Will voting actually count?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?
Vote or not, the duopoly will win again.
When all that are offered are incompetents and/or war criminals, it is time to form new parties.
Vote or not, the duopoly will win again.
When all that are offered are incompetents and/or war criminals, it is time to form new parties.

I agree. However, the likelihood of any freshly formed political parties not rapidly devolving into what we have now is very, very slim. Take BLM, for instance. While not officially a registered third party, in the span of just a few years BLM has devolved itself from a grassroots movement into a full-blown revolutionary vanguard party willing and able to use mass violence against its own fellow countrymen to push its political ideology and achieve desired political change.
Vote or not, the duopoly will win again.
When all that are offered are incompetents and/or war criminals, it is time to form new parties.

I agree. However, the likelihood of any freshly formed political parties not rapidly devolving into what we have now is very, very slim. Take BLM, for instance. While not officially a registered third party, in the span of just a few years BLM has devolved itself from a grassroots movement into a full-blown revolutionary vanguard party willing and able to use mass violence against its own fellow countrymen to push its political ideology and achieve desired political change.
That group is so lacking in eloquence and genuine, extensive programs that it is easily contained by intelligent discourse.
Ooops, guess I forgot we're talking about modern America.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?

I have been contemplating this very matter for some time now. Truth be told there isn't a snow man's chance on Mercury of the November 2020 presidential election going by the book—for a number of reasons. For nearly four years forces within the democratic party core have sold to millions of Americans the lie that Donald Trump did not really win the 2016 election wink, wink. They've also successfully sold the false narrative that Russia helped Trump steal the White House from HRC. So in the hearts and minds of legions of democrat voters the idea of the democratic party cheating to beat DJT in 2020 isn't cause for outrage of any kind—rather it is answer to their prayers, a sweet revenge story, and a reason to throw one big fucking party of the century. In other words, democrat voters likely believe their party needs to cheat in order to set the record straight and see justice served.

On the flipside of the above both democrat voters and democrat politicians and all democrat supporting cable news outlets and billionaires foaming at the mouth hate Donald Trump. In their minds Trump is the all mythical versions of Satan rolled into one man and thus anything goes and all of them are on board with whatever must be done to take him down. In their minds it's like they've been given the chance to go back in time and take out Hitler before his rise to power. They're fucking religious in their hate for the man. The key point I'm making here: the democrats believe they are not just morally right to take down Trump but also morally obligated. Mass delusional fervor like that hasn't been seen since the Inquisition and is an almost impossible force to halt or even redirect.

Fair election 2020? Ha, ha, ha . . .
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?
making up excuses already? in 2016 someone or somewhere rigged the votes, and trump knows it and warned us it will happen. This time around it won't happen, or at least I hope so.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?

I have been contemplating this very matter for some time now. Truth be told there isn't a snow man's chance on Mercury of the November 2020 presidential election going by the book—for a number of reasons. For nearly four years forces within the democratic party core have sold to millions of Americans the lie that Donald Trump did not really win the 2016 election wink, wink. They've also successfully sold the false narrative that Russia helped Trump steal the White House from HRC. So in the hearts and minds of legions of democrat voters the idea of the democratic party cheating to beat DJT in 2020 isn't cause for outrage of any kind—rather it is answer to their prayers, a sweet revenge story, and a reason to throw one big fucking party of the century. In other words, democrat voters likely believe their party needs to cheat in order to set the record straight and see justice served.

On the flipside of the above both democrat voters and democrat politicians and all democrat supporting cable news outlets and billionaires foaming at the mouth hate Donald Trump. In their minds Trump is the all mythical versions of Satan rolled into one man and thus anything goes and all of them are on board with whatever must be done to take him down. In their minds it's like they've been given the chance to go back in time and take out Hitler before his rise to power. They're fucking religious in their hate for the man. The key point I'm making here: the democrats believe they are not just morally right to take down Trump but also morally obligated. Mass delusional fervor like that hasn't been seen since the Inquisition and is an almost impossible force to halt or even redirect.

Fair election 2020? Ha, ha, ha . . .
Humbly, it is suggested that there are two problems in this analysis.
The first is that Trump is not far from actually being as bad as the worst some think.
The second is that, last time and this time, his opponent is a war criminal who voted for the disastrous, illegal invasion of Iraq and the resultant ruin of our nation.
So, these two problems leave us with the bleak prospect of having the duopoly continue to run things unhindered into the foreseeable future.
Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than Donny and still lost. Thats not right.
That's Ms Clinton!
And, what is supremely "unright" is that she or any other war criminal be a candidate and much less actually President.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?
Don't forget you need not one, but two forms (and a fingerprint!) just to cash a check at the bank its a drawn from. O yes, and the fee. Buts its not a discount to waive said for customers, because that would be a illegal.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?

The most important election is for your city/county and state officials.
More than voted for Trump, but almost as many people didn't vote as people who did vote. That is a vote for 'other'.
Yup! - Clinton counted on all those new Black voters who registered to vote just to vote for a black man for president. Almost 5 million lost interest in voting for her all white ticket. Plus Obama got 96% of the Blacks who did vote. Hillary got 10% less.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?


"If voting made a difference, they would never let us do it"

Mark Twain

So get prepared to lose more freedoms, especially economically.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?

The most important election is for your city/county and state officials.
No matter how I vote the same old turds get put back into office until they retire or die.
I don't think it will. Dems have shown just how far they will go to regain power, and they are well funded by Soros and Hollyweird elites, along with inside help from whomever. GOP has shown just how less they plan to assist keeping the WH as republican. So why bother? Votes will me miscounted, lost, manipulated, etc.
We can trot our butts to the polls and it sill doesn't mean it will be counted for the party that is opposite of the gatherer collecting those votes. So I ask again...why bother?

If Trump attempted to pass a voter ID law, this might help in in-person polls, but so far he has not shown interest in doing this.

We have to have an ID to fly now..other than a drivers license; we must have ID to drive; we must have ID to open a bank account; The list can go on and on...but one doesn't need a voter ID to vote in the most important election for our country? So one last time....why bother?
Don't forget you need not one, but two forms (and a fingerprint!) just to cash a check at the bank its a drawn from. O yes, and the fee. Buts its not a discount to waive said for customers, because that would be a illegal.
I use my free govt. issued veterans ID....All citizens should be given picture ID's at no cost.
Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than Donny and still lost. Thats not right.
That's Ms Clinton!
And, what is supremely "unright" is that she or any other war criminal be a candidate and much less actually President.
A lot of people voted for her though.
More than voted for Trump, but almost as many people didn't vote as people who did vote. That is a vote for 'other'.
'Other' or 'either'...

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