will the government eminent domain my website ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money at it, and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru .org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people". they could take is from me and give it to the new york times benedict arnold gazette, wapo, or msnbc.

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government, for their new world headquarters... not many people know that...

Kelo v New London. the land they took from Susette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived near that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

the American who made the video that caused the benghazi terrorist attacks, sits in jail, pretty much forgotten about... another terry lakin ??

politics wise ? this is on rand paul's mind, he has already used it as leverage against my man trump. DJT and i disagree on this, but i have time to change his mind.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??

susette kelo - Google Search

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

obama has the supremes with him on this one i'm sorry to say.

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
Better yet, get a foreign server...

I thought the Democrats knew all the tricks.
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this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
did you ?
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  • Thread starter
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  • #5
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
Better yet, get a foreign server...

I thought the Democrats knew all the tricks.
they do.
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
like you ?
Like Dagny and her other magical friends
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
like you ?
Like Dagny and her other magical friends
don't spill the ending.:)
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
like you ?
Like Dagny and her other magical friends
don't spill the ending.:)
They haven't gotten to the ending yet by Atlas Srugged 3?
this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood.

i just watch atlas shrugged 3.

fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money, at it and eclipse my American dream. or, they could just take my .com thru org registrations and guide them "for the good of the people".

i haven't heard of a tld (top level domain) being taken so far. but the new york times drove out generations of homes and businesses with the approval and aid of our government. Kelo v New London. the land they took from Sussette Kelo remains in limbo. i lived next to that tract for ten years in Waterford....

so can they ? maybe WashAmeriCom would be better in the hands of a burgeoning socialist country. i haven't had this conversation yet with my senator Bernie Sanders, but i will before the election.

i want to keep my domain the way it is. chipping away at liberty remains a bad idea.

i'd like to know what you guys think. watch the Atlas shrugged trilogy. if it doesn't scare the crap out of you, that's how you will know you are a liberal.

first comes healthcare.... then comes marriage, next comes socialism in a baby carriage.

i may end up taking the fifth on this one. where does it end ??
Yeah you better go hide in a mountain under a camo shield.
like you ?
Like Dagny and her other magical friends
don't spill the ending.:)
They haven't gotten to the ending yet by Atlas Srugged 3?
they have. or is just the beginning ? man you walked right into that one.
Only if Trump gets elected, and then only if he can make a buck off of it.
right, cause he needs the money.
NO, because he believes he can do more with it than the owner..

He's on records as saying as much.

Look it up....Trump and eminent domain......should be in your google.
thank you... and that is the essence of the argument. rand was speaking of Trump's Atlantic City Gambit. i'm not sure if it came to fruition.

in the case of kelo, they were going to raise high end condos for the pfizer people, then pfizer move across the gold star bridge. stall.

one good thing according to susette herself, is that most states changed their laws, that gets into tenth amendment territory.

but the offshore private server might be an answer, i'll ask hillary.

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