With Highest Level Of Covid Hospitalizations Ever

Is our fight with COVID on the right track?

We have a vaccine widely and freely available to anyone that wants it that protects you quite well from hospitalization or death.

The virus has mutated into a more virulent but less deadly form, as has been expected this entire time.

We have developed many treatments that have been shown to be fairly effective in preventing death from COVID for those that do get very ill.

So, yes. We are not only on the right track, this is essentially over. Not much more is going to happen, after this year everyone will have either been vaccinated or have gotten COVID or, more likely, both. There is noting left to 'fight.' COVID is never going away and we now have all the tools that we are going to have to fight it. No doubt treatments will improve and vaccines will get better over time but that is just general life and progress. The fight is done.

Now it is just getting the politicians and the media to admit that their general excuse to do anything they want is gone.

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