Will eliminating "don't ask-don't tell" improve the military?

Will eliminating DADT be a net positive or negative for the US military?

  • It will be a non-event, just like in the public

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • It will be a net negative, since good men will leave the military.

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • It will be a net positive

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • It won't matter, since most gays can't handle the military life-style anyway.

    Votes: 5 14.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I researched the military polls to see if the typical volunteer prefers opening the military to gays, or if they prefer to keep DADT. it seems the liberal agenda and liberal spinsters are hurting the military, since about 10% of the active military said that they would NOT re-enlist. The leftist polls disagree, <surprise surprise>
Military Times Poll: Troops Oppose Gay Agenda for the Military - Elaine Donnelly - The Tank on National Review Online

So who is right, will the net cost to the military be the loss of good men who refuse to kow-tow to the "special few", who know how to play the discrimination card, or will allowing openly gay into the military (picture gay marriage and gay housing, etc) be a non-event?
Anyone who would leave or refuse to join the military because homosexuals, who are already serving, would not have to hide the fact that they're homosexual, is by definition not a "good man."

Net positive.
Yes because the world fears any army that has men who suk the cawk and wimmen who clean carpets.

Well that's what I heard.
Ok let's say someone from the army leaves because DADT is repealed. Assuming they can't retire, what exactly are they going to do with the rest of their lives?

I can't think of a single civilian job that requires gays to never reveal that they're gay to coworkers or bosses.
Ok let's say someone from the army leaves because DADT is repealed. Assuming they can't retire, what exactly are they going to do with the rest of their lives? I can't think of a single civilian job that requires gays to never reveal that they're gay to coworkers or bosses.

Talked to many iron-workers or pipe-fitters or electricians lately?
Will eliminating "don't ask-don't tell" improve the military?

No it won't

It won't hurt either. Five years from now it will be a non-issue. People will wonder why anyone actually cared. Gays are in the military right now and will continue to just do their jobs
Will eliminating "don't ask-don't tell" improve the military?

No it won't

It won't hurt either. Five years from now it will be a non-issue. People will wonder why anyone actually cared. Gays are in the military right now and will continue to just do their jobs

precisely. professional soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines will continue to do their jobs with skill and esprit de corps... both gay and straight.
Ok let's say someone from the army leaves because DADT is repealed. Assuming they can't retire, what exactly are they going to do with the rest of their lives? I can't think of a single civilian job that requires gays to never reveal that they're gay to coworkers or bosses.

Talked to many iron-workers or pipe-fitters or electricians lately?
please provide a link to any webpage that shows any company employing ironworkers, pipefitters or electricians that requires their employees to reveal their sexuality.
I'll wait.
Its not a matter of "revealing" their sexuality. Its a matter of their sexuality is all too obvious. Its a matter of many in the military prefer not to know. Its a matter of some men prefer not to associate with gays, period. Its a matter of letting the military folks vote on it, either at the polls or with their feet.

p.s. the question before was "what are they going to do with the rest of their lives <if they don't want to associate with gays>. Its not about "revealing sexuality" <that happens to the "special few" in group showers>, if you want to work with straights, there are ways to do it. They'll be fine after leaving the <new pink> military.
Its not a matter of "revealing" their sexuality. Its a matter of their sexuality is all too obvious. Its a matter of many in the military prefer not to know.

Well if it's obvious then I guess it's too bad for those who don't want to know it.

Its a matter of some men prefer not to associate with gays, period.

This is the freaking army. I guarantee working with someone they don't like isn't on the top of their list of complaints. Besides working with people you don't like is a possibility in any job so tough shit.

Its a matter of letting the military folks vote on it, either at the polls or with their feet.

Why should only they get to vote on it? Our taxes pay for the military and when we to change say what's acceptable police behavior we don't let only the cops vote on it.

p.s. the question before was "what are they going to do with the rest of their lives <if they don't want to associate with gays>. Its not about "revealing sexuality" <that happens to the "special few" in group showers>, if you want to work with straights, there are ways to do it. They'll be fine after leaving the <new pink> military.

You think the military will be pink once DADT is lifted? Really?
Well if their sexuality is obvious then I guess it's too bad for those who don't want to know it.
Job conditions matter. Call it "esprit de corps". Like I said its a volunteer force, and if some don't want the change, they'll leave. Its called personal freedom, it works both ways, not just the liberal way.

This is the freaking army. I guarantee working with someone they don't like isn't on the top of their list of complaints. Besides working with people you don't like is a possibility in any job so tough shit.
See volunteer force options above, you know what a poll is right? Let the military pick which group makes the better soldiers.

Why should only they get to vote on it? Our taxes pay for the military and when we to change say what's acceptable police behavior we don't let only the cops vote on it.
First, they are the volunteers putting their lives on the line, thats why they should get to vote on it. See volunteer force options above, we are all free to change workplaces.

You think the military will be pink once DADT is lifted? Really?
It will be different. They would be making a new protected class, its what the dems do. Actually I'm not too worried, whatever the dems do can be undone in 2012.
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You think the military will be pink once DADT is lifted? Really?
It will be different. They would be making a new protected class. Actually I'm not too worried, whatever the dems do can be undone in 2012.

