Wife,Mother of 2 illegally imprisoned patriots speaks

It must be spam time.
absolutely..............on deaf ears...............the real story is not told........so I will spam the abuses of the BLM on these threads.............change the channel if you do not want to see them or iggy me.................

50 Ranchers..........were there...........only 1 refused to go.............and that is Bundy.........the rest couldn't afford to stay in court with the BLM who had an endless pocket book for the courts........49 Ranchers in Clark County submitted to the BLM's abuse and left......even though they also had a tradition of cattle ranching the area for a century..........

It must be spam time.
absolutely..............on deaf ears...............the real story is not told........so I will spam the abuses of the BLM on these threads.............change the channel if you do not want to see them or iggy me.................

50 Ranchers..........were there...........only 1 refused to go.............and that is Bundy.........the rest couldn't afford to stay in court with the BLM who had an endless pocket book for the courts........49 Ranchers in Clark County submitted to the BLM's abuse and left......even though they also had a tradition of cattle ranching the area for a century..........

Yep, I'm changing the channel, dotty boy.
It must be spam time.
absolutely..............on deaf ears...............the real story is not told........so I will spam the abuses of the BLM on these threads.............change the channel if you do not want to see them or iggy me.................

50 Ranchers..........were there...........only 1 refused to go.............and that is Bundy.........the rest couldn't afford to stay in court with the BLM who had an endless pocket book for the courts........49 Ranchers in Clark County submitted to the BLM's abuse and left......even though they also had a tradition of cattle ranching the area for a century..........

Yep, I'm changing the channel, dotty boy.

Oh look..........another terrorist...........how dare they oppose the BLM.............His ranch and cattle MUST GO.........................
Judge Blasts Federal Conspiracy; Ranch Family Vindicated — Again!

In a June 6 bench statement, Judge Jones charged federal officials of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with violating previous court judgments and engaging in a decades-long conspiracy against Nevada rancher Wayne Hage and his family. Judge Jones described the agencies’ actions against the Hages as “abhorrent,” and also noted that he had asked the local U.S. attorney to attend the hearing for consideration of criminal prosecution of BLM field manager Tom Seley and USFS ranger Steve Williams for contempt of court. However, the judge suggested that it may be necessary for the Department of Justice to appoint an outside prosecutor, since the local U.S. attorney may already be compromised. He instructed the U.S. Attorney’s office: “I will require them to account back to me in six months — within six months, as to any action they’ve taken.”

On August 31, following a weeklong show-cause hearing for contempt charges, Judge Jones issued a blistering bench statement accusing USFS officials of lying to the court, attempting to mislead the court, abusing agency regulatory powers, and engaging in a pattern of threats and intimidation to coerce witnesses. The judge charged that Seley and Williams had used illegal means in an attempt “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.” Judge Jones, in effect, “fired” Seley and Williams. “Mr. Seley can no longer be an administrator in this BLM district. I don’t trust him to be unbiased. Nor can he supervise anybody in this district,” the judge stated in his order from the bench.

First, back to Judge Jones’ June 6 bench ruling. “So I’m finding and concluding as a matter of law,” said the judge, “that the government and the agents of the government in that locale, sometime in the ’70s and ’80s, entered into a conspiracy, a literal, intentional conspiracy, to deprive the Hages of not only their permit grazing rights, for whatever reason, but also to deprive them of their vested property rights under the takings clause, and I find that that’s a sufficient basis to hold that there is irreparable harm if I don’t — and it’s in the public interest, if I don’t restrain the government from continuing in that conduct.”

Seley and Williams attempted to extort money out of third-party ranchers who had leased cattle to Wayne N. Hage. They issued trespass notices for which they demanded payments, and in one instance coerced a $15,000 settlement.

“Especially the collection from innocent others of thousands of dollars for trespass notices is abhorrent to the Court,” the judge stated, “and I express on the record my offense of my own conscience in that conduct. That’s not just simply following the law and pursuing your management right, it evidences an actual intent to destroy their water rights.”

In fact, Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of “racketeering” under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, extortion, mail fraud, and fraud.
Exclusive: Woman whose family inspired Oregon standoff hopes more challenge govt

I hope she's right I hope it inspires more to take back their rights.

What law(s) make the case that they are illegally imprisoned? Be specific.
Double Jeopardy for one. They were ALREADY sentenced AND served those sentences but because some thug in a robe thought the sentences weren't long enough he stuck his nose where it didn't belong.
Double jeopardy doesn't apply here...they were not tried again.
Exclusive: Woman whose family inspired Oregon standoff hopes more challenge govt

I hope she's right I hope it inspires more to take back their rights.

What law(s) make the case that they are illegally imprisoned? Be specific.
Double Jeopardy for one. They were ALREADY sentenced AND served those sentences but because some thug in a robe thought the sentences weren't long enough he stuck his nose where it didn't belong.
Double jeopardy doesn't apply here...they were not tried again.
They were sentenced twice........had already been released..................

There is one problem with one of our current candidates, Trump, and one of the primary reasons I can NOT support him. He is a huge believer of imminent domain. He has made a fortune from taking private property and profiting from it. Just like our "masters" in the federal government.

My Grandfather lost a portion of his farm in Kentucky back in the late 50s so the "state" could build a road through his property. What sits there now? A road, of course, and a truck stop. So, the state paid .20 cents on the dollar (by force) and the state prospered and so did the owners of a truck stop.

It's EMINENT, not imminent, domain!
Judge Blasts Federal Conspiracy; Ranch Family Vindicated — Again!

