Will This Wind Up Being Another GOP Conspiracy Theory?

Trump used Haiti to invite Clinton hate, the book "Clinton Cash", financed by Bannon (BEFORE Trump was running), is full of trash that Trump latched onto, Bannon runs on hate::

A year before he became Trump’s campaign “CEO,” Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon began pushing facile theories of corruption and malfeasance in the book Clinton Cash, written by Peter Schweizer under the aegis of Bannon’s Orwellianly named Government Accountability Institute. It was later turned into a film. Both versions of Clinton Cash tell a kaleidoscopic version of Haiti’s post-quake story, remixed and more than occasionally fudged to push the Clintons into the center. Those flawed but relatively measured accounts in turn inspired whack-job theories that have become articles of faith in the anti-Clinton fever swamps, such as the fantasy that Hillary and Bill just straight up stole billions of dollars in post-quake relief money—an impossible claim so unmoored from reality that even Peter Schweitzer didn’t bother making it.
The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

Trump, probably unwittingly, submerged himself in some relatively recent chapters of that history at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. His host was Georges Saati, a wealthy Lebanese-Haitian industrialist whose family backed the brutal 20th-century dictatorships of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier and whose far-right faction helped foment the violent overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. Trump was also treated to a speech by Bernard Sansaricq, a radical right-wing ex-Haitian legislator whom the Los Angeles Times once called the “self-proclaimed president of Haiti’s Senate” and who collaborated with the military junta that ruled during Aristide’s first exile in the 1990s, following a coup carried out during the George H.W. Bush administration by former Duvalierists on the CIA payroll. Trump was so moved that this week, his staff published another statement by Sansaricq on its website.

I was there during the Duvalier regime as a the winner of a school award, scary at times.
What about this little tidbit? I have videos of this and I've talked about it before.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

Mathieu was asked why are the Haitians so mad at Hillary Clinton? He responded that the Clinton’s have destroyed Haiti for decades – “they pretend to be our friends, when in reality, they are our #1 enemies.” He said after the earthquake, countries around the world donated billions of dollars to rebuild Haiti. He said Bill Clinton was in charge of the money – but people are still living under tents.

Haiti has enough resources to be very comfortable, Mathieu said. Haiti has oil – more than Venezuela. Haiti has one of the largest gold mines in the Caribbean, “but no one is talking about it.” Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, has a 26-year-contract on the gold mining in Haiti, an angry Mathieu ranted.

“The Clintons are the ones who are running Haiti,” he said. “They are stealing our money, stealing our resources, and we are outraged!” He said Hillary Clinton has “no business” running for President.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

There was also that incident when that group who had ties to the Clinton Foundation, were stealing Haitian children to be used as sex slaves on Bill Clinton's buddy Epstein and his Pedo Island.

I also own Page 2 Yay!
Trump used Haiti to invite Clinton hate, the book "Clinton Cash", financed by Bannon (BEFORE Trump was running), is full of trash that Trump latched onto, Bannon runs on hate::

A year before he became Trump’s campaign “CEO,” Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon began pushing facile theories of corruption and malfeasance in the book Clinton Cash, written by Peter Schweizer under the aegis of Bannon’s Orwellianly named Government Accountability Institute. It was later turned into a film. Both versions of Clinton Cash tell a kaleidoscopic version of Haiti’s post-quake story, remixed and more than occasionally fudged to push the Clintons into the center. Those flawed but relatively measured accounts in turn inspired whack-job theories that have become articles of faith in the anti-Clinton fever swamps, such as the fantasy that Hillary and Bill just straight up stole billions of dollars in post-quake relief money—an impossible claim so unmoored from reality that even Peter Schweitzer didn’t bother making it.
The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

Trump, probably unwittingly, submerged himself in some relatively recent chapters of that history at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. His host was Georges Saati, a wealthy Lebanese-Haitian industrialist whose family backed the brutal 20th-century dictatorships of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier and whose far-right faction helped foment the violent overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. Trump was also treated to a speech by Bernard Sansaricq, a radical right-wing ex-Haitian legislator whom the Los Angeles Times once called the “self-proclaimed president of Haiti’s Senate” and who collaborated with the military junta that ruled during Aristide’s first exile in the 1990s, following a coup carried out during the George H.W. Bush administration by former Duvalierists on the CIA payroll. Trump was so moved that this week, his staff published another statement by Sansaricq on its website.

I was there during the Duvalier regime as a the winner of a school award, scary at times.
What about this little tidbit? I have videos of this and I've talked about it before.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

Mathieu was asked why are the Haitians so mad at Hillary Clinton? He responded that the Clinton’s have destroyed Haiti for decades – “they pretend to be our friends, when in reality, they are our #1 enemies.” He said after the earthquake, countries around the world donated billions of dollars to rebuild Haiti. He said Bill Clinton was in charge of the money – but people are still living under tents.

