Will MSNBC, CNN and streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon drop the far left propaganda?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Left wing news outlets like CNN and MSNBC have openly been saying whatever they want about white people in general. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again like when Van Jones of CNN said “all white people have a virus”. People on the left like Democrats or BLM supporters simply hand wave this or view it as acceptable. There seems to be a psychological knee-jerk reaction with American far leftists whenever they hear the word Black Lives Matter or whenever they hear cancel culture or something they have a knee-jerk reaction and they are not able to have a civilized conversation. That is what brought us cancel culture , it started with conservatives being shut down from speaking by far left mobs on college campuses and warped into movies like gone with the wind being removed from streaming services due to so-called racism. It’s morphed into a double standard of attacks on Christian European culture with regards to negative depiction of American society of the 19th and 20th century but no similar visual depictions about non white cultures who have faced similar controversies and successes that white Christian European culture has. We can see this on Netflix and Amazon prime… as well as Showtime with films and TV series that depict white people, European people and Christian culture as being intolerant.

Well as Joe Biden would say “come on “man we have millions of working class white people and Black people and the struggle they face is equal. That is why when you see BLM categories on Netflix or Amazon we want ask ourselves what is going on here. We have millions of Americans who can’t even afford a Home they’re white Americans and black Americans they’re living in this tiny communist style apartments …. The American people want better jobs they don’t want hear about race divide in America.

When there is a politician on the television telling the American people that America has a systemically racist history of imperialism…. The people watching are the working class American people in large part wondering tell them selves “what in the world is this politician talking about I’m trying to pay my rent. “

Come on bring us healthcare. Bring us middle class jobs, bring us a strong minimum wage this is what the working class white Americans are black Americans want.

It’s clear that the far left is way more of a problem today . The only difference is they powerful rich people who have power to be able to convince CNN MSNBC, and also streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon prime to put out far left propaganda…. we saw this propaganda with regards to the biased far left coverage of the 2020 BLM riots as well as the far left propaganda we see on Netflix Amazon, as well as HBO for example. …. but it’s been costing them with the ratings… and they’re noticing that. Showtime did a series about The number of our first ladies like Michelle Obama and Eleanor Roosevelt but the series was a bomb nobody watched it the ratings were terrible and many of the critics said the show made Michelle Obama look very bad. Michelle Obama her self was reportedly upset with the depiction of her in the show. At one point during the show the First Lady Michelle Obama is depicted as using the N-word and saying terrible things about Americans so the series was an embarrassment and a disgrace frankly to Michelle Obama and the Democrats. The show was called “The first lady” and it was an attempt to use cancel culture and wokeness to Portray American society of the 20th century. It backfired … the American public doesn’t have an appetite for this type of anti-Americanism. That is clear from the ratings and from how the American people are reacting to what the far left is trying to put out on television and the news.

Tucker Carlson and The Five on Fox News are currently the most watched news program in America. And now Gutfeld ! Of fox has overtaken the networks when it comes to late night comedy.

Word on the street is CNN is trying to do what It can to come towards the center like it used to be back in the 1990s when it had respect and dignity. The hope is that there is positive change coming to Democrats and coming to CNN MSNBC and streaming platforms like Netflix.

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Things like this were a mistake hopefully the far left is going to learn from it.

The American people don’t want to sit down and have a “discussion” about race. I believe it’s fair to say this based on the ratings of left-wing news channels compared to right wing news channels. We are all descendants of slaves and slaveowners doesn’t matter if we’re white or black. We have millions of white people and millions of Black people who can’t afford a Home in this country.

Politicians or rich people who are trying to tell us Americans that “we need to learn about the oppression of certain groups of people in this country and that certain groups of people need to realize their born privileged”….. This is a way to start division this is how people are divided history shows us this. What we actually need is unity and mutual respect. Common sense shows us that there are similarities between African culture and European culture … there was slavery in both societies but there was a way to climb up the ladder in both societies. Yet The far left BLM 400 years a slave narrative will try and have us believe that the European white people were somehow unique in their oppression of others….as if slavery was something that was only found here in America.

