With The Latest Revelations About Clarence Thomas, What's The Over Under On "Weeks Until He Resigns in Disgrace"?

If you haven't noticed, our whole political system is corrupt. We need to tear it down and start over.
Ha ha
Typical statement from the right when they are the most corrupt then somehow, like to pretend both parties are. Really ? 200 to one….the number of gop admin indictments to Dems. Which is most corrupt ? Just follow the lies.
I love it when Republicans use voodoo economics.

Cutting taxes, shrinking government and cutting regulations works every time.

Defying the laws of mathematics and reason tax cuts pay for themselves, and raising taxes cuts revenues, and cutting taxes increases revenues.

Cutting capital gains tax rates raises revenue. Every time.
Raising capital gains tax rates loses revenue. Every time.

That’s why the economy crashes every time the taxes are cut,

How soon? A month later? A year?
How does the tax cut cause the crash? Post some specifics.

Increased government spending increases government revenues, not tax cuts.

How much does $100 in increased spending cause revenues to increase?
$1? $5? $10?
Post your formula.

The revenues increased after Trump, cut the income taxes, because he gave corporations the option of bringing overseas profits home upon payment of a one time tax of 10%.

10% is better than 0%.

Why don't I see any citations?

I'm guessing it is because what you've posted is jive.
Are you saying that voting to end unconstitutional federal interference with contracts was out of character for Thomas? BTW the vote was 6-3, so Thomas was NOT the deciding vote, recusing himself would have changed nothing.
So are you now resiling from your position that he hasn't sat on any cases involving Crow? Because it's a load of shit.
It worked every time.
No, Toddster.

Reagan tripled the DEBT in 8 years, it was quadrupled within another 4.

Scrub inherited a surplus he promptly vaporized, effecting a net fiscal swing of 15 trillion to the bad.

So are you now resiling from your position that he hasn't sat on any cases involving Crow? Because it's a load of shit.

It only tangentially involved Crow, landlords across the country lost billions, in the grand scheme of things Crow was just another landlord. The feds and States lost a ton of tax revenue because the landlord weren't making any money.

No, Toddster.

Reagan tripled the DEBT in 8 years, it was quadrupled within another 4.

Scrub inherited a surplus he promptly vaporized, effecting a net fiscal swing of 15 trillion to the bad.


Reagan tripled the DEBT in 8 years, it was quadrupled within another 4.

It's true, the government spent way too much.

Scrub inherited a surplus he promptly vaporized

The Internet Bubble was awesome!


You wanted a citation for capital gains rate cuts leading to higher revenue.
Clarence Thomas is like Trump — he will never resign (or be impeached). This is about much more than one Conservative Supreme Court Judge and his Texas billionaire patron. The real “open conspiracy” that has turned the Supreme Court into an utterly unrepresentative, anti-democratic and pro- big corporate money institution was arranged by the powerful Federalist Society and its well-funded operatives like Leonard Leo. A revealing article here:

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Ha ha
Typical statement from the right when they are the most corrupt then somehow, like to pretend both parties are. Really ? 200 to one….the number of gop admin indictments to Dems. Which is most corrupt ? Just follow the lies.

Dare to share with us where you got those numbers? Is it an exaggeration? Did you get it from the Russians? Or maybe, you're just a typical, hateful, left-winger who has trouble with the truth.
He's not going anywhere. We still need Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court so he can save America with Barrett and Kavanaugh.
Your love affair with the destructive left-wing liberals is duly noted. Right, wrong, or otherwise, each and every justice now and in the past accepts freebies, even your beloved liberal justices. We can only hope that it does not influence their LEGAL, LAW-BASED decisions. If you haven't noticed, our whole political system is corrupt. We need to tear it down and start over.

No, we just need to remove the corrupt Republicans, which is a good portion of them.
By blowing out of proportion things he did while ignoring the exact same things or worse done by progressive justices.

This guy has figured out your playbook.

Conservatives are Not Ready for the ‘Hot War’ Against the Supreme Court - The Stream

You're link's first paragraph is rich.....

It’s long been noted that conservatives don’t fight with the savagery of the socialist left. We may know guns, we may be pro-military, but when it comes to really getting down in the gutter, the left gets the upper hand — probably because they are willing to go so low. In this way conservatives can even be called naive. We are kids up against the German Stasi.

given that dems didn't attack the capital,

dems didn't conspire with




In a premeditated and preplanned attempt to contest the election which would throw the vote to the house where Repubs knew they had a two state advantage and thus it was an attempted soft coup.

So, the left 'has the upper hand' my ass.
No, we just need to remove the corrupt Republicans, which is a good portion of them.

No, we just need to remove the corrupt Republicans, which is a good portion of them.
It is your liberal-infected delusion that requires you to think the conservative justices are corrupt while the 3 on the FAR left are as pure as the driven show. Don't ya know that your skewed view gives me license to paint the liberal justices as corrupt also?
No, we just need to remove the corrupt Republicans, which is a good portion of them.

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