Will Democrats re-enter the mainstream?

I think we will see Dems running on the mainstream in 2016. They have made the middle class the issue. They are putting forward bill after bill helping the middle class and forcing Republicans to take a stand against them

In 2016, Republicans will have to explain why they squashed those bills just to support the one percent
Most states are actually leaning more to the left. Issues like gay marriage are no longer even being challenged by the right, this is actually working towards the GOPs favor, though. They tend to be quite mum on social issues -- good idea, as liberal attitudes seem to becoming actually more omnipresent.
Thats why Colorado is looking to roll back their stupid gun control laws?

Is that why the GOP will no longer touch gay marriage or run on the antiabortion platform?

Their "looking to roll them back?"

What exactly does THAT mean, Einstein?

Well...according to polling mainstream is:




What is the GOP position on the above?
The OP is a far right guy asking why the Dems are not far right like him.

Lets look at that, he is coming from his own view of the world. Apart from most of his policies would lead America into a third world economy, they are not what the population wants...

He will cling on to the constitution for dear life but won't accept the framers of the constitution wanted the document to periodically changed by the people for the people. The framers were believers in democracy. They knew they could see into the future and running of a modern country today involves a more developed society. A society which is way higher population and needs more social services to make it develop.

The OP is led by ideology not by reality. America needs an educated workforce, a secure and stable living conditions, proper transport, breathable air, drinkable water.... To guarantee this society has to pay in various ways thru taxation and regulation... Industries that pollute or individuals that don't pay there fair share to society are actually taking too much from society and not giving back. Rich individuals actually gain most from society in security and enforced standards.

The progressive tax system is supposed to tax them for that accordingly. This is a pet hate of the Hard Right, yet the country would not function is the wealthiest (or the individuals or companies who gain most from society) don't contribute most to maintain that society.

The Hard Right will complain they pay too much but totally ignore that the monterey system we live in is a man made device with flaws. The actually believe this system is flawless. A god if you like(yes, the heavy christian Hard Right pray to a false god). They don't see where income inequality comes vast for too long the stability of the country is affected, first in corruption, the wealthy pay set themselves up as a ruling class looking after only the wealthy. This eventually leads to a revolution from the masses.

So the reason the Wealthy pay? For the security and stability. The Hard Right thing they can provide the own security using a gun personally carried. But I will point to South Africa where that happens today. South Africa is the Hard Right's utopia. Everyone is armed and gun battles are frequent. Yes there is a lot of poor on poor crime but killing rich folk is far more profitable. The country is now at a stage where you don't flag a taxi down (especially if you even look rich), don't stop at red lights after dark and daily gangs have sieges/shootouts with isolated farmers and families.

So the Hard Right will cling to the constitution(another man-made documents the Hard Right pray to) for dear life like it was the bible. Even if obvious flaws are pointed out they will state it is the constitution. The US needs a constitution, but a living one that reflects the attitudes and beliefs of the majority of the day.

So why are the Hard Right like this? Fear! It is their main source support and to combat that fear they need the security blanket of certainty. Change and more importantly the fear of change interrupts with that certainty. They also need enemies and if they can't find one abroad the Government will do internally. They like religion where it gives them certainty where there is doubt. So look at Fox, they don't say 'I don't know', they will tell you plain english something that is certain, focus on that. They as has been shown time and time again don't care about the truth, the truth is filled with ambiguity and uncertainity.
The Dems are establishing the mainstream and that mainstream is the middle class. By forcing Republicans to take sides against the middle class they are laying the groundwork for 2016
so explain why middle class has done so poor under Obama............remember when libs ran as fiscal conservatives.........and then didnt demonstrate any
so explain why middle class has done so poor under Obama............remember when libs ran as fiscal conservatives.........and then didnt demonstrate any

OK, I will

Because we sold our soul to supply side economics. We have set up a complex tax system that allows the rich to stay rich and avoid contributing to society. We have allowed medical and education costs to escallate, we have hamstrung unions and diminished the ability to collectively bargain, we have frozen minimum wages

Obama got us into recovery...but the tools to alow that recovery to trickle down to the middle class are not there
Libs ran as fiscal conservatives...gonna put an end to deficits ...........and promptly went right on spending
Right along with GOP's help.

Guys, we are in this together.

If we take care and empower the middle class, the rich will be fine also.
so explain why middle class has done so poor under Obama............remember when libs ran as fiscal conservatives.........and then didnt demonstrate any

OK, I will

Because we sold our soul to supply side economics. We have set up a complex tax system that allows the rich to stay rich and avoid contributing to society. We have allowed medical and education costs to escallate, we have hamstrung unions and diminished the ability to collectively bargain, we have frozen minimum wages

Obama got us into recovery...but the tools to alow that recovery to trickle down to the middle class are not there
So what have the Democrats done to reverse that in the 6 years they had?
No, they have not, you FuckWit. What a fucking stupid comment. Taxation on income is at a sixty year low.
Imo, Rabbi asks a decent question. No doubt the gop is on the wrong side of science and social issues, but there's something to be said that Obama's positions until this year have been more beneficial to those not paying any fed income tax than to the folks raising two kids on dual incomes totaling 60K.
Since those who don't pay federal income tax in the lowest brackets, if you want to help the middle income taxpayers, look straight at the rich.
Since those who don't pay federal income tax in the lowest brackets, if you want to help the middle income taxpayers, look straight at the rich.
I agree with that. Obama should have moved to expand tax credits for two parent workers in 2008 when he had the congress. But, imo, Rabbi asks a decent question. Hillary is reportedly working to hone her econ message to push for some kind of income gain, or tax treatment, for middle class workers without sounding "anti-rich."

The gop agrees the middle class is not benefitting from econ growth, but thus far it has no plan to address the issue ... beyond repealing Obamacare and possibly cutting the Kochs' taxes.

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