Will you sign the petition for Alfie's life?

Senator Ted Cruz — US Senator for Texas
5 mins · Washington ·
Alfie Evans was born on May 9, 2016 in the United Kingdom. When he was only several months old, he was struck by a mysterious illness, and slipped into coma.

Doctors initially thought that Alfie would not survive long, but he fought back time and time again, until a chest infection forced him to rely on a ventilator.

Alfie’s parents, Kate James and Tom Evans, wish to seek experimental treatments for what is thought to be a mitochondrial condition. Italy has granted Alfie citizenship and offered to transport him to a Vatican hospital. But UK and European courts have denied their right to seek alternate treatments for their son and instead have forcibly kept him in a hospital. Now they have turned off the ventilator and are waiting for him to die. These events remind us of the tragic case of Charlie Gard last year.

It is a sad irony that while the people of the UK are busy celebrating a royal birth, its government is brushing off a commoner’s right to life. It is a grim reminder that systems of socialized medicine like the NHS vest the state with power over human lives, transforming citizens into subjects.

Alfie’s life support was turned off two days ago. National Health Service (NHS) doctors expected that he would pass away within minutes. Again, he fought back; at the time of this writing, he is continuing to breathe without assistance. But time is of the essence.

I urge the UK government to grant the Evans family’s request to treat their precious child in Italy. Americans strive to achieve the promise of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for all our citizens, no matter how young or old. I encourage all my fellow Americans to join me today in praying for Alfie and his family.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

List of countries by infant and under-five mortality rates - Wikipedia

The problem here is that the mortality rate for under 5 year olds is HIGHER in the US than it is in 31 countries with some sort of Socialized healthcare, INCLUDING the United Kingdom.

Amazing what knowledge can do for you, hey?

The US's rate is 6.5, compared to 4.3 for Socialized Healthcare UK.

You have a country like Finland that spends loads on Socialized programs, and it has one of the lowest infant morality rates in the world.
We had socialized programs here to take care of those in need. The politicians and corporates along with unionized labor thugs fuck it up.

Of course they do. Why?

Because the US system is massively open to abuse.

Socialized healthcare is a threat to a lot of people who leech off the system. They're willing to pay a lot of money to keep their profits.

A two party political system is massively open to abuse from those who are able to buy the politicians. There's not enough oversight that you'd get from competing factions. Both Reps and Dems benefit from such a system, so it's not in their interests to change things too much.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

List of countries by infant and under-five mortality rates - Wikipedia

The problem here is that the mortality rate for under 5 year olds is HIGHER in the US than it is in 31 countries with some sort of Socialized healthcare, INCLUDING the United Kingdom.

Amazing what knowledge can do for you, hey?

The US's rate is 6.5, compared to 4.3 for Socialized Healthcare UK.

You have a country like Finland that spends loads on Socialized programs, and it has one of the lowest infant morality rates in the world.
We had socialized programs here to take care of those in need. The politicians and corporates along with unionized labor thugs fuck it up.

Of course they do. Why?

Because the US system is massively open to abuse.

Socialized healthcare is a threat to a lot of people who leech off the system. They're willing to pay a lot of money to keep their profits.

A two party political system is massively open to abuse from those who are able to buy the politicians. There's not enough oversight that you'd get from competing factions. Both Reps and Dems benefit from such a system, so it's not in their interests to change things too much.
You want a socialized life and communism or a few royals or higher-ups in a caste system ruling over you stay in Europe, China, Russia or wherever. The people here are rejecting government run systems here where a few who believe the rest of us are "deplorables" that they have the right to rule over and above us. We are also going to reject those whose have lead the people down this shitty path of taking in people who desire to topple the Liberty of the people from within our own systems. Socialized healthcare doesn't equate to quality care. It merely means that people are willing to give away their owns rights for others to tax them and strip off the cream before their own medical needs are met.
Thanks for the link! I just now did my signing of the petition.

