Will the Real Slim Shady please stand up? Biden Body Double


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The guy in the WH is clearly not the same man who ran in 2020. Sure, he suffers from dementia, probably due to drugs, Botox and age, but hos face is totally different from the guy he's supposed to be and that after massive visible cosmetic surgery on the chin and cheeks. Someone with computer skills should run facial recognition and see if the 2 match.

Our last Presidents since Reagan: Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag Born in Kenya, Trump, Globalist scumbag Body Double


Jesus Christ! Is it me or do these 2 look NOTHING alike?! The eyes, the ears, the nose, the cheeks, the jaw, the chin
The problem is that we live with such a corrupted government that we can think of these things. The Original Outer Limits.. Hundred Days of the Dragon.
That might have worked in 1939 when there were still checks and balances still in effect. Now it's more like the 3 branches of government (5 counting the media and security apparatus) looks more like a game of rock paper and scissors, depending on unseen negotiations. If starting a world war intentionally, destroying our borders and economy, and spreading hate isn't enough, you can always say he kicks his dog. That might elicit a response. That would bring Kamela or some other meat puppet up at bat, net loss.
Each of them has a name, of course, they are not aliases but individual body doubles.
A partial list includes ;
Robin Ware. Robert L. Peters, JRB Ware, and of course Lesco Brandon.
Body Double???????? ...........Dear Lord.

You are absolutely Bat Shit Crazy to believe that biden has a body double. WOW.

Body Double


Jesus Christ! Is it me or do these 2 look NOTHING alike?! The eyes, the ears, the nose, the cheeks, the jaw, the chin
It is nothing more than a difference in position, lighting and age.

Seriously, leave image analysis to the people who know what they are talking about. Joe likely has lost some body fat over the years between the pictures and just lost some fat in his lobe. Or maybe he had plastic lobe surgery! Thing is, if you look closely at the crows feet lines around his right eye, these are as individual as fingerprints and cannot be duplicated---- they are the SAME in both photos.
The guy in the WH is clearly not the same man who ran in 2020. Sure, he suffers from dementia, probably due to drugs, Botox and age, but hos face is totally different from the guy he's supposed to be and that after massive visible cosmetic surgery on the chin and cheeks. Someone with computer skills should run facial recognition and see if the 2 match.

Our last Presidents since Reagan: Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag, Globalist scumbag Born in Kenya, Trump, Globalist scumbag Body Double

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Jesus Christ! Is it me or do these 2 look NOTHING alike?! The eyes, the ears, the nose, the cheeks, the jaw, the chin
At best, some similarity. At best.

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