WINNING! Supremes Lift Decision Ordering Trump Admin To Facilitate Abortions For Alien Minors


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In a partial victory for the Trump administration, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated a lower court ruling requiring the government to facilitate an abortion for an undocumented minor in federal custody."

Good News- Bad News:

Abortion-Loving Libs will NOT get o use your tax dollars to provide tax payer funded abortions to illegals being held in US custody.....

Liberals will not only find a way to keep the illegals in the U.S. but will brining in all of the minor's family members, meaning Democrats will increase their voting base by 1 mother, 1 baby, and all of the mother's family members...


Supremes Lift Decision Ordering Trump Administration To Facilitate Abortions For Alien Minors
In reality, all they did was kick the can down the road.

The case was dismissed because it was moot - "Jane Doe" already had had her abortion. Now it's just a matter of time until the next migrant minor wants an abortion, and then we'll see this game play out again.
In reality, all they did was kick the can down the road.

The case was dismissed because it was moot - "Jane Doe" already had had her abortion. Now it's just a matter of time until the next migrant minor wants an abortion, and then we'll see this game play out again.
SCOTUS lifted a lower-court ruling. A victory for Trump. What part don't you get?
In reality, all they did was kick the can down the road.

The case was dismissed because it was moot - "Jane Doe" already had had her abortion. Now it's just a matter of time until the next migrant minor wants an abortion, and then we'll see this game play out again.
SCOTUS lifted a lower-court ruling. A victory for Trump. What part don't you get?

They didn't "lift" a lower court ruling, the lower court ruling was rendered moot.

They set no precedent, and issued no opinion on the case. In other words, they did not answer the question presented.

Which means they kicked the can down the road, and we'll have to wait for another case for them to answer the question.
Who was arguing to keep the order in place?

This mooting was for an order in a specific case. It was not an order to facilitate all abortions for all undocumented minors.

But I understand why President "Corleone" Trumpybear's supporters need to proclaim their guy is winning. Even as shallow as this one is, it must be presented with as much fanfare as possible, to keep the base on board, no doubt.
Well boot the pregnant bitch back to Mexico. Let them pay for her abortion. Don't hold your breath for that to happen.
In reality, all they did was kick the can down the road.

The case was dismissed because it was moot - "Jane Doe" already had had her abortion. Now it's just a matter of time until the next migrant minor wants an abortion, and then we'll see this game play out again.
SCOTUS lifted a lower-court ruling. A victory for Trump. What part don't you get?

They didn't "lift" a lower court ruling, the lower court ruling was rendered moot.

They set no precedent, and issued no opinion on the case. In other words, they did not answer the question presented.

Which means they kicked the can down the road, and we'll have to wait for another case for them to answer the question.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.

Her being pregnant isn't the problem or the responsibility of the taxpayers of America.

Boot her ass back to Mexico. Let them be responsible for her ass.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.

On the other side of the coin some Ho keeps spreading her legs and making mistake after mistake because she knows someone else will pay for it. Women disrespecting themselves and murdering babies. It's the Democratic way.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.

Her being pregnant isn't the problem or the responsibility of the taxpayers of America.

Boot her ass back to Mexico. Let them be responsible for her ass.
She is in our custody so yes, it becomes our problem.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.

On the other side of the coin some Ho keeps spreading her legs and making mistake after mistake because she knows someone else will pay for it. Women disrespecting themselves and murdering babies. It's the Democratic way.
She is 14. And more than likely raped in the process of immigration. Not a "ho".
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.
Bet you anything most knocked up teens will vote Dem if at all. It's a given. Free stuff ya' know.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.
Bet you anything most knocked up teens will vote Dem if at all. It's a given. Free stuff ya' know.
Highest rates of teen pregnancy are almost all in red states. Oops.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.

Her being pregnant isn't the problem or the responsibility of the taxpayers of America.

Boot her ass back to Mexico. Let them be responsible for her ass.
She is in our custody so yes, it becomes our problem.

Well she shouldn't be in our custody and if that's the law then the law needs changing.

No way should we taxpayers be on the hook for people trying to get into the country. That law needs changing and fast.
Yeah, our Immigration System isn't a mess. It's great. Man, when will the chaos end? Secure the damn Border!!
An illegal?

Why was ICE not informed, we could have aborted them right back to Mexico, free of charge!
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.
Bet you anything most knocked up teens will vote Dem if at all. It's a given. Free stuff ya' know.
Highest rates of teen pregnancy are almost all in red states. Oops.
Blacks, and this one Mexican, and they sure as hell don't vote GOP.

Oops. Sorry sista, PC days are over.
A 14 yr old child is pregnant, probably through rape, and tbe Trumpists are jubulant that maybe next time a kid well be prevented from getting an abortion. Kids having kids. Its the Republican way.
yeah, your so concered...probably by rape.....what does that're just happy a kid is sad.

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