God bless you and the baby always!!!

Thank you Holly!
Hopefully the state will release him to leave the country so the life flight they have there on standby can get him to a facility that cares!
You're welcome.

God bless you and the baby and his family always!!!

You know what ?

The Brits are becoming true fascists by now!

Wiston Churchill must be turning in his grave.

What a shame, how disgusting from the Brits.....x

what scum in all truth,shame you Britannia.
View attachment 189939

The unbelievable exchange appears below:

But Mr Justice Hayden cut down Paul Diamond, representing the parents, as he began the family’s appeal hearing.

Mr Diamond said: “This really is an appeal, in our submission for common humanity and common sense…”

The judge interjected: “I don’t think it’s helpful to use emotive terms. As a barrister confine yourself to the law.”

Mr Diamond gave a witness statement from Mr Evans, taken on Tuesday, to the court suggesting his son’s condition is “significantly better” than had been previously believed.

Mr Diamond said the child had been breathing unaided for 19 hours.

Judge in Alfie Evans Case: Quit Telling Me He's a Human Being, "There's Virtually Nothing of His Brain Left" | LifeNews.com

Notice what the JUDGE says up top.......


This is a HUMAN UNLIKE u blankens who want to kill anything that doesn't fit your fantasy world.


The judge is a pro gay activist.
Moths to the gay flame.....always.
Alfie passed away in the early morning hours.

NHS's dr. Ranj Singh told reporters it wasn't 'killing' the child just "redirecting care". Euthanasia of humans is murder and most know that and find it disgusting so the new phrase for it evidently will be "redirecting care".

NHS Doctor: Starving Alfie Evans to Death ‘Is Not the Killing of A Child,’ It’s Just ‘Redirecting Care’
Forcing 23 month-old Alfie Evans to die by starvation “is not killing,” Dr. Ranj Singh argued on U.K.’s “This Morning” ITV program Friday, Express reports.

Withdrawing life-support and refusing to allow Alfie’s parents to take him home, feed and care for him, is, instead merely “redirecting care,” Dr. Singh said:

“This is not the killing of a child - this is redirecting care to make them more comfortable.”
Alfie passed away in the early morning hours.

NHS's dr. Ranj Singh told reporters it wasn't 'killing' the child just "redirecting care". Euthanasia of humans is murder and most know that and find it disgusting so the new phrase for it evidently will be "redirecting care".

NHS Doctor: Starving Alfie Evans to Death ‘Is Not the Killing of A Child,’ It’s Just ‘Redirecting Care’
Forcing 23 month-old Alfie Evans to die by starvation “is not killing,” Dr. Ranj Singh argued on U.K.’s “This Morning” ITV program Friday, Express reports.

Withdrawing life-support and refusing to allow Alfie’s parents to take him home, feed and care for him, is, instead merely “redirecting care,” Dr. Singh said:

“This is not the killing of a child - this is redirecting care to make them more comfortable.”

Sky News on Twitter

Alfie passed away in the early morning hours.

NHS's dr. Ranj Singh told reporters it wasn't 'killing' the child just "redirecting care". Euthanasia of humans is murder and most know that and find it disgusting so the new phrase for it evidently will be "redirecting care".

NHS Doctor: Starving Alfie Evans to Death ‘Is Not the Killing of A Child,’ It’s Just ‘Redirecting Care’
Forcing 23 month-old Alfie Evans to die by starvation “is not killing,” Dr. Ranj Singh argued on U.K.’s “This Morning” ITV program Friday, Express reports.

Withdrawing life-support and refusing to allow Alfie’s parents to take him home, feed and care for him, is, instead merely “redirecting care,” Dr. Singh said:

“This is not the killing of a child - this is redirecting care to make them more comfortable.”

