Will Democrats Ever Again Nominate a Woman for President?

I doubt it. Not in our lifetimes.

Even as other countries – including Italy, North Macedonia and, most recently, Mexico – have in recent years joined the ranks of countries that have elected the first women to their highest political offices, American voters have picked Donald Trump twice over the two women who have come closest to the White House in US history.

They will never make such an announcement, of course. But in the last three elections two women and one man ran against Donald Trump. The women both lost and the man won.

As the 2028 primary approaches, the DNC will lament that it was mysogyny that caused Trump's landslide over Harris, planting the subliminal message to Dem voters that nominating a woman is a recipe for another loss. If the voters don't take the hint and nominate a woman anyway, the DNC can just pull the plug on her and replace her with a man.

The Democrats just don't have many women who are in a good position to run for president. Part of that is due to the Dems following their own DIE policy and filling top positions with women without regard to their qualification. Kamala Harris is exhibit A for that claim.

Sure they will....there are some excellent choices if they go with the qualified people on their team instead of the populists.
Yes! the Democrats will nominate another woman for the Presidency, just as soon as they figure out what a woman actually is. Up to this point they've just been flipping a coin.

A Trans woman? Rachel Levine?
Why not? I watched a Bill Maher clip analyzing the election and he pointed out that we not only elected a black man president twice but that in 2016 Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. So, Harris didn't lose because Americans wouldn't vote for a black or a woman or both or either.

I think we're ready for a female president.

Think about it man.

We could take over any country and leave with half their shit

- Quinn Dale
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