Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

'It would be cool to see a bunch of protesting and mêlée this weekend as the final four is in town.Now that would be interesting.I wonder how many of those businesses are going to put up signs in their windows about how they won't serve.

It amazes me how queers and their defenders think business owners are stupid just because they don't want to have the queer lifestyle rubbed in their faces.
And if someone is born a pedophile then is that behavior okay?


If someone is born a psychopath can I decide not to hire them based on that? There are many holes in this faux argument they are using.

What? You'd seriously discriminate against someone just because they have absolutely no concern for your opinion on anything and chronically advance their own agenda to the detriment of you, your family and business?

That's crazy independent, right there...


If someone is born with a phobia and never baths, they are stinking up the eatery and diners are barfing can you tell them to get the hell out?
Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over 'Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination'
Source: TPM

The alternative rock band Wilco on Monday slammed Indiana's new anti-gay "religious freedom" bill as "thinly disguised legal discrimination" in a tweet announcing that an upcoming concert in the state was canceled.


We're canceling our 5/7 show in Indianapolis. “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act” feels like thinly disguised legal discrimination.

4:30 PM - 30 Mar 2015

Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy has been outspoken about LGBT rights in the past. Tweedy, a Chicago-area native, wrote a letter to his local newspaper in 2013 to urge Illinois residents to support passing same-sex marriage legislation.

Indiana officials over the weekend scrambled to contain the fallout from the newly enacted law, which critics say would protect business owners who refuse to serve gay couples because of religious objections. Top Republican lawmakers in the state said Monday that they plan to push for an amendment "clarifying" that the bill doesn't allow for discrimination.


Read more: Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination
We must all admit that all the protesting and hb blurb going on about it is fun to watch. CEO's are speaking out against it. Mayors in Indiana are speaking out against it. Pence is holding firm but is surprised by the backlash. This is fun viewing and is great to see.

However, they are not speaking out against the same law in 19 other states.

These same people still come to Florida for their vacations and we essentially have the same law.

I guess sunshine, Disney World and beaches trumps convictions.
Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over 'Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination'
Source: TPM

The alternative rock band Wilco on Monday slammed Indiana's new anti-gay "religious freedom" bill as "thinly disguised legal discrimination" in a tweet announcing that an upcoming concert in the state was canceled.


We're canceling our 5/7 show in Indianapolis. “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act” feels like thinly disguised legal discrimination.

4:30 PM - 30 Mar 2015

Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy has been outspoken about LGBT rights in the past. Tweedy, a Chicago-area native, wrote a letter to his local newspaper in 2013 to urge Illinois residents to support passing same-sex marriage legislation.

Indiana officials over the weekend scrambled to contain the fallout from the newly enacted law, which critics say would protect business owners who refuse to serve gay couples because of religious objections. Top Republican lawmakers in the state said Monday that they plan to push for an amendment "clarifying" that the bill doesn't allow for discrimination.


Read more: Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination

Who the hell is "Wilco?"
Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over 'Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination'
Source: TPM

The alternative rock band Wilco on Monday slammed Indiana's new anti-gay "religious freedom" bill as "thinly disguised legal discrimination" in a tweet announcing that an upcoming concert in the state was canceled.


We're canceling our 5/7 show in Indianapolis. “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act” feels like thinly disguised legal discrimination.

4:30 PM - 30 Mar 2015

Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy has been outspoken about LGBT rights in the past. Tweedy, a Chicago-area native, wrote a letter to his local newspaper in 2013 to urge Illinois residents to support passing same-sex marriage legislation.

Indiana officials over the weekend scrambled to contain the fallout from the newly enacted law, which critics say would protect business owners who refuse to serve gay couples because of religious objections. Top Republican lawmakers in the state said Monday that they plan to push for an amendment "clarifying" that the bill doesn't allow for discrimination.


Read more: Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination

So they are also not going to the other 19 states with a similar law, huh?
And if someone is born a pedophile then is that behavior okay?