Sky News on Twitter

View attachment 190438

The guy who calls murder "redirecting care".
NHS dr. Ranj Singh.JPG
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
The horror out of the U.K. concerning sick 23-month-old baby Alfie Evans continues. Earlier on Tuesday, Alfie was effectively sentenced to death yet again by the U.K. court system after a judge denied the the parents’ request to travel to Italy to seek further treatment.

Now, with the child off of life-support since Monday evening and battling for his life, the baby’s parents have been forced to give Alfie mouth-to-mouth while sitting in a hospital.

“Evans’ parents are giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in a desperate bid to keep him alive after a court ruled he cannot be flown to Italy for treatment,” reported The Sun on Tuesday evening. “Tom Evans tonight said he and Alfie’s mum Kate are trying to help Alfie’s breathing after ‘his lips turned blue.'”

Keep reading…

If Italy says they want to save the boy, let them try.

But it's all about murdering kids with the left.
Italy does not say they want to save the baby. They have said he cannot be saved and the only thing they can do is give him palliative treatment. The child is gone. Let him go to God.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Parents are not always the best judges of what is best for their children. Millions of children are abused or abandoned by parents every year. Even parents who appear to care don't always have the best interest of the child at heart. What about parents who don't give their children medical care because of their religious beliefs? Forcing this child to continue with a physical life when the soul is already gone is cruel, not in the best interests of the child. That is what the court determined.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Parents are not always the best judges of what is best for their children. Millions of children are abused or abandoned by parents every year. Even parents who appear to care don't always have the best interest of the child at heart. What about parents who don't give their children medical care because of their religious beliefs? Forcing this child to continue with a physical life when the soul is already gone is cruel, not in the best interests of the child. That is what the court determined.
Again piss off. My son was pronounced brain dead before he was two years old. The doctors told me that if he did survive he would be a vegetable. They were Wrooooonnnngggggg!!!!!! You haven't a clue. You are on my invisible ignore list from here on.
Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Parents are not always the best judges of what is best for their children. Millions of children are abused or abandoned by parents every year. Even parents who appear to care don't always have the best interest of the child at heart. What about parents who don't give their children medical care because of their religious beliefs? Forcing this child to continue with a physical life when the soul is already gone is cruel, not in the best interests of the child. That is what the court determined.
Again piss off. My son was pronounced brain dead before he was two years old. The doctors told me that if he did survive he would be a vegetable. They were Wrooooonnnngggggg!!!!!! You haven't a clue. You are on my invisible ignore list from here on.
Lefties must work hard to be so wrong about so many things.
Alfie passed away in the early morning hours.

NHS's dr. Ranj Singh told reporters it wasn't 'killing' the child just "redirecting care". Euthanasia of humans is murder and most know that and find it disgusting so the new phrase for it evidently will be "redirecting care".

NHS Doctor: Starving Alfie Evans to Death ‘Is Not the Killing of A Child,’ It’s Just ‘Redirecting Care’
Forcing 23 month-old Alfie Evans to die by starvation “is not killing,” Dr. Ranj Singh argued on U.K.’s “This Morning” ITV program Friday, Express reports.

Withdrawing life-support and refusing to allow Alfie’s parents to take him home, feed and care for him, is, instead merely “redirecting care,” Dr. Singh said:

“This is not the killing of a child - this is redirecting care to make them more comfortable.”

Sky News on Twitter

View attachment 190438

The guy who calls murder "redirecting care". View attachment 190440

They dream up their own excuses to make it right and ok in their own retard minds.
Alfie passed away in the early morning hours.

NHS's dr. Ranj Singh told reporters it wasn't 'killing' the child just "redirecting care". Euthanasia of humans is murder and most know that and find it disgusting so the new phrase for it evidently will be "redirecting care".

NHS Doctor: Starving Alfie Evans to Death ‘Is Not the Killing of A Child,’ It’s Just ‘Redirecting Care’
Forcing 23 month-old Alfie Evans to die by starvation “is not killing,” Dr. Ranj Singh argued on U.K.’s “This Morning” ITV program Friday, Express reports.

