Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits “Seth” Rich Was DNC Leaker


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

If there was ever a conspiracy theory this is one of the most incredible.

Wikileaks confirms Seth Rich as source of DNC Leak and provides proof–

And, then comes this …

This may explain why the DNC did not allow the FBI to look at its servers.

On July 8, 2016, 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The killer or killers took nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.

Did you get that?

Story @ Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits “Seth” Rich Was DNC Leaker

Seth Rich’s Father: ‘He Had Been Asked to Join Hillary Clinton’s Campaign 4 Days Before He Was Murdered @ Flashback – Seth Rich’s Father: ‘He Had Been Asked to Join Hillary Clinton’s Campaign 4 Days Before He Was Murdered’ (VIDEO)
Hope the Father calls for further investigations,
however what dept will be able to truly and honestly follow through without being threatened or partisan?
Longknife, please stop taking those stupid pills, you have already achieved a level of stupid impossible to get beyond.

If you stay off the pills for a week or maybe a year read this, 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance. Hopefully some mind remains, vitamins and omega 3 may help too. Good luck.

"What makes Nicholas Kristof think that Trump supporters can be recruited by the Democratic Party? Can you recruit people who continue to support a president whose legislation if passed would threaten their very existence? Can you recruit people who still believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States? Can you recruit people who cannot be persuaded by rational argument and scientific evidence? Can you recruit people who take the most preposterous lies of the right-wing news media as gospel truth? I am afraid that many if not most Trump supporters will stick with the president until the pain he will inflict upon them can no longer be tolerated." David Arthur, Brooklyn

FALSE: DNC Worker Seth Conrad Rich Gunned Down on the Way to Meet FBI

So... one person got killed? Well, Bush went into Iraq and maybe 1 million got killed.

We know that these two political groups, the Republicans and Democrats, are ruthless mother fuckers, and we know the people don't give a shit and will continue to vote for said ruthless mother fuckers no matter what.
Pedophile Podesta was caught on email discussing "wetwork" that's probably why Hillary destroyed her servers and 33,000 emails
you dopes would believe anything any lib hating scumbag tells you...

YA and hillary didn't reeeeally believe in women's rights, she was secretly selling little girls out of a pizza parlor in her copious free time...

I thought Hillary was allowed to murder her political enemies. When did this country become so judgemental and unforgiving
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you dopes would believe anything any lib hating scumbag tells you...

YA and hillary didn't reeeeally believe in women's rights, she was secretly selling little girls out of a pizza parlor in her copious free time...


She believed in women rights unless you complained when her husband raped you
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So... one person got killed? Well, Bush went into Iraq and maybe 1 million got killed.

We know that these two political groups, the Republicans and Democrats, are ruthless mother fuckers, and we know the people don't give a shit and will continue to vote for said ruthless mother fuckers no matter what.

Actually thousands of our own(under 4,500) If I remember correctly, the same number as would have died on our crime riddled streets.
The war in Iraq was technically never over since Saddam broke the peace agreement, so the narative that Bush went in or started a war is propaganda & not historically correct.
Reasons are also missunderstood by the avg person, so discussing the war with most people is mute, especially when details can't be discussed.
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So... one person got killed? Well, Bush went into Iraq and maybe 1 million got killed.

We know that these two political groups, the Republicans and Democrats, are ruthless mother fuckers, and we know the people don't give a shit and will continue to vote for said ruthless mother fuckers no matter what.

Actually thousands of our own(under 4,500) If I remember correctly, the same number as would have died on our crime riddled streets.
The war in Iraq was technically never over since Saddam broke the peace agreement, so the narative that Bush went in or started a war is propaganda & not historically correct.
Reasons are also missunderstood by the avg person, so discussing the war with most people is mute, especially when details can't be discussed.

Yes, 4,500 killed, 45,000 injured severely, many committed suicide, then there were the Iraqis....

I don't care how you want to spin the whole thing, the fact is Bush's actions in going to war were wrong, and his post war period was even more wrong. And the right has got what it wants out of it, chaos, fear, etc.
Sure, go investigate Hilary, whatever.

No, but do a real investigation of the poor mans murder. Unlike the "sweep it under the rug" that the case would have received with a shrilary admin.

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