Will Conservatives continue to "Love" Putin?

The truth hurts. President Putin is a real leader. Presidunce obambam is a sham.
hi katzndogz. You locked yourself out of your old acct? :lol: :boohoo: Tipsycatlover
No wonder I recognized the stupid!
You wingnuts wanted military action when he took Crimea, and then when he started the low-level fighting with Ukraine.

That wouldn't have pissed off Putin?

You dopes are all over the place, because you have no clue.

The West has just put sanctions on Crimea. And here's another paradox. According to Obama's Administration and all their Media Crimea did not want to be with Russia, and wanted to stay with Ukraine and Crimea was a victim of Russian aggression. How smart it is and what sense does it make to put sanctions on a victim????
When you start to compare some facts together other than just believe the Media, you may start seeing some truth between the lines.Your Media can't be trusted...
That's a lie.

Most analysts acknowledged that Crimea was a Russian province. Russia has it's only warm water naval base in Crimea. And they speak Russian, not Ukrainian.
Conservatives have been falling all over themselves praising Putin. One delusional person even posted that Putin was the most powerful person in the world...........:D Faux News has certainly had different people fawning all over how good a leader Putin is compared to Obama.........Wow! I guess Republican/conservatives really know how to pick a leader.....:clap:

So, what do they have to say now that Russia is falling into a recession and the Ruble is so iffy that Apple has stopped sales in Russia citing an unstable ruble? Will they blame Obama and condemn Obama for the fall of Putin?

How so like Republican/conservatives to respect someone that doesn't even respect his own people.

Pundits from the U.S. far right, mostly mouthpieces on Fox News, have gushed over Putin’s masculinity, his ability to “lead,” his aggressive Greater Russia foreign policy, the “take no prisoners” hard talk. Such an attitudes, they say, is sorely needed in the United States. Pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Sarah Palin love using the line, “Putin wrestles bears, Obama wears mom jeans,” hoping to perpetuate the image that President Obama is a “sissy” and Putin is a “man.”
Can Conservatives Stop Gushing Over Putin

Russia's Economy Ministry has downgraded its GDP forecast for the country in 2015 from 1.2% growth to a 0.8% contraction. In other words, the country is falling into a recession.
Russia Is Falling Into A Recession - Business Insider

The ruble plunged by as much as 20 percent Tuesday, even after Russia's central bank increased interest rates sharply in an attempt to shore up the currency. The ruble's value has fallen by more than 60 percent since January. Its decline has coincided with a dramatic decrease in the price of oil, a pillar of Russia's economy.
Cupertino, California-based Apple said Tuesday that the ruble's instability has made it too difficult to set its prices in Russia, prompting the closure of its online store there.
Apple Stops Sales in Russia Citing Unstable Ruble - ABC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to win the world’s respect with his staging of the Winter Olympics. But a ruler who does not respect his own people will never be truly respected. One day after the Olympics ended, Mr. Putin showed, with the sentencing of eight protesters in Moscow, that he fears his people more than he respects them.
The protesters took part in a demonstration at Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, the day before Mr. Putin’s inauguration. They now face imprisonment for the crime of expressing their opinions.

Putin seeks respect for Russia but does not respect his people - Reporter News
Which conservatives are you referring to?
As far as I am concerned, Putin is a scoundrel of the first degree. He is former KGB. Commie scum. In my view Putin would like nothing better than to put the old Soviet Union back together. I think the guy is nut enough to "push the button"...
I am giddy with joy that the Ruble along with the Russian economy is on the verge of collapse...
Fuck 'em.
Russia is a corrupt state run by former communists who look the other way when wealthy Russian mobsters do business. As long as they funnel money to Moscow that is....
Conservatives don't Love Putin, we like the idea of a Leader who loves the country he leads and doesn't spend every waking minute apologizing for it

Yeah, sure he loves the country he leads....that's why those guys who spoke up against him are going to prison.....gotta love it....

Oh yeah, I remember now.....the right-wing who says they love the Constitution are against free speech....Gotcha.