The American people do not have an appetite for this kind of cancel culture they want better jobs and a stronger middle class. Whatever happened to conversations about a stronger minimum wage. You see this is what the cancel culture and the elitist far left rich people like … they want people to talk about topics like race divide in America when in reality we need better jobs in this country.
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I am a capitalist by nature, but there are a very few areas that do not work well on the free market like medical care. But, if the RW anti woke gang really believe in the free market, wont the market handle the woke businesses? If the right really believe their conservative doctrine, they would do what they think the right thing is and let the market sort it out. Like comedians for example. If the RWers are right and comedians should be allowed to be as offensive as they want to be, RWs should open a comedy shop, and make all the money why the woke comedians go broke.
The Woke media belong to profitable MNCs that can afford to lose a few hundred million here and there.
But isn't free enterprise at the very heart of the conservatives ideology? Do the right thing all the time. The market will sort it out.
As someone who finds CNN, MSNBC and Fox to be ludicrous, I absolutely agree.
No one forces anyone to watch.
Tucker Carlson and The Five on Fox News are currently the most watched news program in America. And now Gutfeld ! Of fox has overtaken the networks when it comes to late night comedy.
They are opinion round tables. As all cable news channels are. The highly partisan New Republicans are a large group with limited diversification, where as the rest of the country and the majority of it, enjoys a more eclectic view of news and opinion shows.
The Woke media belong to profitable MNCs that can afford to lose a few hundred million here and there.

The mainstream media is owned by publicly traded companies who are responsible to their boards of directors and their shareholders.

The right wing media is all privately owned by billionaires, who have a vested interest in keeping the Republican Party in power.

Robert Mercer, who owns Breitbart, wants to destroy the USA, and turn it into a white nationalist dictatorship. Steve Bannon, who worked for him, wanted to "burn it all down".

Rupert Murdoch, who started FOX News after the expiry of the Fairness Doctrine, for the express purpose of promoting conservative governments to cut taxes for billionaires.

See also, the Sinclair Family who own 294 local stations in the USA which they use as a platform to promote Republicans.

They are opinion round tables. As all cable news channels are. The highly partisan New Republicans are a large group with limited diversification, where as the rest of the country and the majority of it, enjoys a more eclectic view of news and opinion shows.
Liberal Round Tables…
If it feels good, do it!
Actions have consequences and some of those consequences are more widespread than one might think.
The mainstream media is owned by publicly traded companies who are responsible to their boards of directors and their shareholders.

The right wing media is all privately owned by billionaires, who have a vested interest in keeping the Republican Party in power.

Robert Mercer, who owns Breitbart, wants to destroy the USA, and turn it into a white nationalist dictatorship. Steve Bannon, who worked for him, wanted to "burn it all down".

Rupert Murdoch, who started FOX News after the expiry of the Fairness Doctrine, for the express purpose of promoting conservative governments to cut taxes for billionaires.

See also, the Sinclair Family who own 294 local stations in the USA which they use as a platform to promote Republicans.

Murdoch and family like making money and he saw that Liberals don’t watch or listen to news.
He took a gamble and made money.
Liberal Round Tables…
If it feels good, do it!
Actions have consequences and some of those consequences are more widespread than one might think.

Once again, you tell liberals who they are and get it completely WRONG every single time. You set yourself up for failure which is par for the course for Republican vogters.

Why don't conservatives focus on what they're going to do instead of spending all of their time lying about liberals? Aside from passing a ban on abortions and defunding the IRS, what has the Republican House done for you?????
Once again, you tell liberals who they are and get it completely WRONG every single time. You set yourself up for failure which is par for the course for Republican vogters.

Why don't conservatives focus on what they're going to do instead of spending all of their time lying about liberals? Aside from passing a ban on abortions and defunding the IRS, what has the Republican House done for you?????
Liberal news never had the ratings to sustain their continuous operation without funneling money from another entity.
If you don’t understand this the discussion is as worthless as any discussion with you.
Liberal news never had the ratings
Once upon a time networks didn't see News as a profit center. Faux turn it into the info-tainment industry and it has become the successful propaganda arm of the extremely partisan New MAGA wing of the Once Grand Old Party.

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