With Black Unemployment on the Rise, Experts Believe the Biden-Led Dems Will Further Impede Black Success

The Breeze

Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2010
Another group that are missing Pres. Trump.

Capitalizing on escalating racial tensions, the Democratic Party has doubled down on its efforts to promote racial economic “equity” in recent months as one of the foremost issues driving their policy agenda.

Having gained full control of both Congress and the White House in 2020, Democrats hope to use their newfound governmental power to implement various policy proposals with the specific aim of raising up underserved black and minority communities.

Democrats in the MSM will tell them they are doing better and many will believe it. We have reached that point where the media can tell people not to believe their lying eyes or their bank accounts. Reality is what they tell their followers not necessarily what is actually occurring. This goes for Democrats in general, no matter the race or gender. Sadly for our country, it is as simple as that.
Democrats in the MSM will tell them they are doing better and many will believe it. We have reached that point where the media can tell people not to believe their lying eyes or their bank accounts. Reality is what they tell their followers not necessarily what is actually occurring. This goes for Democrats in general, no matter the race or gender. Sadly for our country, it is as simple as that.

Sadly I agree with you.
....sure--as I have said before, they concentrate on non-problems like WHITE SUPREMACY/etc instead of real problems......actually there is NO problem at all with white supremacy--but idiot Biden babbles about it
....so problems like unemployment do not get taken care of
....sure--as I have said before, they concentrate on non-problems like WHITE SUPREMACY/etc instead of real problems......actually there is NO problem at all with white supremacy--but idiot Biden babbles about it
....so problems like unemployment do not get taken care of

They are like the kids who thought the ref made a bad call in a game and complain about it instead of continuing to play. By the time they get over the supposed bad call, they are down by 30 and the game is over.
....sure--as I have said before, they concentrate on non-problems like WHITE SUPREMACY/etc instead of real problems......actually there is NO problem at all with white supremacy--but idiot Biden babbles about it
....so problems like unemployment do not get taken care of

They are like the kids who thought the ref made a bad call in a game and complain about it instead of continuing to play. By the time they get over the supposed bad call, they are down by 30 and the game is over.
good call--they are going backwards
“A high minimum wage has always been an attack on low-skilled workers. It prevents them from getting that all-important first job because the high minimum wage is likely to be higher than what they produce in revenue for an employer. This means they can’t get in the door to develop their skills,” Wenzel told The Journal. (I say BS)

“Because of the poor public school education in the inner cities, these low-skilled workers are often black youth. It is no wonder that the unemployment rate in the United States is the highest for black teenagers. The minimum wage is destroying, the opportunity for them to get an early jump in the work environment.”

Do something about the schools then. DeVos didn't. The paper is so worried about the mim. wage they can't see straight.
Florida is raising their mim wage to 15 , are they going to exclude Blacks.

and this is just BS.

If black teens and other groups comprised of low-skilled workers were allowed to “get in the door to develop their skills,” this would likely serve to help the community, in general, gain more marketable skills, which would, to some degree, lessen the economic divide between whites and blacks.

Instead, if Democrats are successful in implementing a higher minimum wage, it will serve as yet another barrier preventing such workers from getting a job in the first place.
“A high minimum wage has always been an attack on low-skilled workers. It prevents them from getting that all-important first job because the high minimum wage is likely to be higher than what they produce in revenue for an employer. This means they can’t get in the door to develop their skills,” Wenzel told The Journal. (I say BS)

“Because of the poor public school education in the inner cities, these low-skilled workers are often black youth. It is no wonder that the unemployment rate in the United States is the highest for black teenagers. The minimum wage is destroying, the opportunity for them to get an early jump in the work environment.”

Do something about the schools then. DeVos didn't. The paper is so worried about the mim. wage they can't see straight.
it's definitely not the schools....it's the parents [ lack of ] and the culture
Florida is raising their mim wage to 15 , are they going to exclude Blacks.

and this is just BS.

If black teens and other groups comprised of low-skilled workers were allowed to “get in the door to develop their skills,” this would likely serve to help the community, in general, gain more marketable skills, which would, to some degree, lessen the economic divide between whites and blacks.

Instead, if Democrats are successful in implementing a higher minimum wage, it will serve as yet another barrier preventing such workers from getting a job in the first place.
..and they have kids before they are financially and mentally ready--it's NOT a minimum wage problem --it's a stupid/culture/etc problem ...OF COURSE you can't make it with a minimum wage if you have KIDS !!!
In my area, employers cannot fill their entry-level jobs quickly enough, and the "economic" minimum wage appears to be $12/hr; that is to say, no one will work for less than that. Living wage? Probably not, but with two or more wage earners under one roof, I think so.

In today's political climate, no employer can exclude Blacks from their hiring schemes, so the only obstacle would appear to be getting "minorities" out into the Burbs, where the jobs are.
Democrats in the MSM will tell them they are doing better and many will believe it. We have reached that point where the media can tell people not to believe their lying eyes or their bank accounts. Reality is what they tell their followers not necessarily what is actually occurring. This goes for Democrats in general, no matter the race or gender. Sadly for our country, it is as simple as that.
A great example of that would be the article in the OP.

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