Putin sends a message? Opposition leaders get prison for staging riots
Putin sends a message Opposition leaders get prison for staging riots video - CSMonitor.com
There is a rather gaping difference between free speech and rioting.
Of course, you as a low IQ liberal, do not grasp this concept.
Why are you here? Batteries go dead?
Love him?? No way. The guys a thug but he's more of a man that Barry will ever be. LOL

My feelings exactly!

Putin may be many things but he is not a misguided llily of the valley like Hussein.

Misguided Lilly of the Valley? United States is doing great....Russia is tanking....I guess you're another one that is just interested in Puddin's bare chest?

Conservatives don't Love Putin, we like the idea of a Leader who loves the country he leads and doesn't spend every waking minute apologizing for it

Yeah, sure he loves the country he leads....that's why those guys who spoke up against him are going to prison.....gotta love it....

Oh yeah, I remember now.....the right-wing who says they love the Constitution are against free speech....Gotcha.

Putin sends a message? Opposition leaders get prison for staging riots
Putin sends a message Opposition leaders get prison for staging riots video - CSMonitor.com
There is a rather gaping difference between free speech and rioting.
Of course, you as a low IQ liberal, do not grasp this concept.
Why are you here? Batteries go dead?

Ha,ha, that's the right-wing Christian Science Monitor for you......of course you didn't get it.

You're so brainwashed.....Putin calls them riots...they are just protests....but of course, as a conservative you would favor squelching the truth....why you watch Faux News.

Alexei Navalny, 38, rose to prominence with his investigations of official corruption and played a leading role in organizing massive anti-Putin street protests in 2011 and 2012. But within a month of the government's May 2012 crackdown on the opposition, investigators slapped Navalny with several criminal cases.
Russia seeks 10 years in prison for Putin foe - Idaho Press-Tribune International
Conservatives have been falling all over themselves praising Putin. One delusional person even posted that Putin was the most powerful person in the world...........:D Faux News has certainly had different people fawning all over how good a leader Putin is compared to Obama.........Wow! I guess Republican/conservatives really know how to pick a leader.....:clap:

So, what do they have to say now that Russia is falling into a recession and the Ruble is so iffy that Apple has stopped sales in Russia citing an unstable ruble? Will they blame Obama and condemn Obama for the fall of Putin?

How so like Republican/conservatives to respect someone that doesn't even respect his own people.

Pundits from the U.S. far right, mostly mouthpieces on Fox News, have gushed over Putin’s masculinity, his ability to “lead,” his aggressive Greater Russia foreign policy, the “take no prisoners” hard talk. Such an attitudes, they say, is sorely needed in the United States. Pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Sarah Palin love using the line, “Putin wrestles bears, Obama wears mom jeans,” hoping to perpetuate the image that President Obama is a “sissy” and Putin is a “man.”
Can Conservatives Stop Gushing Over Putin

Russia's Economy Ministry has downgraded its GDP forecast for the country in 2015 from 1.2% growth to a 0.8% contraction. In other words, the country is falling into a recession.
Russia Is Falling Into A Recession - Business Insider

The ruble plunged by as much as 20 percent Tuesday, even after Russia's central bank increased interest rates sharply in an attempt to shore up the currency. The ruble's value has fallen by more than 60 percent since January. Its decline has coincided with a dramatic decrease in the price of oil, a pillar of Russia's economy.
Cupertino, California-based Apple said Tuesday that the ruble's instability has made it too difficult to set its prices in Russia, prompting the closure of its online store there.
Apple Stops Sales in Russia Citing Unstable Ruble - ABC News

Russian President Vladimir Putin hoped to win the world’s respect with his staging of the Winter Olympics. But a ruler who does not respect his own people will never be truly respected. One day after the Olympics ended, Mr. Putin showed, with the sentencing of eight protesters in Moscow, that he fears his people more than he respects them.
The protesters took part in a demonstration at Bolotnaya Square on May 6, 2012, the day before Mr. Putin’s inauguration. They now face imprisonment for the crime of expressing their opinions.

