Will Republicans Save Us?


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.

Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.
Political parties can't save us. Only God can.

We have to clean the the inner vessel before the outward one.
Political parties can't save us. Only God can.

We have to clean the the inner vessel before the outward one.

Agreed. The entire group of the elected officials AND the parties should be swept out of power and kept from doing anything more than voting for the next 25 years.

The population needs to be educated on their responsibilities as citizens to keep themselves informed.

We need better watchdogs of government, because the current media is concerned with only two things. Making money and keeping liberals in power.
Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.

Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.
Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.
Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

That is not true but don't let a little thing like the truth stop you.

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

That is not true but don't let a little thing like the truth stop you.

Oh, it's true all right. For six years, Republicans controlled the presidency and both houses.

Republicans like to say that during the last two years of the Bush administration, Democrats controlled the Senate. How is a 49 to 49 with two independents "control"? Can anyone name a single piece of major legislation passed during those two years.

But during those 6 years of Republican control, what didn't they turn to shit?

Did they count either war in any White House budget? No.

Did they count the trillion dollar "drugs for senior votes" bill? No.

Did they add in the cost of the 2.4 trillion dollar tax break for the rich? No.

Did they work on immigration? No.

And yet, all these problems came from Obama. Un Fucking believable.
Do you STILL not "get it?"

It does NOT matter which "party" is in the pub(l)ic eye ~

they are NOTHING but PUPPETS,

bought and under their master's rein.

It isn't a battle of parties ~

it's a battle of

You know what?

Never mind.
I personally hope the Republican Party steps out of the political picture for the next four to eight years so the Democrat propaganda can cease, and the media will be forced to tell the truth:

We are here because of a massive monopoly in government by Democrats for over 100 years at the expense of the people. Millions of Democrats in government from your town hall to DC, and ALL very well taken care of. The young and minorities wanted Obama, and look who are the biggest victims of the Democrat lies: the young and minorities. No wonder Democrats north and south opposed the abolition of slavery, they had bigger slavery plans for all citizens.
Do you STILL not "get it?"

It does NOT matter which "party" is in the pub(l)ic eye ~

they are NOTHING but PUPPETS,

bought and under their master's rein.

It isn't a battle of parties ~

it's a battle of

You know what?

Never mind.

Spot on

Dems, Repubs, two faces on a counterfeit big government coin.
Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.

Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

So did Democrats. And even more so progressive socialists.
Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.

Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

If a few republicans would just come out with plans that are not exactly like Bush's, they might have had a chance.

They really want to go back to exactly the same policies. How can this possibly make sense to republican voters?

republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

If a few republicans would just come out with plans that are not exactly like Bush's, they might have had a chance.

They really want to go back to exactly the same policies. How can this possibly make sense to republican voters?

Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies, so what are you talking about?
republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

If a few republicans would just come out with plans that are not exactly like Bush's, they might have had a chance.

They really want to go back to exactly the same policies. How can this possibly make sense to republican voters?

Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies, so what are you talking about?

Such as?
republicans will NOT save us.

repubs helped put us in this position in the first place.

That is not true but don't let a little thing like the truth stop you.

Oh, it's true all right. For six years, Republicans controlled the presidency and both houses.

Republicans like to say that during the last two years of the Bush administration, Democrats controlled the Senate. How is a 49 to 49 with two independents "control"? Can anyone name a single piece of major legislation passed during those two years.

But during those 6 years of Republican control, what didn't they turn to shit?

Did they count either war in any White House budget? No.

Did they count the trillion dollar "drugs for senior votes" bill? No.

Did they add in the cost of the 2.4 trillion dollar tax break for the rich? No.

Did they work on immigration? No.

And yet, all these problems came from Obama. Un Fucking believable.

obama and co....deal with immigration...stop the war.....balance the budget...cut spending....increase taxes....wernt the dems in control for the last two years of bush....and they did what....and other than bush and the dems voting to go to war ....what policices did congress pass during those six years which caused your misery.....

and if you think the dems are going to save us...i would only ask why they havent but keep telling you they will.....remember they have controlled congress for most of the last what 50 years...
If a few republicans would just come out with plans that are not exactly like Bush's, they might have had a chance.

They really want to go back to exactly the same policies. How can this possibly make sense to republican voters?

Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies, so what are you talking about?

Such as?

tax cuts, stimulus, bailouts, record spending, trillion dollar healthcare entitlments, 2 wars, gitmo, detaining enemy combatants, etc..
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Democrat control of the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate has produced an unprecedented level of political brazenness and contempt for the limitations placed on the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. As such, it has raised a level of constitutional interest and anger against Washington's interference in our lives that has been dormant for far too long.

Part of this heightened interest and anger is seen in the strength of the tea party movement around the nation. Another is the angry reception that many congressmen receive when they return to their districts and at town hall meetings. According to the most recent Gallup poll, only 20 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, but that's up from a March 2010 low of 16 percent.

Will Republicans Save Us? by Walter E. Williams

I won't be holding my breath.

The guy is an idiot. There was absolutely nothing in his article about what the GOP would do. Same ol GOP gameplan... nothing!
If a few republicans would just come out with plans that are not exactly like Bush's, they might have had a chance.

They really want to go back to exactly the same policies. How can this possibly make sense to republican voters?

Obama is continuing just about all of Bush's policies, so what are you talking about?

Such as?

- Iraq war
- Afghanistan war
- Patriot Act
- Torture
- Guantanamo Bay
- State secrets
- Signing statements
- Bailouts/Stimulus package

That enough?

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