With A Pinch Of Salt: Endless Failure Of Climate Doomsday Tales


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
With A Pinch Of Salt: Endless Failure Of Climate Doomsday Tales

With A Pinch Of Salt: Endless Failure Of Climate Doomsday Tales
Jun 23, 2019 ~~ By Vijay Jayaraj
On June 29, 2017, the Dailymail in UK(2020 is the deadline to avert climate catastrophe | Daily Mail Online) ran an article headlined “Four years to save the Earth: 2020 is the deadline to avert … It is a gentle reminder that we should take the doomsday claims with a pinch of salt. Neither are they scientifically accurate nor are they put through rigorous scrutiny before being disseminated to the masses.... How seriously should we treat the climate doomsday claims? ... It read, “using supercomputers to crunch through possible future outcomes has become a standard part of climate science in recent years … modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in … With a two-decade record of dismal failure in predicting temperatures,(https://science.house.gov/imo/media/...1.pdf?1#page=5) the model outputs can hardly be trusted as valid indicators of future climate. Other climate gaffes include the claims about the worsening of extreme weather events due to climate change.

In other news. So called Experts price per thousand has fallen below the price of Bovine Scat.
We survived "The Coming Ice Age" predicted by Jimmy Carter sitting in his cardigan sweaters in front of a blazing White House fireplace reminding us that unless we dramatically cut our use of fossil fuels, we'd freeze to death. All of the world's oil was going to be consumed by the '90's, and all of the world's natural gas would be gone by the turn of the century (2000) according to the elitist leftists and 'Climate Believers'. When the ice age hoax fell apart, the "Climate Believers' flipped 180 degrees and now global warming was going to kill us all.
First it was "Climate Cooling" then it switched to "Climate Warming" that included phony Hockey Stick graphs. I remember those days, too. Wasn't it Paul Erhlich who predicted global starvation by 2000? Why do people still believe anything these idiots say?
These climate change carnival barkers are able to push their hoax easily because of modern media and social media. Then combine that with a dumbed down populace and viola! The vehicle for total control. NONE of these dire predictions have come true unless they were going to happen anyway by nature. Disasters seem to be more intense because there are more people to see them and record them. Thereby intensifying hysteria. Thereby increasing control and regulation. People are stupid. What can I say. Then we have AOC with her latest prediction of Global Apocalypse in 12 years (now 11.4 yrs) pushing her Green New Deal that PMS/DSA Democrats have eaten it up with their silver spoons.
These climate change carnival barkers are able to push their hoax easily because of modern media and social media. Then combine that with a dumbed down populace and viola! The vehicle for total control. NONE of these dire predictions have come true unless they were going to happen anyway by nature. Disasters seem to be more intense because there are more people to see them and record them. Thereby intensifying hysteria. Thereby increasing control and regulation. People are stupid.

Using the short life span of humans who have never seen the changes the earth goes through in its cycles as a weapon....

Stupidity should be painful... For many of these alarmists it will be lethal..
“using supercomputers to crunch through possible future outcomes has become a standard part of climate science in recent years … modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in … With a two-decade record of dismal failure in predicting temperatures,(https://science.house.gov/imo/media/...1.pdf?1#page=5) the model outputs can hardly be trusted as valid indicators of future climate. Other climate gaffes include the claims about the worsening of extreme weather events due to climate change.
Garbage In = Garbage Out

All climate modeling fails with 100% certainty.

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