Putin seeks respect for Russia but does not respect his people - Reporter News
Which conservatives are you referring to?
As far as I am concerned, Putin is a scoundrel of the first degree. He is former KGB. Commie scum. In my view Putin would like nothing better than to put the old Soviet Union back together. I think the guy is nut enough to "push the button"...
I am giddy with joy that the Ruble along with the Russian economy is on the verge of collapse...
Fuck 'em.
Russia is a corrupt state run by former communists who look the other way when wealthy Russian mobsters do business. As long as they funnel money to Moscow that is....

Well, you may want to share your feelings with other conservatives....read some of the comments on this thread and see how they think Putin is so great.....even when he tanks his country. And O'Reilly, Palin, Guliani.....are gushing over Putin!

Are liberals now going to LOVE Raul and Fidel Castor now that your Dear Wonderful Leader has extended his hand to them?

Quote where a Lib has fawned all over either one of those like most conservatives were drooling over Putin....then you'll sound even slightly credible.

"I love Castro" -- Mertex

Yep.....Julian....he's going to be our next President, after Hillary..........:D

that had to leave a mark on CrusaderFrank :redface: lol
Conservatives don't gush over Putin. They simply like to point out how easily he makes the Hussein look like an amateur. It isn't about making Putin look good, it's about pointing out how terrible our leader is.

Oh Please..........if you think that a real leader is one who puts their country in a recession, then there's no hope for you and the rest of the GOP....oh, I forgot, Bush put our country in the toilet, and you still think he's a great leader....Obama takes the country out of the toilet and you think he is terrible...Gotcha!

"The weirdest thing about this isn't Putin invading Ukraine—you expect a crazy guy to act crazy," he quipped. "The weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the crazy guy and go, 'Yeah, I'll have what they're having!'"

Stewart had more than enough material to work with: Bill O'Reilly, Rudy Giuliani, Eric Bolling, and Sarah Palin all recently sang Putin's praises as a strong leader, despite condemnations from the international community. "You've got hand it to Putin," according to O'Reilly, because he's "what you call a leader," according to Giuliani.
Jon Stewart Skewers Conservatives Massive Crush On Vladimir Putin

Nice deflection. Once again when a liberal's lies are exposed, they resort to screaming "Boooosh".

All of those quotes you are using from Fox doesn't show that they are in love with Putin as you claim. People are able to complement a leader for being a strong leader, even if his ideas and actions are wrong. Hitler was a charismatic leader, it is why he was able to get so much power handed over to him. Saying that doesn't endorse his ideology or methods.
Conservatives don't gush over Putin. They simply like to point out how easily he makes the Hussein look like an amateur. It isn't about making Putin look good, it's about pointing out how terrible our leader is.

Oh Please..........if you think that a real leader is one who puts their country in a recession, then there's no hope for you and the rest of the GOP....oh, I forgot, Bush put our country in the toilet, and you still think he's a great leader....Obama takes the country out of the toilet and you think he is terrible...Gotcha!

"The weirdest thing about this isn't Putin invading Ukraine—you expect a crazy guy to act crazy," he quipped. "The weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the crazy guy and go, 'Yeah, I'll have what they're having!'"

Stewart had more than enough material to work with: Bill O'Reilly, Rudy Giuliani, Eric Bolling, and Sarah Palin all recently sang Putin's praises as a strong leader, despite condemnations from the international community. "You've got hand it to Putin," according to O'Reilly, because he's "what you call a leader," according to Giuliani.
Jon Stewart Skewers Conservatives Massive Crush On Vladimir Putin

Nice deflection. Once again when a liberal's lies are exposed, they resort to screaming "Boooosh".

All of those quotes you are using from Fox doesn't show that they are in love with Putin as you claim. People are able to complement a leader for being a strong leader, even if his ideas and actions are wrong. Hitler was a charismatic leader, it is why he was able to get so much power handed over to him. Saying that doesn't endorse his ideology or methods.

But that is the point.....he is putting his country in the toilet....he's not a good leader, so all those Faux commentators raving about what a good leader he is must be demented.

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