Saul is confused by legal issues....
Last edited:
Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over 'Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination'
Source: TPM

The alternative rock band Wilco on Monday slammed Indiana's new anti-gay "religious freedom" bill as "thinly disguised legal discrimination" in a tweet announcing that an upcoming concert in the state was canceled.


We're canceling our 5/7 show in Indianapolis. “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act” feels like thinly disguised legal discrimination.

4:30 PM - 30 Mar 2015

Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy has been outspoken about LGBT rights in the past. Tweedy, a Chicago-area native, wrote a letter to his local newspaper in 2013 to urge Illinois residents to support passing same-sex marriage legislation.

Indiana officials over the weekend scrambled to contain the fallout from the newly enacted law, which critics say would protect business owners who refuse to serve gay couples because of religious objections. Top Republican lawmakers in the state said Monday that they plan to push for an amendment "clarifying" that the bill doesn't allow for discrimination.


Read more: Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination

So they are also not going to the other 19 states with a similar law, huh?

That's not how the left works. There was another law some state passed a few years ago and the left organized a national hate campaign against them, even though dozens of other states including liberal states already had the exact same law on the books. When I picture the left I think of an angry mob foaming at the mouth like a pack of rabid dogs.
Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over 'Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination'
Source: TPM

The alternative rock band Wilco on Monday slammed Indiana's new anti-gay "religious freedom" bill as "thinly disguised legal discrimination" in a tweet announcing that an upcoming concert in the state was canceled.


We're canceling our 5/7 show in Indianapolis. “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act” feels like thinly disguised legal discrimination.

4:30 PM - 30 Mar 2015

Wilco frontman Jeff Tweedy has been outspoken about LGBT rights in the past. Tweedy, a Chicago-area native, wrote a letter to his local newspaper in 2013 to urge Illinois residents to support passing same-sex marriage legislation.

Indiana officials over the weekend scrambled to contain the fallout from the newly enacted law, which critics say would protect business owners who refuse to serve gay couples because of religious objections. Top Republican lawmakers in the state said Monday that they plan to push for an amendment "clarifying" that the bill doesn't allow for discrimination.


Read more: Wilco Cancels Indiana Concert Over Thinly Disguised Legal Discrimination

So they are also not going to the other 19 states with a similar law, huh?

That's not how the left works. There was another law some state passed a few years ago and the left organized a national hate campaign against them, even though dozens of other states including liberal states already had the exact same law on the books. When I picture the left I think of an angry mob foaming at the mouth like a pack of rabid dogs.

It's gotta suck when the only thing you have to hang your hat on is stealing other peoples income then pissing in their faces as you scream and yell at them for not giving you enough of their money.
You are still free to hate fags as much as you want and associate with as many fag haters as you please

However, if you are in business, you must not discriminate

You certainly jumped to conclusions.

I don't hate anybody for their sexual orientation and throughout my life have had many friends that were homosexual.
I guess technically I did discriminate against the homosexuals I befriended, they were not potential dating material for me. Does that make me a bad person?
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
Gee, and all this time I thought true freedom (as outlined in our Declaration Of Independence and Constitution) meant the freedom to choose whom one associates with.
What person on this board thinks it is fair to force somebody to associate with one they choose not to.

Rightwinger thinks it is horrendous that one would pass such a law, I find it horrendous that such a law is needed to protect freedom of association.

As much as you like to claim it is "gay hating", that isn't the truth, it's about freedom of association. I'm sick and tired of people like you calling everything you disagree with "hate".

It's not about, "freedom of association", that's simply one more big lie.
I suppose that instead I could compare it to freedom from forced servitude.
Why should anybody be forced to perform an act they don't want to perform.
I can't force you to mow my lawn if you don't want to do it simply because I'm willing to pay you for it. You have the right to refuse to do it even if you own a lawn care business. Why should a pastor be forced to perform a marriage ceremony simply because somebody wants him to do it and is willing to pay for it?

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