Will the white race survive?

They breed enough, just that other races have litters

No for once RW is correct. Whites need more than 1 or 2 kids per couple. Thankfully my brother has 5 white children I have 2 already my mother had 5 my grandmothers had 3 and 4 respectfully.

good maybe they will breed with some people of color and give you beautiful grandchildren

That happens they mine as well forget me and my number and address they will be about as welcome as a stranger would be in my home.
BULLSHIT! Jews are a race.
No, they're a religion with racist views [only Semites can be 'true' Jews]. Similarly, the KKK is not a race, but a group which claims that being a member of a given race is a necessary prerequisite for inclusion [only Whites can be Klansmen].

In the case of Judaism, this is rooted in the history of the religion's founding and the genocides they carried out in conquering the 'promised land'.

The concept of Judaism as a race is nothing more than useful fiction used by Zionists to label anyone who opposed zionism as 'antisemitic' and by propagandists to manipulate feeble-minded useful idiots like yourself.

We will just to agree to disagree here.

You know why I love people like you and Tank?

You serve as a reminder

that the Lower Tenth

includes the refuse of races :thup:

Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement
I'm doing my part Hosser, 3 beautiful white kids. Planning on a 4th in a year and a fifth down the line! So that will be 5 white kids for the next generation! Can't say they will be conservatives, since my wife is pretty liberal.

Oh wait were Jewish! Scratch that we don't count as white. I guess that 5 kids in for the non-white side. Sorry!
Judaism is a religion, not a race.

Perhaps you meant you are Semitic? Where exactly Semites fit into the phylogenetic tree is debated, as there have been insufficient genetic studies. The region from whence Semites originate has seen much intermixing of Caucasoid and Mongoloid stocks, further serving to make a general statement difficult.

BULLSHIT! Jews are a race.

Tell that to have my extended family that are good Christians! :eusa_eh:

Also if it was up to me we would be good Christians. Jesus is a good example to follow, but I'm married to a Jewish woman to its not up to me!
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Who have been the greatest white contributors to society? If you could name five throughout history.


George Washington
Adolf Hitler
Andrew Johnson
David Duke
Robert Mathews

There are way more than 5 I admire but this is the ones I admire the most.

Big Hoss - although I thanked you for the response, I need to point out that these men are of contemporary society in comparison to the history of the world. Is there no great white contributor of ancient societies?
Did you listen to their music and befriend them aka turn into a wigger?I am guessing yes.
LIstening to rap and having black friends do not make you a "wigger" sir. Every black person I personally know is at least middle class, own their homes and have wonderful family values.


I am talking about ghetto neighborhoods not blacks who were given a help up by white men and racist policies and actually did something to help themselves.

I am a black guy who grew up in west ...deep west philly. White men helped me get out? Are you saying every single black person I know who are not living in the ghetto got help from "white men"? Really?

Did a white man help every white person who grew up poor and are doing well now?
Judaism is a religion, not a race.

Perhaps you meant you are Semitic? Where exactly Semites fit into the phylogenetic tree is debated, as there have been insufficient genetic studies. The region from whence Semites originate has seen much intermixing of Caucasoid and Mongoloid stocks, further serving to make a general statement difficult.

BULLSHIT! Jews are a race.
No, they're a religion with racist views [only Semites can be 'true' Jews]. Similarly, the KKK is not a race, but a group which claims that being a member of a given race is a necessary prerequisite for inclusion [only Whites can be Klansmen].

In the case of Judaism, this is rooted in the history of the religion's founding and the genocides they carried out in conquering the 'promised land'.

The concept of Judaism as a race is nothing more than useful fiction used by Zionists to label anyone who opposed zionism as 'antisemitic' and by propagandists to manipulate feeble-minded useful idiots like yourself.

JB and Big Hoss need to get a room! You're suck a cute couple together!
There is only one race: The human race.

There is only one breed, the dog breed. The Poodle and Golden Retriever are just social constructs.

Ok, besides the joking, yes, racial classifications are social constructs, but genetic differences are objective realities. It is just a question of how we choose to classify those genetic differences. It is kind of like with the colors in the hue, yes we could call red blue and blue red, but we have decided to classify the difference in color as we have.
Who have been the greatest white contributors to society? If you could name five throughout history.

Too hard to name just 5 great Americans

George Washington (won the Revoluntary War, Great President and Kept the Young Nation together),
Albert Einstein (perhaps the best scientist in history),
MLK (his non-violence and leadership help a torn nation move fifty steps forward),
Thomas Edison (discovered the light bulb amongst other things),
Alexander Graham Bell (invested the telephone),
Henry Ford (created the Model T that led to the boom of the automobile),
James Watson (discovered DNA),
Bill Gates (got us the computer age),
Wright Brother (got us Airplanes),
Lincoln (Kept the nation together and ended slavery),
Alexander Hamilton (Industrialized America),
General Patton (The US General behind us winning WW II)
Adam Smith (Brought us the concept of Capitalism and the free market that made this country great)
Ben Franklin (Great diplomat and help find electricity),
James Madison (wrote the bill of rights),
Ronald Reagan (Defeated the Evil Empire and bought us Reagonimics)
Herman Cain (He will be the next President and the man to lead America back to the economic giant we should be)
The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.

I know quite a few anti white racists here so can only imagine the garbage that this thread will attract...but for those of us that are actually concerned if people who look like us years from now will still be around this is a serious thing.

Gross. No one is anti-white, that I know of. I, along with quite a few others are "anti-white racists". Apparently, whites are fastly approaching being the "new minority" as Hispanics and Asians seem to be dominating, at least in "numbers".
That you could post a video of KKK'er, David Duke, alerts everyone to your makeup and agenda. I"m black, and have mixed race cousins (Russian/black, Dutch/black, Italian/black, Irish/black). I'm confident that it's the wave of the future...homogeny, much to your chagrin.
The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.

And? So? I guess that makes the white race better than other races who have contributed equally, if not moreso, to humanity?

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