the Federalist Society and promoted by its operatives. Now it appears the lavish funding provided to Thomas and his wife by his billionaire “friend” Harlan Crowe did have the “surprising” effect of influencing him to change one of his own previous rulings to better agree with an evolving Federalist Society position:

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We know that Clarence Thomas and especially the three Justices appointed to the USSC by Trump were chosen by the Federalist Society and promoted by its operatives. Now it appears the lavish funding provided to Thomas and his wife by his billionaire “friend” Harlan Crowe did have the “surprising” effect of influencing him to change one of his own previous rulings to better agree with an evolving Federalist Society position:

This was, and has been, so clear. The issue is not "recusal", it is the deliberate decade's long effort to obscure Free Ride's sources of income.

And the purpose of greasing Free Ride was about ideology, not specific legal contests...
Zero percent chance Thomas retires / resigns based on this nothing-burger by Democrats.

Soto-Mayor? Real scandal, real chance she would be pressured to retire before Thomas.

Its sorta like how Democrats tried to make an issue of Trump's classified documents...until Biden killed any hope of that with his own much bigger scandal. Soto-Mayor just made Thomas' nothing-burger a non-issue.
Soto-Mayor? Real scandal, real chance she would be pressured to retire before Thomas.
Please try to make that case....while I open up this can over here...

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