Will Smith Banned From Award Shows For The Next Decade

refer to the First Amendment?

refer to... Stick and stones may break my bones....?


True but sometimes words can hurt too, but they shouldn't if you're in the Hollywood industry as that much I agree with.
She is a human being, and she has an issue no one has an answer to right now. I pray that these new fronteirs in science which rejuvenates skin cells to normalcy. Loving relationships are seldom understood by outsiders, but Will Smith loves her more than himself, and he put his reputation beneath her need for belonging after being terrorized by autoimmune issues. Forgive me, but I had an autoimmune issue called fibromyalgia that produced screaming out loud pain 24/7/365. When we moved, my new doctor turned out to be an osteopath, and she was concerned about my bloodcount having too much calcium present to be normal after 3 different pricks over 2 weeks time. She ordered a cat scan of my neck, because she was pretty certain I had a bad parathyroid. The scan showed two parathyroids of 4 were bad. After the surgery, my pain dropped and within a couple of weeks I had no more pain. I still had other problems that go along with fibromyalgia, however, such as tiredness, irritability through the roof, and a few other things including a few too many hairs collecting on my brush. Because I know what horrors await anyone who may have a severe case of autoimmunity, it comes with unpleasant ugly sisters. Because of my own problem with autoimmunity, I pray for all those who have autoimmune issues, and they could fill a book with case histories. Many marriages and relationships do not survive some autoimmune issues which include arthritis, cancer, and too many to nam here as this shows:
View attachment 628313
Every one of thess is accompanied by a myriad of ugly sisters. No exceptions.

One of a bazillion pages on autoimmune issues: Chronic Autoimmune Disease Treatment - Mymee
Love ya girl, but I don't need a lecture. And nothing you say will change my mind that Jada has Alopecia as severe as she claims or my general opinion of her...or her weak assed husband. Nothing. So.....we will have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.
My grandfather instructed me to know that the Bible is a reference that was intentionally written in simple enough terms that a child could understand what was said in most of it. I do a lot of bible reading outside of my church attendance due to bad health and a sorrow that if I left home without a mask I would get and transfer Covid. My family has had a membership in the church I attend since its first son arrived here on the Mayflower. My family history is dotted with a majority of men and women who were either Christian ministers or in the case of women, schoolmarms and homemakers. One minister who preached Jesus in his day was a member of my family's church, and he signed the Declaration of Independence. Through the years, responsibility was handed down from parents to children, and Christian education was both relegated to the church organization as well as parents or grandparents' influencing the young to remain strong in their beliefs. I have been a widow for years and have no husband nor live in lover as you seem to think, so plz withdraw your pity for any man you can think up, thx.

Blood? To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Rock shed no blood with Mr. Smith's slapdown of his foolish mouth. Do you see red when I type out one annoyance after another to your unique processing of my words in your angry brain? Please, plz. Put some ice on it, take an aspirin, and contact your fair health care specialist next Monday to nurture your wound. I care.
Love, beautress the widow lady who could be old enough to be your great grandmother. :thanks:
Thank you for sharing!

I am 53, came to USA in 1983. We were the young generation of Freedom and hard rock music. Modern generation Z is much much worse.

It is not the place of any of us to judge the older generations. In many ways older generations were and are much more ethical then we are.
Forgive me, but I had an autoimmune issue called fibromyalgia that produced screaming out loud pain 24/7/365. When we moved, my new doctor turned out to be an osteopath, and she was concerned about my bloodcount having too much calcium present to be normal after 3 different pricks over 2 weeks time. She ordered a cat scan of my neck, because she was pretty certain I had a bad parathyroid. The scan showed two parathyroids of 4 were bad. After the surgery, my pain dropped and within a couple of weeks I had no more pain. I still had other problems that go along with fibromyalgia, however, such as tiredness, irritability through the roof, and a few other things including a few too many hairs collecting on my brush. Because I know what horrors await anyone who may have a severe case of autoimmunity, it comes with unpleasant ugly sisters. Because of my own problem with autoimmunity, I pray for all those who have autoimmune issues, and they could fill a book with case histories. Many marriages and relationships do not survive some autoimmune issues which include arthritis, cancer, and too many to nam here as this shows:
View attachment 628313
Every one of thess is accompanied by a myriad of ugly sisters. No exceptions.

One of a bazillion pages on autoimmune issues: Chronic Autoimmune Disease Treatment - Mymee
Thank you for sharing! I wish you best luck!

Thank G-d, I never had physical ailments so far. I have Moderate Depression and Autism.
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In 1980s, we laughed at the Older Generations and their rules of Social Conduct. We could not imagine in our worst nightmares that Generation Z would embrace much more rigid rules.