Haiti has enough resources to be very comfortable, Mathieu said. Haiti has oil – more than Venezuela. Haiti has one of the largest gold mines in the Caribbean, “but no one is talking about it.” Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, has a 26-year-contract on the gold mining in Haiti, an angry Mathieu ranted.

“The Clintons are the ones who are running Haiti,” he said. “They are stealing our money, stealing our resources, and we are outraged!” He said Hillary Clinton has “no business” running for President.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

There was also that incident when that group who had ties to the Clinton Foundation, were stealing Haitian children to be used as sex slaves on Bill Clinton's buddy Epstein and his Pedo Island.

I also own Page 2 Yay!

What "TIES"?
Trump used Haiti to invite Clinton hate, the book "Clinton Cash", financed by Bannon (BEFORE Trump was running), is full of trash that Trump latched onto, Bannon runs on hate::

A year before he became Trump’s campaign “CEO,” Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon began pushing facile theories of corruption and malfeasance in the book Clinton Cash, written by Peter Schweizer under the aegis of Bannon’s Orwellianly named Government Accountability Institute. It was later turned into a film. Both versions of Clinton Cash tell a kaleidoscopic version of Haiti’s post-quake story, remixed and more than occasionally fudged to push the Clintons into the center. Those flawed but relatively measured accounts in turn inspired whack-job theories that have become articles of faith in the anti-Clinton fever swamps, such as the fantasy that Hillary and Bill just straight up stole billions of dollars in post-quake relief money—an impossible claim so unmoored from reality that even Peter Schweitzer didn’t bother making it.
The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

Trump, probably unwittingly, submerged himself in some relatively recent chapters of that history at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. His host was Georges Saati, a wealthy Lebanese-Haitian industrialist whose family backed the brutal 20th-century dictatorships of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier and whose far-right faction helped foment the violent overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. Trump was also treated to a speech by Bernard Sansaricq, a radical right-wing ex-Haitian legislator whom the Los Angeles Times once called the “self-proclaimed president of Haiti’s Senate” and who collaborated with the military junta that ruled during Aristide’s first exile in the 1990s, following a coup carried out during the George H.W. Bush administration by former Duvalierists on the CIA payroll. Trump was so moved that this week, his staff published another statement by Sansaricq on its website.

I was there during the Duvalier regime as a the winner of a school award, scary at times.
What about this little tidbit? I have videos of this and I've talked about it before.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

Mathieu was asked why are the Haitians so mad at Hillary Clinton? He responded that the Clinton’s have destroyed Haiti for decades – “they pretend to be our friends, when in reality, they are our #1 enemies.” He said after the earthquake, countries around the world donated billions of dollars to rebuild Haiti. He said Bill Clinton was in charge of the money – but people are still living under tents.

Haiti has enough resources to be very comfortable, Mathieu said. Haiti has oil – more than Venezuela. Haiti has one of the largest gold mines in the Caribbean, “but no one is talking about it.” Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, has a 26-year-contract on the gold mining in Haiti, an angry Mathieu ranted.

“The Clintons are the ones who are running Haiti,” he said. “They are stealing our money, stealing our resources, and we are outraged!” He said Hillary Clinton has “no business” running for President.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

There was also that incident when that group who had ties to the Clinton Foundation, were stealing Haitian children to be used as sex slaves on Bill Clinton's buddy Epstein and his Pedo Island.

I also own Page 2 Yay!

What "TIES"?


Evidence ridiculously thin for Clinton sex network claim PROVEN:
Trump used Haiti to invite Clinton hate, the book "Clinton Cash", financed by Bannon (BEFORE Trump was running), is full of trash that Trump latched onto, Bannon runs on hate::

A year before he became Trump’s campaign “CEO,” Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon began pushing facile theories of corruption and malfeasance in the book Clinton Cash, written by Peter Schweizer under the aegis of Bannon’s Orwellianly named Government Accountability Institute. It was later turned into a film. Both versions of Clinton Cash tell a kaleidoscopic version of Haiti’s post-quake story, remixed and more than occasionally fudged to push the Clintons into the center. Those flawed but relatively measured accounts in turn inspired whack-job theories that have become articles of faith in the anti-Clinton fever swamps, such as the fantasy that Hillary and Bill just straight up stole billions of dollars in post-quake relief money—an impossible claim so unmoored from reality that even Peter Schweitzer didn’t bother making it.
The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

Trump, probably unwittingly, submerged himself in some relatively recent chapters of that history at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. His host was Georges Saati, a wealthy Lebanese-Haitian industrialist whose family backed the brutal 20th-century dictatorships of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier and whose far-right faction helped foment the violent overthrow of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. Trump was also treated to a speech by Bernard Sansaricq, a radical right-wing ex-Haitian legislator whom the Los Angeles Times once called the “self-proclaimed president of Haiti’s Senate” and who collaborated with the military junta that ruled during Aristide’s first exile in the 1990s, following a coup carried out during the George H.W. Bush administration by former Duvalierists on the CIA payroll. Trump was so moved that this week, his staff published another statement by Sansaricq on its website.

