Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

You and your ilk think government gets to decide who businesses must serve, not the supporters of the Indiana law.

The supporters of the law met in private with Pence to sign the abomination because they are a gaggle of nut bags....and if the public saw them they would go "duuude"

How does that disprove what I posted?
because the law represents not "we the people" but special interests including nut bag fundamentalist Christians....there are Christian groups opposed to this crazy shit...
More copy and paste? Come on, surprise us all. Post something original.
You seem to suffer from an allergy to information that refutes your Einstein like pronouncements of "Queer, faggot, libruls"

I knew you couldn't do it.
I am not trying to meet your standards...these are your standards..."queer, faggot, libruls" ...nothing else....

The rules prevent me from describing your standards.
I will not report you ...
You and your ilk think government gets to decide who businesses must serve, not the supporters of the Indiana law.
Race and homosexuality has nothing to do with one another. Not even remotely. Race isn't a behavior.

It is companies catering to weddings. If a gay pair, triad or whatever else would be legal by the precedent in 20 years hence asks a Christian to promote the spread of their culture (they aren't a race) by assiting what a Christan is commanded to consider heresy (the defiling of the structural meaning of the word "marriage") by announcing the service they want is for their "marriage", then a Christian has every right to refuse. If the Christian knows the person is gay, the Bible does not command them not to sell them groceries or whatever. It simply says to extend compassion in order to make a difference to that person's obvious affliction and suffering. Most gays have memories of being molested as boys:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The issue for Christians is SPECIFICALLY the request to assist in the abominaition of "gay marriage"; not to feed or to clothe or repair plumbing for homosexuals. And that is precisely because in Jude 1 it tells of how homosexual cults will spread and take over an entire culture (sound familiar? No? Just turn on the TV). It is the cult and not the individual within it that the Christian must object to or risk themselves an eternity in the pit of fire as Jude 1 of the New Testament warns. Marriage is the hub of any culture. A Christan must not enable the spread of a homosexual culture; while simultaneously that same Christian must extend compassion to the spiritual disfigurement of the suffering individual homosexual.

Therefore, it is logically impossible for a Christian to practice their faith and enable a "gay marriage" at the same time. If a Christian has to enable a "gay marriage" that Christian has been forced to completely and fundamentally abdicate his/her faith and will face the pit of fire. It is an untenable position to place a person it: the threat of jail (that will come, mark my words) or worse vs eternal soul death.
what if you have an illness that gay surgeon can reverse...if you use his services you are paying him $$ to enable his "lifestyle'...bad bad Christian...

Who, in their right mind, would allow someone with a high probability of having HIV operate on them?
More copy and paste? Come on, surprise us all. Post something original.
You seem to suffer from an allergy to information that refutes your Einstein like pronouncements of "Queer, faggot, libruls"

I knew you couldn't do it.
I am not trying to meet your standards...these are your standards..."queer, faggot, libruls" ...nothing else....

The rules prevent me from describing your standards.
I will not report you ...

Yeah, right.
I do not watch Fox news ....

You are programmed directly from the anus of George Soros, via the hate sites like DailyKOS - which you actually linked.



Tyrant repeats what KOS trained him to repeat...
You and your ilk think government gets to decide who businesses must serve, not the supporters of the Indiana law.

The supporters of the law met in private with Pence to sign the abomination because they are a gaggle of nut bags....and if the public saw them they would go "duuude"

How does that disprove what I posted?
because the law represents not "we the people" but special interests including nut bag fundamentalist Christians....there are Christian groups opposed to this crazy shit...

So queers aren't a special interest? It's the opposition to the law that represents a special interest.
So how come it has passed constitutional muster more than once?

The same reason slavery did.

Dred Scott was the law of the land - so it must have been right - yes?

Have you ever read the 14th Amendment? I'm sure you have not, leftists are repulsed by the Constitution. But log on the Soros hate site that you generally go to to be programmed, and ask a handler to download your thoughts on the 14th to you. Then see if you can identify WHO the provision provides protection from?

Hint: It is the same actor that the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th provide protection from.
Jim Crow laws were passed to please entitled white dudes like the histrionic Britpat and his faithful Sancho Panza wing nut uncensored.....
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 runs contrary to the spirit of the Constitution. All the rhetoric of "the government shall not" that is contained in the Bill of Rights. If a Black man owns a business and he chooses not to serve Whites...that's his call and same with a White owner and Blacks. Now bear in mind you will lose that revenue and possibly your capital investment. If you serve all the people then you will have more business and more revenue. that's just simple economics.

So how come it has passed constitutional muster more than once?

It didn't. A gang of hacks on the Supreme Court followed their orders and approved it.
Jim Crow laws were passed to please entitled white dudes like the histrionic Britpat and his faithful Sancho Panza wing nut uncensored.....

Even if that were true, it still required laws and government force to make businesses discriminate against blacks. All your lunch counter photos are the product of the government you admire so much.
The scary thing about this is the hivemindedness of the Progressive Cult. One day they're going to be ordered to do really nasty stuff and they'll follow orders without asking
So queers aren't a special interest? It's the opposition to the law that represents a special interest.

They are my fellow Americans ..........no its the group of huddled together weirdos and lobbyists in the picture who are "special interests"

As are those that have religious views that would prohibit them from supplying their services to gay marriage ceremonies.

Ironic, ain't it.

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