In a June 6 bench statement, Judge Jones charged federal officials of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with violating previous court judgments and engaging in a decades-long conspiracy against Nevada rancher Wayne Hage and his family. Judge Jones described the agencies’ actions against the Hages as “abhorrent,” and also noted that he had asked the local U.S. attorney to attend the hearing for consideration of criminal prosecution of BLM field manager Tom Seley and USFS ranger Steve Williams for contempt of court. However, the judge suggested that it may be necessary for the Department of Justice to appoint an outside prosecutor, since the local U.S. attorney may already be compromised. He instructed the U.S. Attorney’s office: “I will require them to account back to me in six months — within six months, as to any action they’ve taken.”

On August 31, following a weeklong show-cause hearing for contempt charges, Judge Jones issued a blistering bench statement accusing USFS officials of lying to the court, attempting to mislead the court, abusing agency regulatory powers, and engaging in a pattern of threats and intimidation to coerce witnesses. The judge charged that Seley and Williams had used illegal means in an attempt “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.” Judge Jones, in effect, “fired” Seley and Williams. “Mr. Seley can no longer be an administrator in this BLM district. I don’t trust him to be unbiased. Nor can he supervise anybody in this district,” the judge stated in his order from the bench.

First, back to Judge Jones’ June 6 bench ruling. “So I’m finding and concluding as a matter of law,” said the judge, “that the government and the agents of the government in that locale, sometime in the ’70s and ’80s, entered into a conspiracy, a literal, intentional conspiracy, to deprive the Hages of not only their permit grazing rights, for whatever reason, but also to deprive them of their vested property rights under the takings clause, and I find that that’s a sufficient basis to hold that there is irreparable harm if I don’t — and it’s in the public interest, if I don’t restrain the government from continuing in that conduct.”

Seley and Williams attempted to extort money out of third-party ranchers who had leased cattle to Wayne N. Hage. They issued trespass notices for which they demanded payments, and in one instance coerced a $15,000 settlement.

“Especially the collection from innocent others of thousands of dollars for trespass notices is abhorrent to the Court,” the judge stated, “and I express on the record my offense of my own conscience in that conduct. That’s not just simply following the law and pursuing your management right, it evidences an actual intent to destroy their water rights.”

In fact, Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of “racketeering” under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, extortion, mail fraud, and fraud.
You know Jones's ruling was not only overturned but he chastised for his disregard of the law and abuse of power.

I mean you do understand that, don't you?
Judge Blasts Federal Conspiracy; Ranch Family Vindicated — Again!

In a June 6 bench statement, Judge Jones charged federal officials of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with violating previous court judgments and engaging in a decades-long conspiracy against Nevada rancher Wayne Hage and his family. Judge Jones described the agencies’ actions against the Hages as “abhorrent,” and also noted that he had asked the local U.S. attorney to attend the hearing for consideration of criminal prosecution of BLM field manager Tom Seley and USFS ranger Steve Williams for contempt of court. However, the judge suggested that it may be necessary for the Department of Justice to appoint an outside prosecutor, since the local U.S. attorney may already be compromised. He instructed the U.S. Attorney’s office: “I will require them to account back to me in six months — within six months, as to any action they’ve taken.”

On August 31, following a weeklong show-cause hearing for contempt charges, Judge Jones issued a blistering bench statement accusing USFS officials of lying to the court, attempting to mislead the court, abusing agency regulatory powers, and engaging in a pattern of threats and intimidation to coerce witnesses. The judge charged that Seley and Williams had used illegal means in an attempt “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.” Judge Jones, in effect, “fired” Seley and Williams. “Mr. Seley can no longer be an administrator in this BLM district. I don’t trust him to be unbiased. Nor can he supervise anybody in this district,” the judge stated in his order from the bench.

First, back to Judge Jones’ June 6 bench ruling. “So I’m finding and concluding as a matter of law,” said the judge, “that the government and the agents of the government in that locale, sometime in the ’70s and ’80s, entered into a conspiracy, a literal, intentional conspiracy, to deprive the Hages of not only their permit grazing rights, for whatever reason, but also to deprive them of their vested property rights under the takings clause, and I find that that’s a sufficient basis to hold that there is irreparable harm if I don’t — and it’s in the public interest, if I don’t restrain the government from continuing in that conduct.”

Seley and Williams attempted to extort money out of third-party ranchers who had leased cattle to Wayne N. Hage. They issued trespass notices for which they demanded payments, and in one instance coerced a $15,000 settlement.

“Especially the collection from innocent others of thousands of dollars for trespass notices is abhorrent to the Court,” the judge stated, “and I express on the record my offense of my own conscience in that conduct. That’s not just simply following the law and pursuing your management right, it evidences an actual intent to destroy their water rights.”

In fact, Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of “racketeering” under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, extortion, mail fraud, and fraud.

From Wikipedia:

On January 15, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit criticized Judge Jones in an opinion reversing a decision by him in a case involving a claim for damages by the federal government against ranchers who grazed their cattle on federal property without a permit.[10] The Court of Appeals stated that Judge Jones's rulings in the case were "plainly" and "clearly" contrary to law;[11] that he had "grossly abused the power of contempt";[12] that he had "harbored animus" against federal agencies;[13] that his "bias" was a "matter of public record";[14] and that he had engaged in "improper treatment of government officials" in a previous case.[15] The Court of Appeals stated that it had "expressed concern about Judge Jones' conduct in several other recent cases."[16] In remanding the case to the district court for further proceedings, the panel ordered the assignment of the case to a different judge due to the appearance of bias created by Judge Jones' conduct during the case.[17]
They broke the law. They served their time. They shouldn't be made to serve more.

That doesn't give other people the right to violently trespass on federal property

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