I was there during the Duvalier regime as a the winner of a school award, scary at times.
What about this little tidbit? I have videos of this and I've talked about it before.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

Mathieu was asked why are the Haitians so mad at Hillary Clinton? He responded that the Clinton’s have destroyed Haiti for decades – “they pretend to be our friends, when in reality, they are our #1 enemies.” He said after the earthquake, countries around the world donated billions of dollars to rebuild Haiti. He said Bill Clinton was in charge of the money – but people are still living under tents.

Haiti has enough resources to be very comfortable, Mathieu said. Haiti has oil – more than Venezuela. Haiti has one of the largest gold mines in the Caribbean, “but no one is talking about it.” Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, has a 26-year-contract on the gold mining in Haiti, an angry Mathieu ranted.

“The Clintons are the ones who are running Haiti,” he said. “They are stealing our money, stealing our resources, and we are outraged!” He said Hillary Clinton has “no business” running for President.

Haitian American Reveals Shocking Details of Clinton Corruption In Haiti

There was also that incident when that group who had ties to the Clinton Foundation, were stealing Haitian children to be used as sex slaves on Bill Clinton's buddy Epstein and his Pedo Island.

I also own Page 2 Yay!

What "TIES"?

The the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids...

New Life Children's Refuge case - Wikipedia

Read more about what I stated here:

Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal PART 1 - Geller Report
Did Trump's buddy Epstein try to latch on to the Clintons?


There are many, many more photographs of the two "men about town" still available. Trump probably spent a fortune but could not get them all. Melania may have been one of Epstein's......sta....FRIENDS.
Did Trump's buddy Epstein try to latch on to the Clintons?


There are many, many more photographs of the two "men about town" still available. Trump probably spent a fortune but could not get them all. Melania may have been one of Epstein's......sta....FRIENDS.
You seem very knowledgeable about all the smut and dirt and shit.
Did Trump's buddy Epstein try to latch on to the Clintons?


There are many, many more photographs of the two "men about town" still available. Trump probably spent a fortune but could not get them all. Melania may have been one of Epstein's......sta....FRIENDS.
You seem very knowledgeable about all the smut and dirt and shit.

Why pretend? Between wives Trump was thrilled to be seen with low rent types like Epstein; the question is: What does Epstein have on Trump and Melania?
Did Trump's buddy Epstein try to latch on to the Clintons?


There are many, many more photographs of the two "men about town" still available. Trump probably spent a fortune but could not get them all. Melania may have been one of Epstein's......sta....FRIENDS.
You seem very knowledgeable about all the smut and dirt and shit.

Why pretend? Between wives Trump was thrilled to be seen with low rent types like Epstein; the question is: What does Epstein have on Trump and Melania?
Probably found a pair of Melania's panties in The Donald's clothes hamper. Complete with pecker tracks.
Did Trump's buddy Epstein try to latch on to the Clintons?


There are many, many more photographs of the two "men about town" still available. Trump probably spent a fortune but could not get them all. Melania may have been one of Epstein's......sta....FRIENDS.
You seem very knowledgeable about all the smut and dirt and shit.

Why pretend? Between wives Trump was thrilled to be seen with low rent types like Epstein; the question is: What does Epstein have on Trump and Melania?
Probably found a pair of Melania's panties in The Donald's clothes hamper. Complete with pecker tracks.

Not funny, Trump met far too many woman without his having help; if that help was Epstein, Epstein got the goods on him.
The stupidest part about many of these Clinton murder conspiracies is that there would be zero reason for them to go through the trouble while many people who have caused the Clintons much more grief continue living.

Kenneth Starr has lived a long and healthy life, but let's kill this guy nobody has ever heard of for criticizing us 7 years ago.

Not when it comes to shutting someone up. You can't be that shallow thinking.
There is even a name for that.
It's called "The Clinton Body Count"......meaning the mysterious deaths of dozens of Clinton's associates who possessed incriminating evidence about them.

While there are a few suspicious deaths associated with the Clintons and Mena AK, most of these alleged Arkacides are circumstantial.

It is a fact of life that people die and when you are in politics and know lots of people over 30 years of politicking, that amounts to a lot of people dying.

I am simply surprised that no one has compiled a similar list of people who have died that have known the Bush family. It is as likely as large as the Clinton list.
Not funny, Trump met far too many woman without his having help; if that help was Epstein, Epstein got the goods on him.
Not true.

Men like Trump in his younger years go through women like dirty sox.

Epstein doesnt have squat on Trump that Trump wouldnt brag about in the locker room.

He would likely see it as something to brag about and would enhance his manly-man image.
Thats nothin.

A teen ager that was wondering the railroad tracks near Mena with his friends in the 80s IIRC, was found with his head chopped off with an axe.

Yep suicide according to the local coroner.

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