Will 35 House Dems committ political suicide for Obama??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
MARCH 15, 2010.
Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform

Sobering poll news for 35 key House members..ArticleComments (10)more in .By HEATHER R. HIGGINS AND KELLYANNE E. CONWAY

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she plans to bring health-care reform to a vote this week. Democratic leaders cite national polls that show support for individual provisions of the bill as a reason to pass this reform. Yet vulnerable politicians should be warned: Responses to questions about individual benefits, particularly when removed from a cost context, are different from those on the whole bill.

Voters in key congressional districts are clear in their opposition to what they have seen, read and heard on health-care reform. That's one of the findings of a survey that will be released today by the Polling Company on behalf of Independent Women's Voice. The survey consisted of 1,200 registered voters in 35 districts represented by members who could determine the outcome of the health-care debate. Twenty of those members voted for the House bill in November but now may be reconsidering. Fifteen voted against the bill but are under tremendous pressure to change their vote.

The survey shows astonishing intensity and sharp opposition to reform, far more than national polls reflect. For 82% of those surveyed, the heath-care bill is either the top or one of the top three issues for deciding whom to support for Congress next November. (That number goes to 88% among independent women.) Sixty percent want Congress to start from scratch on a bipartisan health-care reform proposal or stop working on it this year. Majorities say the legislation will make them and their loved ones (53%), the economy (54%) and the U.S. health-care system (55%) worse off—quite the trifecta.

Heather Higgins and Kellyanne Conway: Swing Districts Oppose Health Reform - WSJ.com

all I have to say is..................fcukking w00t.:lol::lol::lol::clap2:
Know what the irony is here???

In typical liberal fashion, massive over-reach for the lose. And we can all thank the joke that was the stimulus bill, thus making independents in these 35 counties realize the president is a radical who couldnt give a rats ass about our childrens future!!!
Well. If I were a Dem Congressman or Senator I would tell Pelosi and Reid to go fuck themselves.

No way I would give up my cushy Senate or House seat for those two bozo's. LOL
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Assuming of course that cheap or free health care actully equals access to health care, which it doesn't.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

So it's not true that medicare is going bankrupt?

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

Close. It's for STUPID people. It's a lot like communism in that it looks good on paper. it's not that I don't care, it's that I have real problem with people who obligate me the responsibility of fixing their problems.
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Why do you think other countries are better than us?

Why do you think they can manage systems that distribute better healthcare than we get to all their citizens and pay way less than Americans do?

You really dont have much faith in Amerticans do you?
Why do you think other countries are better than us?

Better than us how? In health care? Are you gonna be stupid enough to use the WHO report like everyone else?

Why do you think they can manage systems that distribute better healthcare than we get to all their citizens and pay way less than Americans do?

This really quite funny. When it comes to fixing the system the only problem you people see is cost to the consumer and figure if you fix that everything will be just hunky dory. Then when a system like France's is in place you conveniently ignore cost and the fact that their system is unsustainable from a cost perspective. It is losing money. If the economic collapse of this past couple years has taught us anything its that you actually need to be able to pay for your pie in the sky ideas.

You really dont have much faith in Amerticans do you?

Actually the reality is that would be you who that has little faith in Americans.
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

For the people my ass.

Its for us taxpayers to support those that ain't got. Period.

Its OL'BO and those Clowns in Congress to spread our hard earned taxdollars. Spread the wealth baby. Jeeze.
They will do whats right for America and vote for the bill.

It is far from political suicide. Not getting it done would amount to suicide
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

Health care is available now, via the E.R. No one -- legal or illegal -- is turned away based on ability to pay. Stop spouting shit.
One of the reasons for this bill is that they falsely claim HC is a "right."

By the end of the decade, I bet my entire life savings that EVERYTHING is a "right" for everyone.

And I hope they commit "suicide," as in what TM and RWer claim it is (voting against it).

It would be good for the country.
Looks like the House Dems will do the right thing and pass healthcare..

Great day to be an American!
Why do you think other countries are better than us?

Why do you think they can manage systems that distribute better healthcare than we get to all their citizens and pay way less than Americans do?

You really dont have much faith in Amerticans do you?

Why do you think your premises are correct?
Looks like the House Dems will do the right thing and pass healthcare..

Great day to be an American!

Actually it looks like they won't. Actually it looks like Obama is going down in flames and will be the mediocre one termer I thought. Actually it looks like the Democrats in Congress have had 3 years to fix things and have only succeeded in making them worse. Actually it looks like the American public holds Congress in lower esteem than snake shit. Actually it looks like the Dems will have their asses handed to them and the GOP will sweep the elections in Nov and take control.
Voting for the health care bill is a vote for the Democratic Party leadership and nothing else. I would be very surprised if only 35 districts hang in the balance. Massachusetts apparently didn't provide a clear enough guide for the Democrats.
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

a sentiment only utterred by the hopelessly duped!!!!!!! There are many Americans who would buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a unit if it were packaged just right by politicians.:lol:
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

a sentiment only utterred by the hopelessly duped!!!!!!! There are many Americans who would buy a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a unit if it were packaged just right by politicians.:lol:
And I guess Obama and Truthmatters don't care about the people who will DIE in the next four years before the benefits of this thing kick in.
I have to laugh on how these people think that barry, nan', and harry have the "peoples" best interest at heart.
This is about taking our country in an entirely different dirrection, and the first step in doing so, is by taking healthcare in a different direction, it will be by baby steps, but it will happen brick by brick. Healthcare is the most important cornerstone to move America to the left. Once that is in place, the rest will follow quite easily. just sayin'...
Its for the American people who will DIE without proper medical care and not for Obama.

Once this passes and is amended you will be as fearful of defunding it as you are medicare.

This is for the people, I know you dont care about them.

"You probably think that insuring the uninsured will dramatically improve the nation's health. The uninsured don't get care or don't get it soon enough. With insurance, they won't be shortchanged; they'll be healthier. Simple.

Think again. I've written before that expanding health insurance would result, at best, in modest health gains. Studies of insurance's effects on health are hard to perform. Some find benefits; others don't. Medicare's introduction in 1966 produced no reduction in mortality; some studies of extensions of Medicaid for children didn't find gains. In the Atlantic recently, economics writer Megan McArdle examined the literature and emerged skeptical. Claims that the uninsured suffer tens of thousands of premature deaths are "open to question." Conceivably, the "lack of health insurance has no more impact on your health than lack of flood insurance," she writes.

How could this be? No one knows, but possible explanations include: (a) many uninsured are fairly healthy—about two-fifths are age 18 to 34; (b) some are too sick to be helped or have problems rooted in personal behaviors—smoking, diet, drinking or drug abuse; and (c) the uninsured already receive 50 to 70 percent of the care of the insured from hospitals, clinics and doctors, estimates the Congressional Budget Office."

Obama's Out Of Control Health Care Costs - Newsweek.com

Reality bites huh Truthmatters?

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