It's not a protected class and you know it. Straights don't have a ban on discussing their sex lives unlike gays. All lifting DADT will do is make it so gays get to play by the same rules.
You think the military will be pink once DADT is lifted? Really?
It will be different. They would be making a new protected class. Actually I'm not too worried, whatever the dems do can be undone in 2012.

It's not a protected class and you know it. Straights don't have a ban on discussing their sex lives unlike gays. All lifting DADT will do is make it so gays get to play by the same rules.
Right there is a reason to keep DADT. Can you just imagine the gays bragging about their sexual exploits, disgusting. <gag> They call it sexual deviate behavior for a reason.

How can you say its not a protected class? The "special few" are already taking up more time and energy than they are worth. There is nothing wrong with DADT. It is currently not about sexuality, the dems are trying to make a special protected class, like they always do. It will probably involve quotas for promotions etc.

The military polls say that about 10% will leave if DADT ends. I'd say that is a reasonable fact. What would be gained by ending it, nothing but political correctness. There is no compelling reason to end DADT, its worked fine for many years.
It will be different. They would be making a new protected class. Actually I'm not too worried, whatever the dems do can be undone in 2012.

It's not a protected class and you know it. Straights don't have a ban on discussing their sex lives unlike gays. All lifting DADT will do is make it so gays get to play by the same rules.
Right there is a reason to keep DADT. Can you just imagine the gays bragging about their sexual exploits, disgusting. <gag> They call it sexual deviate behavior for a reason.

Meanwhile straights can brag about any deviate behavior they are up to in their sex life.

How can you say its not a protected class?

Because it's not protecting them from anything at all (at least nothing everyone else all ready has protections from).

The "special few" are already taking up more time and energy than they are worth.

And we'd spend less time on them if we repealed DADT.

There is nothing wrong with DADT. It is currently not about sexuality, the dems are trying to make a special protected class, like they always do. It will probably involve quotas for promotions etc.

Probably? The bill's all ready in Congress. If you think there's special provisions go look for them.
Ok let's say someone from the army leaves because DADT is repealed. Assuming they can't retire, what exactly are they going to do with the rest of their lives?

I can't think of a single civilian job that requires gays to never reveal that they're gay to coworkers or bosses.

Do any of those 'civilian jobs' require them to shower in an open shower?
Ok let's say someone from the army leaves because DADT is repealed. Assuming they can't retire, what exactly are they going to do with the rest of their lives?

I can't think of a single civilian job that requires gays to never reveal that they're gay to coworkers or bosses.

Do any of those 'civilian jobs' require them to shower in an open shower?

Is that what you're worried about?

Ok we'll just add shower curtains. Problem solved.
The best cure for the liberal agenda will be the 2010 mid-term elections and the 2012 presidential election. Lets just say we disagree on DADT. I hope the Senate ties it up indefinitely.

I wouldn't trade about 10% of the experienced military folks for a fraction of a percent of the "special few". If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Then again, it would make another great campaign issue, like the GOP and Tea-Baggers need any more.
The military polls say that about 10% will leave if DADT ends. I'd say that is a reasonable fact. What would be gained by ending it, nothing but political correctness. There is no compelling reason to end DADT, its worked fine for many years.

Yes , and 25% said they would leave if they had to serve with blacks. Surprisingly, they used the same excuse you did....they didn't want to have to shower with them
Its not a matter of "revealing" their sexuality. Its a matter of their sexuality is all too obvious. Its a matter of many in the military prefer not to know.

Well if it's obvious then I guess it's too bad for those who don't want to know it.

Its a matter of some men prefer not to associate with gays, period.

This is the freaking army. I guarantee working with someone they don't like isn't on the top of their list of complaints. Besides working with people you don't like is a possibility in any job so tough shit.

Its a matter of letting the military folks vote on it, either at the polls or with their feet.

Why should only they get to vote on it? Our taxes pay for the military and when we to change say what's acceptable police behavior we don't let only the cops vote on it.

p.s. the question before was "what are they going to do with the rest of their lives <if they don't want to associate with gays>. Its not about "revealing sexuality" <that happens to the "special few" in group showers>, if you want to work with straights, there are ways to do it. They'll be fine after leaving the <new pink> military.

You think the military will be pink once DADT is lifted? Really?

The military is VOLUNTEERS. If you joined were men acted like men and women acted like women under DADT, it will be a lot different than having cross-dressers and transvestites sharing your duty. When you march, you are supposed to be on the same beat (not to whatever tune you want). When you put on the uniform, it it a symbol of pride, not a costume to troll.
There is a problem NOW, with homosexuals (or bisexuals) raping new recruits. It is not publized due to PC and the total humiliation of the victims (typically done to a subordinate, or people in the same barracks). There have been problems in the past, as well with homosexual behavior. Saying homosexual behavior is ACCEPTABLE will only increase these types of problems, and hurt morale (the necessary ingredient to any battle).

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