We were a generation of Freedom, Playboy, and Hard Rock Music. We rebelled against rules followed by Older Generations. Generation Z rebelled against Freedom established by our Generation X. They embrace draconian rules and Cancel Culture.
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It's that bitch Jada that should be banned. Chris Rock has had a jump to his popularity. After seeing some other video of the relationship between the smiths< SHE is a honkin beotch. But then...you know... The oscars as well as these other 'awards' shows draw less and less interest and viewers AND americans are sick to death of them...so. Who gives a damn. He'll find better things to do.
And Movies suck nowadays.
This is an overreaction.
This is what these Hollywood degenerates do.
Clearly Will Smith isn't black enough for them. He doesn't use the "N" word enough in his movies or his rap videos.
Chris Rock uses the "N" word in every sentence. He's black by God.

On one hand they support sick individuals.....and on the other hand they collectively go after someone who didn't do anything even close to what the Pedophiles in their ranks have done.
They have caused kids to turn to drugs and suicide....but this slap is definitely worse that Jan 6th to them.
They can accept a body-count in Hollywood....ruined lives.....but you just can't do something that the mob decides is bad.
Shit....that's like being an actor and voting for Trump....or questioning vaccinations.
God help you if you ever do that, cause you're a terrorist then.
LeBron James could punch a player and get a two game suspension....but these lily-white assholes decided that this deserved 10 years.
I like Will Smith. He seems to be today's Joe Dimaggio, imho. (it's only an opinion, btw.)
I like Will Smith. He seems to be today's Joe Dimaggio, imho. (it's only an opinion, btw.)
I saw a video today showing his wife recording him on her camera phone.....and he kept telling her it wasn't right for her to be recording him and asking personal questions.
It was like she was trying to torture him.
I really felt sorry for him.
I think he needs to divorce her.
I saw a video today showing his wife recording him on her camera phone.....and he kept telling her it wasn't right for her to be recording him and asking personal questions.
It was like she was trying to torture him.
I really felt sorry for him.
I think he needs to divorce her.
That reminds me of a Frank Sinatra hit "I've got you under my skin...."
Chris rock has the punishment of knowing how he made his black brother hurt so much inside.

While laughing all the way to the bank as his shows sell out after the fact, that is.
This s no good for Chris rock. Will fucked with his on stage swagger, or could have. His image. His bad boy image. He plunked him out. H bitched slapped him. I do hop Chris makes a fortune off this but some say Chris should sue him for 200 million dollars. Tracy Morgan sued when he was injured by a corporation. Will Smith is a corporation. You know a good lawyer could make a good argument how this has damaged Chris physically, psychological emotional.

I saw on another thread you said what was the real reason will did this? He did it because jada cuckolded will on her podcast. She told the world she was with another man. A female black comedian eluded to it earlier. Why didn’t will slap or yell at her? So he snapped on little Chris?

He should be slapping jada.

And show me one bald spot on her head. She ain’t got alopecia
Sorry, Dogmaphobe, Girls like me did not get asked out for many dates because my military family was constantly on the move, and we moved so many times, I can't remember names of most of the people I knew back then. In military base schools, a lot of the boys are bullies, and I was very short for my age. I was afraid of men by the time I was 10 years old, and that fear did not go away overnight. I was hardly the manipulative type, but I knew some who were because it worked for them. I became a scholar in school, and I was used to studying at night on weekends instead of going out with anyone. I worked hard to show my parents a good report card, and my lieutenant/turned/coach dad made sure my goals were high. That doesn't attract too many guys even in intellectual circles. My mother did see to it I was in church school every Sunday morning, and I grew up loving people who represented Godly Christian precepts and civil order as well.

Are you sure your slapdown of me as "manipulative" isn't about my political nature but is about your hatred for a person who is dedicated to actual truth, loves God's amazing Word, and also, to eventually being a conservative?
I don’t know you politics or opinion. All I know is based on what you said, you sound like a wonderful person.

I bet I don’t even agree with your politics but I love Americans like you. From what you just wrote. Didn’t even look at the name. I hope this isn’t political chic. Lol
So,.. my question is that what are they going to do to Chris Rock for telling jokes about his wife?

Will Smith won't be bothered, just means he's got out of that time wasting crap. All awards are crap, they're just based on people's opinions to their criteria.
If I made it again, you'd miss it the second time as well.
You again fail to make a point.

Apparently you've nothing to say beyond being a hateful pig.

Have fun at the meetings pig.

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