With 9 days to go, Biden’s lead is much stronger than what Hillary’s was 9 days to go 4 years ago


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.
CNN? Too funny...
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.
CNN? Too funny...
CNN didn’t create the polling averages.
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.

The faux polls are working OT at voter suppression. It won't work. Buh-bye, Joe.

That Asshole on the CNN cut you have there was on 4 years ago and he didn't say a word about a "Clinton Collapse" and if there was a "Biden Collapse" going on now ---he wouldn't tell us about that either.

That's because he works for America's answer to Josef Goebbels.

This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.

The faux polls are working OT at voter suppression. It won't work. Buh-bye, Joe.
Okay let me unpack this lol. You’re saying that pollsters in this context are suppressing the vote. Huh?

That Asshole on the CNN cut you have there was on 4 years ago and he didn't say a word about a "Clinton Collapse" and if there was a "Biden Collapse" going on now ---he wouldn't tell us about that either.

That's because he works for America's answer to Josef Goebbels.

Who the fuck cares if she didn’t say “Clinton collapse”. The numbers speak for themselves. Someone’s opinion on them is irrelevant.
Florida and Ohio are falling Trump.

Nearly all the other "battleground" states are within MOE with the "undecideds" greater than MOE.

Everything is wide open....National popular poll is worthless.
Lol okay for one thing, Biden doesn’t need Ohio to win. Secondly, Biden has a slight lead in average polling in Florida. Even if Biden lost Florida, he could easily still win with the rust belt states he leads in.
Op is getting nervous lol

Why would I be nervous? I have plenty of reason to be optimistic. Of course, I don’t rule out Trump winning. It’s possible. I just don’t have reason to be worried.

Then why does your Op reak of Fear....

Florida and Ohio are falling Trump.

Nearly all the other "battleground" states are within MOE with the "undecideds" greater than MOE.

Everything is wide open....National popular poll is worthless.
Lol okay for one thing, Biden doesn’t need Ohio to win. Secondly, Biden has a slight lead in average polling in Florida. Even if Biden lost Florida, he could easily still win with the rust belt states he leads in.
None of which has anything to do with the fact that just about every state that matters is up for grabs, according to the very polls that you claim to say that your hopelessly corrupt senile old coot is winning going away..
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.
You have any extra methamphetamine for sale
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.

The faux polls are working OT at voter suppression. It won't work. Buh-bye, Joe.
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Op is getting nervous lol

Why would I be nervous? I have plenty of reason to be optimistic. Of course, I don’t rule out Trump winning. It’s possible. I just don’t have reason to be worried.

Jesus, Billy...if your sphincter was any tighter you could crap diamonds! You know that CNN is a lousy cite but you came with it anyways. That tells me that you're scared to death!
Florida and Ohio are falling Trump.

Nearly all the other "battleground" states are within MOE with the "undecideds" greater than MOE.

Everything is wide open....National popular poll is worthless.
Lol okay for one thing, Biden doesn’t need Ohio to win. Secondly, Biden has a slight lead in average polling in Florida. Even if Biden lost Florida, he could easily still win with the rust belt states he leads in.
None of which has anything to do with the fact that just about every state that matters is up for grabs, according to the very polls that you claim to say that your hopelessly corrupt senile old coot is winning going away..
Except that they don't say that.
This likely won’t be another 2016 upset.

Right now, Biden is up by about 9 to 10 points nationally, depending on the average you examine. He is, importantly, over 50%. Biden's edge may be down a point or so from early October, though it is well within the historical average from the beginning of the year.

Clinton's advantage was down to only about 4 points in the national average 9 days from Election Day 2016. Her advantage had been as high as 7 points with about 21 days to go. Clinton's 45% vote share was low enough that it left Trump with a lot of room in the final week of the campaign to corral voters who favored neither candidate at this point.

Swing states.....it's the swing states........you doofus.
Florida and Ohio are falling Trump.

Nearly all the other "battleground" states are within MOE with the "undecideds" greater than MOE.

Everything is wide open....National popular poll is worthless.
Lol okay for one thing, Biden doesn’t need Ohio to win. Secondly, Biden has a slight lead in average polling in Florida. Even if Biden lost Florida, he could easily still win with the rust belt states he leads in.
None of which has anything to do with the fact that just about every state that matters is up for grabs, according to the very polls that you claim to say that your hopelessly corrupt senile old coot is winning going away..

After 3.5 years of 95% negative coverage, a fake collusion hoax, a fake impeachment.....and all they can do in swing states is get it into the margin of error.....


Republicans who sat out 2016 because they thought Trump was nothing more than a left wing democrat........will march over broken glass and swim through lava to vote for him this time.

#Blexit, and #walkaway and biden rallies that look like AA meetings while Trump has 30 mile long car caravans?

We will see you in November...

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