Withdrawing life-support and refusing to allow Alfie’s parents to take him home, feed and care for him, is, instead merely “redirecting care,” Dr. Singh said:

“This is not the killing of a child - this is redirecting care to make them more comfortable.”

Sky News on Twitter

View attachment 190438

The guy who calls murder "redirecting care". View attachment 190440

They dream up their own excuses to make it right and ok in their own retard minds.
All the more to stop this insane chit that is making more idiots in this country. We don't need anymore. I think we are full up.
Millions are willing to have fits over an animals life. How about the life of a child?

They have a life flight waiting to rescue Alfie and take him to a premiere children's hospital but the judges and hospital claim that Alfie doesn't have a chance. Sounds more like the hospital screwed up and the judges are helping to cover their asses. This is socialized medicine people. It does not mean you will get quality care or even the right to fight for the life of your own child.

If I had listened to doctors 38 years ago I would have missed the pleasure of raising my own beautiful son and seeing his son grow up when doctors told me he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life if he survived.

Alfies petition. Pray, sign and pass the petition around if you believe life is sacred.

Sign the Petition

Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Parents are not always the best judges of what is best for their children. Millions of children are abused or abandoned by parents every year. Even parents who appear to care don't always have the best interest of the child at heart. What about parents who don't give their children medical care because of their religious beliefs? Forcing this child to continue with a physical life when the soul is already gone is cruel, not in the best interests of the child. That is what the court determined.

OMFG are you truly that moronic Jesus Christ ppl like you are beyond fkn brainless idiots.
When you allow this to happen, when does the line get drawn , because next what will you say when you are ill and someone says to you just let you die because the court said so ...How about your mind can hear and see everything going on around you but you are unable to speak yet the courts says they can play God....... So just let your ass die.

wait until a kid of yours has a kid and god forbid it's in the same situation unless your a cold hearted moron with no emotions consciousness you will fight to keep that baby alive any way you can.

We can not wait until this bites you in your own pathetic asses.......

It's so easy for useless idiots to say because it's not your kid..............
When a parent has a conscious at all a parent doesn't care if it's brain is growing out of it's feet it is that parents right to choose for " THEIR BABY" not the Gov.

Sooner or later the Gov. will be your parent stating if you live or die.


Ah, blame it on socialized medicine. The boy would have died already in the US, as his parents wouldn't have been able to afford his care.
Bullshit. Greed has all but screwed everything concerning decent medial care here. I was poor as a church mouse and my son was treated as good as any rich persons child would have been when he was in dire need. Socialist are right in line with communist whose leadership generally do not give a damn about anyone but themselves.

What life flight? Where? Italy? Italy is also nationalized medicine and have also said they cannot cure this child. This problem has nothing to do with having a national health care program. Italy has one too. It has to do with so-called Christians not allowing this child to die peacefully. He is brain dead. He has no chance at life. Let him go to God as he is meant to.
He's already dead. Your a bit late and btw when it comes to other people deciding what should be done against the parent who desire to save their child when that child that is not their own fuck off.
Parents are not always the best judges of what is best for their children. Millions of children are abused or abandoned by parents every year. Even parents who appear to care don't always have the best interest of the child at heart. What about parents who don't give their children medical care because of their religious beliefs? Forcing this child to continue with a physical life when the soul is already gone is cruel, not in the best interests of the child. That is what the court determined.
Again piss off. My son was pronounced brain dead before he was two years old. The doctors told me that if he did survive he would be a vegetable. They were Wrooooonnnngggggg!!!!!! You haven't a clue. You are on my invisible ignore list from here on.

YEP another example my mother was told my little brother would have severe issues because she had to take meds for seizures , they told her she should abort him not to mention because of her age she was in her forties ......

HE WAS BORN WITH ABOVE AVERAGE IQ........ these doctors today are nothing but fkn killers of humans.... Only a handful are really for people and not money...

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